» Fairy Tale » Colorful World, E.S. [books like harry potter txt] 📗

Book online «Colorful World, E.S. [books like harry potter txt] 📗». Author E.S.

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Atalanta broke it”, he said, “but Ceto has a lap top, but is only allowed to use it for research”, he added, thank god. “Do you think I could use it? I need to do some research”, I begged, Rowan, he took a moment, deciding, then said “it’s in her room under her bed”, I hugged him “thank you Rowan! You’re the best”, I squealed then ran upstairs. I remembered Ceto’s bed from the night where Atalanta saved me from “annoyed” Athena. I searched under her bed and found the Lap top. I went into on of the boys rooms to watch out for the Purple eyes to come back. Then began to search.
Werewolf facts.

One thing caught my eye, they don’t age when vampires are around. Atalanta told me that she didn’t age, did that mean? No it couldn’t, vampires weren’t real, says the girl who’s dating a were wolf. I pushed the thought out of my mind, for now, and kept on with my research.

It was eight when Athena and Atalanta came home. They were joined to the hip, and both were carrying a box. The boys rushed around them, “should we ask what it is?”, Josh asked, Atalanta smiled, but Athena just made a funny face, they opened their boxes at the exact same time. The room went wild, the sad part was, the thing inside the box was only cupcakes.

Later on the night, we were gathered around the kitchen table, I had to ask “you guys, I know how you don’t age and was just wondering if it’s true is there vampires?”, the the twins heads perked up and Athena joked “yeah, I’m hiding one upstairs in the closet, you know can’t get this skin wrinkled”, Atalanta snorted, I couldn’t believe that Athena had just joked, just said something that wasn’t serious. “No, I mean....”, I didn’t know how to finish the sentence, but Atalanta knew the answer “yes, Vampires are real, their every where, what do you think Athena does with her spare times?”, Atalanta giggled and Athena laughed a tiny bit. It was good Athena only laughed a bit, because if she full on laughed I’d probably faint. I kept on asking questions, but Atalanta got distracted and Athena would only give me one word answers.

That night, before every one went to bed, I headed toward the bathroom, the door was open and Athena and Atalanta were inside, Atalanta was making funny faces and Athena was blowing stray hairs out of her face, they were both wearing little tank tops and girl boxers, I could see their lockets perfectly as they shined in the light. I now understood why they were called twins. I tried hard to not laugh at this picture, Athena the warrior, and it looks like she’s even more powerful than a warrior, fights to get her hair in proper place, as her twin, makes weird faces for amusement. Atalanta smiled, like she just heard the funniest thing, and the corner of Athena’s lip went up, like she was super proud for whatever reason. I walked into the bathroom, the girls stopped what they were doing and walked out, both nodded before leaving the room to be polite.

I ripped her head off with my bare hands, red splattered on me, and I walked away. Going home I saw the red was painted on my hands, and it felt like it would be there forever.

The next day, Jaka showed up with a note. “Hello Legend, A man came this morning and gave me this”, she explained, I raised a eyebrow, then Jaka went on “I told him, I didn’t know who you were when he asked me to give it to you, but he didn’t believe it, he left with out taking the note back”. “hand it over dear friend”, I said, she did, I was about to open it, “you may leave now”, I demised Jaka and took the top of the envelop.

old friend.

You killed my pride, my joy, my love, I will do the same, revenge.

I laughed at this note, no one can hurt me, I have not love, there’s no meaning for it in my mind.

ATHENA. unexpected.

Atalanta was asleep beside me, some how she had gotten from her bed to mine. I picked up the pillow I still had under my head and slapped her in the face with it, she woke up startled and made a weird noise, “that’s what you get for stealing my pillow fool!”, I said, then Atalanta pointed to the pillow in my hand, and I made a point by ripping my other pillow from under her head. She made a “blah” sound and rolled of the bed and crawled to her dresser. I got up and got changed. Inside the note and locket bothered me, a lot, but I was not about to show it on the outside. To risky, I didn’t want Ceto upset, I still felt like she was the little twelve year old girl inside, and I tried not to break her.

Sooner or later, I was dressed in my African clothing that I came to this house in. I walked into the kitchen, the boys were already up, and had gone out. Ceto was no where in sight still. Atalanta came down the join me. Every one went out hunting, because Sarah was now gone. I was with Atalanta and we traveled away from the pack, we saw a deer and ran after it, we were pretty much circling the boys, yet no one noticed, it was race between Atalanta and I, I ran up a fallen tree and got to the deer before Atalanta, who was ahead of me, could get it. Although I did share with the pillow stealer. We turned back and were playing with the deer carcass daring each other to touch it, but no one would (even though we had just ate it) when we heard a voice behind us. “Hello girls”, it said, we spun around and I gasped, it was one of the Leaders, not the teen version of them, but the actual Leaders.
Who’s that? Atalanta sent.
The actual leader, I told her
the head honcho?
Crap. Atalanta had took the words right from my mouth. “Hey, what’s up”, Atalanta asked smoothly, the Leader smiled a bit, amused, “I wanted to ask you ladies if you could come with me”, the Leader said, Atalanta snorted than said “go ahead then”, the Leader had a confused look on his face, he hadn’t dealt with any one like Atalanta before, then the Leaders eyes narrowed “ok, let me try this again, come with me, or I’ll kill all your little friends”, he pointed to Rowan, who was talking to Jed, laughing. no one could ever hurt Rowan, not as long as I lived, but I knew the Leader would hurt Rowan, and if we got through him, the others would be sent, and in the end more then just Atalanta and I would get hurt. I knew Atalanta knew what I was thinking, like always. “Fine, we’ll come with you. But first”, Atalanta began, “could you wash your hands, like I don’t need to be dragged away from some freak with mud on his hands, oh while your at it, get me some lunch, I like subway, you know yum”. The leader growled and took us both. I watched as Rowan washed away in the distance, “I love....”, I began to scream, but the last word was cut off, to late because Rowan could see us, his eyes grew wide and his began to run, but we were to far ahead, he would never catch up.


“I should have been with her! I could have saved her!”, Rowan yelled slamming his fist on the table, I stood in the back corner, the other boys were around the table. Bruce rolled his eyes “cut the crap Rowan, you know if you were there you would have died, and Athena can handle herself”, Bruce stated, Rowan calmed down “I know, but why would she just let that guy take her?”, Rowan whispered, “why the hell are you so worried about Athena! It’s not like she’s the only one who’s gone! Atalanta is with her”, Kole said. Ceto barged through the door “why is there so much yelling? Did Joel get drunk again?”, she said not knowing what was going on. Bruce started talking, cutting to the chase “some guy took Athena and Atalanta”, he said, Ceto rolled her eyes now “are you sure? it’s not like those too are two little girls”. Rowan explained every thing that he saw, Ceto nodded and only said this when he finished “I knew I felt something weird happen”. “What should we do?”, Kole asked, Ceto didn’t get red eyed or start to scream like the others, all she did was take a deep breath and say “we find them”.

Ceto had left to make a call to who knows what, and the boys drew a picture of what Rowan described the man’s face to be like as Ceto asked, Kooda, who was a very talented drawer took over (thank god). When Ceto got back she took the picture and frowned “I have no idea who that is”, she simply stated. I had gone here after school, but now I feel like a intruder.

One minute later the

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