» Fairy Tale » Colorful World, E.S. [books like harry potter txt] 📗

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hear fierce whispering, I stopped in my tracks and hide behind the wall to the kitchen. I heard a girls voice, Athenas I think “it’s not my fault”, she said, “you choose not to”, Rowan whispered back, “it would never work, I can’t do it”, Athena said, “no you chose not too!”, Rowan almost raised his voice, almost “I wasn’t brought up that way!”, Athena now did raise her voice,
“then forget about it!”,
“I can’t it’s my life!”, Athena said, I made a creak in the floor, I swore under my breath,
“I know your there you little twerp get out!”, Athena said, I walked out of my hiding spot “I promise I didn’t hear much”, I stuttered, Athenas eyes narrowed and she was coming toward me like she want to kill me. I seriously thought that she was going to hurt me or worse until Atalanta came in front, “Athena chill, I’ll take her”, Atalanta said, and pulled me away, I heard Athena and Rowan talking again but now I was in a room with Atalanta and Ceto. Ceto was laying on the wrong side of the bed and her whole body under the covers so that you could just see her eyes. “what the hell just happened?”, Ceto whispered, but Atalanta ignored her, “s-she was going to-”, I started, but couldn’t end, Atalanta rolled her eyes “the worst you would’ve gotten was a scar”, she said, “Athena looked angry”, I said, “she wasn’t angry, you’ll hardly ever see her angry, she was just annoyed”, Atalanta said, I could believe what I was hearing, annoyed? She looked like she was going to rip of my head! If that was annoyed I never ever want to see her angry. Atalanta went on “don’t you ever go close to Athena, her things, or any one she cares about, it’ll piss her off. You were lucky I was there because she could’ve hurt you, never go close to Athena unless you see her smile, never ever go close to Athena when she’s around Rowan. Never talk to her with out being spoke to first, never look her straight in the eye, never tell her she’s beautiful, it just makes her mad”, Atalanta went on with the rules, but soon they went to bed. I had to sleep on the floor, because I wasn’t going to take my chance and sleep in Athena’s bed. But I got cold, I looked in a suitcase for a blanket. I opened it up, then looked inside. There was black clothing, I lift it up and found guns under neath, I swore under my breath, there were so many, I put the clothes back and zipped to case up. That night I went to bed cold.

I woke up and walked to the kitchen, Atalanta and Ceto were already up and in the living room. I got some cheerios, and walked to the living room. Atalanta was tickling Rowan who was sleeping on the couch and Ceto was writing on his forehead, they were both giggling. “Where’s Athena?”, I asked, she hadn’t been in the room all night, and she wasn’t here, Atalanta stood up straight and looked at me, “oh, she’s sleeping”, she said, I didn’t even ask about where she was, because I don’t think Atalanta was going to tell anyways. Rowan woke up by us talking, but it was ok because Ceto had already finished writing on his forehead. It said “I just slept with a god”, I thought about this for a second, by the girls giggling I figured out that they meant Athena, which I was scrunching my brows, “what?”, Rowan asked, I laughed alittle “I think you have a little something on you face”, I said, the two girls broke out laughing now. He looked in the closest mirror and his face went red. Atalanta who I noticed was wearing a bathing suit, or bikini, really, was holding a towel, sh slapped Rowans butt with it then said “we’re going to the beach, come on”, she looked a me now “you coming?”, she asked, “no. I think I’ll just go for a walk”, I said, Atalanta thought for a moment then said “ok”.

After every one was gone I walked outside. I went through the forest, and that’s when I heard a loud snap, the ground shook. I walking in a light part of the forest, there was a sparkling river coming up. I let it go, but then another snap and shake came. It was on the other side of the river. I didn’t see a bridge or any thing, I did see a piece of wood, I put two pieces together and laid it over the river. I ran to see where the snaps where coming from, but they stopped.

Soon I saw movement coming through the trees, I went up hiding behind a tree. I found three trees laying on the ground, some cut in the middle or bottom. Then I found what was the cause. Athena. She was in a short shirt and a pair of short shorts, she was punching the air, and kicking it, and sweeping it with her legs, this might’ve sounded crazy, yet she did it so that it looked like a pattern, a pattern that no one would be able to find out, but a pattern. She didn’t pay attention to me until she was finished. She looked me in the eye “what do you want?”, she asked, “no-nothing, I just came out for a walk and heard snaps and cracks”, I said, “‘fine”, she said, then walked over, “go home”. She said, and I turned around and walked away.

The day every one was gone, so at night, when Nora called to ask if I wanted to hang out I jumped at it. We actually went to a club, now this I didn’t expect. We were standing in line “do we really have to do this?”, I asked, “oh, stop whining, of course we have to, just trust me. And don’t talk”, she said. I sighed and went along with it. When we got up to the bouncer all Nora said was “can you please let us in”, in a flirt-y voice and we got let in. When we walked in the crowd was jumping all around us, bright lights flashed in my eyes, and young wild people crashed into me. I had to down three drinks before I started dancing, to early Nora, my dance partner, said she had to go. We came out of the club together, but she left before me. I wanted to walk home. I started down a dark street, that’s when a teenager came out from an ally. He started talking to me, I always answered in a no, he seemed drunk, too drunk, “no”, I said, that’s the pattern of my voice, but getting squeakier and squeakier each “no”. The man slapped me, I stumbled, fighting to stay off the ground, “no”, I said, he was coming again, but at lightening speed a figure blocked his way, she punched him so hard he feel to the ground, and that’s when the nameless figure looked at me.

Her red hair flowed in the wind, her emotionless lips almost frowned, her beautiful mixed smooth skin almost glowed, she towered over me, her purple eyes stared into my soul. “Athena”, I whispered, she took my arm and pulled me into a black car so cool it looked like it came out of the movies, instead of the doors going side ways they went up. I landed in the passenger seat, on smooth leather, the radio buttons glowed purple and the bottom of the seats. It looked like a Athena-mobile, I’m pretty sure if you clicked the right button it would shoot lasers, or bullets, some thing cool like that. Athena was not in the car yet, but in a second she appeared in the drivers seat. “You stupid little human”, she said, “always wants to get in trouble”, she sighed then started driving, “what did you think you were doing out there?”, she asked, but didn’t give me time to answer “your gonna get killed if you mess with things like those”, she finished, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I was just walking home”, I said, Athena threw both of her hands up “well who is stupid enough to do that! what the hell!”, she said. the rest of the car ride was silent, until we got home. “Thank you”, I stuttered, all Athena did was sigh and walk into the house. I wondered what she was doing out there so late. Why did she save me? I thought she hated me. She was the same person who was kicking down trees. The one with the suitcase full of guns, and she just saved me. I got out of the car, shut the amazingly cool door and went to the stair case. I didn’t even know Athena had that car, I only ever saw the guys jeep, and the car Atalanta picked me up in. I looked back at the most amazing car I ever saw and found a old red diesel truck. I shook my head, looked back and it was still the truck, the truck that had been a movie star car a couple minutes ago. I came to the conclusion that I was to tired for this, and went inside.

The wolves were on the couch and Athena was no where in sight, either was Atalanta. Ceto was sitting on the couch next to Kooda, they rest were either staring at the T.V. or fighting with each other.


The next morning we were gathering around the living room table sitting on the floor eating breakfast. Athena was on the couch eating steak, not wanting to eat actual breakfast without Atalanta who was upstairs. I heard a scream, coming from upstairs, “Athena!”, was the scream that belonged to Atalanta, followed by a suitcase come crashing down the stairs, not just a suit case, but the suit case, with the black clothing and collection of guns. Atalanta just threw a probably a hundred pound suit case down the stairs with out a problem. In this house, nothing is a surprise. Atalanta

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