» Fairy Tale » Colorful World, E.S. [books like harry potter txt] 📗

Book online «Colorful World, E.S. [books like harry potter txt] 📗». Author E.S.

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door slammed open, the boys looked with hopeful eyes, I had expected it to be Athena, since when the door opened it did so with such force that the hinges almost came off. The air filled with fear, I felt it, but I didn’t know if it was from the person coming in the door, or us. The lady that came in was not the two people I was expecting. No, this lady had long straight blond hair, light skin, and piercing purple eyes. every one bowed . “where are they?”, the blond lady said with no emotion, just like Athena. “As I told you, they were taken”, Ceto said, standing straight now. “By who?”, the lady asked, “one of the boys drew a picture”, Ceto answered then handed the Lady the picture. The emotionless lady was wearing black leather tight pants, a leather jacket and high heeled boots (also black), she looked like she stole the outfit from Athena’s suitcase. “A Leader”, the Lady said, “but I thought we killed them?”, Kole said, the lad Growled, a growl just like the one Athena gave me when she first came, “didn’t Athena tell you anything! She was only here because she was supposed to protect you young silly wolves”, the Lady spat. I was now sure that the fear in the air was the boys, defiantly not this ladies. “No, no, Athena told them, us”, Ceto said giving Kole a look, “so it’s true, the leaders came, their real, but why would they take the twins now? I mean, they got their extra pack member, so if the leaders wanted to kill them, why didn’t they do that years ago?”, Ceto asked, the ladies face turned cold “I believe he wanted revenge”, the lady said then explained
“we were out hunting, and I came across one the Leaders daughters, so I did what any one would do, I killed her”, I don’t think I’d do that,
“then one day, the Leaders must’ve found out, because I got a note from them explaining they wanted revenge, they’d take a loved one for a loved one, I don’t know how they found the girls, they were trained to stay out of sight, they could go out, any where they wanted as long as they weren’t seen”, the Lady finished, “Legend, I don’t think Atalanta followed that rule”, Ceto muttered, was this the Legend that Athena had talked about, that every one feared, it must be. “I knew she wouldn’t, she was never trying, never loyal, a trouble maker, a rule breaker”, Legend said, she didn’t say it like it was a bad thing though. Legend hadn’t looked at me, not even growled, I knew she knew I was there, but I was so much below her, she didn’t even care. Every one stood there for a minute, until Legend said “chop, chop! Let’s get going, we have Twins to save!”, every one started moving even though we had no Idea what we were doing.


I walked into my house, thinking home sweet home, every thing that was going on, I couldn’t Imagine any thing better then a nice cup of hot chocolate and quiet. I looked up from closing the door and found my sister on the ceiling hanging upside down, I screamed and Diana smiled. “Hello sister, nice of you to join the family today”, Diana said, she had her feet hooked in some bars screwed onto the ceiling. “Get down from there! You scared me to death!”, I said, Diana got down in one swift movement. “Why did you do that?”, I asked walking into the kitchen, “I wanted to see how long I could hang there until I fainted, but your interference made me end the trail”, my sister explained, “don’t do that again,”, I said, and tapped the kettle on. “Is something bothering you?”, she asked, “not really, why?” I lied, “you are lying. But if your not gonna tell me I won’t ask”, Diana said, the kettle picked and I started to make the hot chocolate, Diana took her cup, said “thank you”, and walked up stairs, she’s not gonna drink the hot chocolate, she never does, she takes it up to her room or where ever, and leaves it there. We haven’t found out why yet.


“Are you kidding me? Really that’s your best plan?”, I threw my arms up in the air, Atalanta gave me a look “well you don’t got a better one, do you?”, she shot back. I looked around, I was in a arena, bars worked as the fence, only one door, and that was made from something, some kind of material I couldn’t figure out, it was to strong to break, we were standing on a mixture of sand and dirt, there was a wall it could slide open (I guess there was two doors) like in ancient Rome where the predator would come out, behind the bars there was a balcony, on there sat a throne, the Leader used to come daily, but now seemed to have no time to see the prisoners. “No, but, I’m sure I could think up a better one then that, just give me time!”, I said, Atalanta laid down on the sand, she made a bump of sand to use for a bed a couple days after we got here, out of boredom, “you’ve had lot’s of time! we’ve had lot’s of time, I’m tired of this, we are queens not servants!”, she yelled. jumping up “did you here that? We are not your toys! You do not own us!”, she screamed and yanked on the bars, “enough!”, I yelled at her, “no we are not servants, nor queens, we are Wolfs, we are the greek pack, we are more powerful than any of the Leaders, we are more powerful than any thing”, I whispered. I drew in the sand, making patterns and pictures.

Night was coming, I could feel it, Atalanta laid sat down, her hands were still wrapped around the bars. The servant came, a girl, who looked may be as old as me, but I could not see her face, it was covered by a mask, her eyes were also covered, brown contacts, I know there contacts because they cover her whole eye, not one white spot left, she gave us dinner. I noticed it tasted better when she gave it to us then the other servants, I couldn’t place what it was though. After she gave us the dinner she stayed and stared, at me then Atalanta, then me again. She never said a word. I went over to get my dinner, and sat against the bars, the servant stayed and played with my hair.

I heard a voice from the balcony, “you girls having fun down there?”, the Leader asked, the servants touch disappeared. Atalanta turned, then growled, a low hateful growl. The white hair on her neck stood up, but not from fear. “What do you want?”, I spat. “What, no hello, how are you?”, he asked with a smirk, Atalantas growl turned into a roll of thunder, getting louder with every word, “shut up!”, she yelled, I hadn’t noticed her turned back to her human form, “I would like to make a offer”, the Leader said, “the answers no!”, Atalanta called, the Leader pretended to look hurt, “you haven’t even heard what I was offering yet”, he said. “it doesn’t matter, whatever has to do with you, the answer is no”, I said, Atalanta walked over to the balcony, although she couldn’t be as high as him, it didn’t mean she couldn’t be closer, as she walked over her hands made a taping sounds against the cold bars, she growled every step, and shot the Leader the evil eye when she could fit it in. “That’s to bad, you could have saved the world with us, you could have been a queen, you could have been as powerful as us”, the Leader went on, “I know if you came down here, I would rip your head off in a matter of seconds”, Atalanta growled. “Very well then, just stay in your litter box and wait for death”, the Leader said.

The next days food didn’t arrive.


Legend had left, she found where the girls were, now only had to get there, she said it’d take longer then one may think, she said since she was not clearly invited, she’d have to deal with many deaths before she got to the twins. She was okay with that. Rowan stayed in the forest, he would go, get food, bring it back, then go again, he tried to go with Legend, but she declined. Kole was a little better, he had also asked to go, but again Legend said no, he had helped track down the twins, Rowan had helped to, but he helped with some things a bit more deadly. We were all sitting around the living, Rowan had now joined us for a teeny bit. “What Legend didn’t find them....or worse”, Kole said, Rowan slapped the table “I should have gone with her”, he said, I didn’t know who he meant, Legend or Athena, he said he should have done many things. “Shoulda, woulda, coulda”, Kooda said, Ceto had rolled her eyes at Rowan, obviously she was now the head of the pack, “Rowan, shut up, we all know you wish you could have saved her, but that was all it is a wish, even if you tried you’d probably end

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