» Family & Relationships » The Monterey Adventure, Nivek Renezalg [the reading list book .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Monterey Adventure, Nivek Renezalg [the reading list book .TXT] 📗». Author Nivek Renezalg

"Avast! Make topsail and heave the mast!" yelled a young boy in an inflatable boat. "Kevin, your not a pirate. Your a 14 year old who's acting like an idiot!" Kevin turned to face his nephew. Kevin was a short, skinny boy who didn't play many sports. "Shut up Kyle! your in a boat too!" Kyle was about the same height as Kevin, and he looked alot like Kevin too! The thing that was way different than Kevin was Kyles attitude."Lets just get back to Mom and Dad." They heard a shout from behind them. "Wait up for me you guys!" It was their friend Christian, who they called Chris. Christian was like a sore thumb, he stuck out from the group of boys. He was a few inches taller, and was a little bit stronger. "Hurry up Chris!" Kyle yelled back. Kevin didn't pay attention to either of them. He was too busy thinking. He had come on this trip to try and find some recognition that pirates had really landed here. But so far, he had nothing. Christian had finally caught up to them by the time they realized they were lost. "Kevin, where are we?" asked Kyle. "I honestly don't know. I think we're lost." admitted Kevin quietly. "Oh great! good job Kev! The one time we let you lead, and you get us lost!" yelled Christian. "SHUT UP CHRISTIAN! THIS IS BECAUSE WE HAD TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE AS SLOW AS A TURTLE!" screamed Kevin. Kyle had started to row away from the group. He thought that he could find the way back. He had given up when a shimmering object caught his eye. He jumped out of his boat and swam to shore. As soon as he got on shore, he ran to where he saw the object. He bent down to identify the object. He started to dust away the sand with his hand. When Kyle moved his hand, he saw a gold coin nestled in the sand. He picked it up and let it shimmer in the sun. He turned and yelled at Kevin. "Hey! Kevin! Come here, you gotta check this out!" Christian stared to row ashore while Kevin got Kyles boat. When Kevin got the boat back to shore, he was mad at Kyle. "Why did you leave your boat out in the water? It could of been swept out out to sea!" When Christian and Kyle paid no attention to him, this made him even more mad. He ran over to Kyle and grabbed him by the arm. "Hey! Listen to me!" Kyle just punched him in the arm. "Ow! what was that for!" said Kevin in shock. Kyle showed hm=im the coin. His uncles mouth fell open. "That's a Spanish Piece-of-eight! Where did you find it?" said Kevin as he grabbed the priceless coin. Kyle pointed over to the spot where he had found the coin not too long ago. "Wait here!" said Kevin as he ran to the boats. He bent over and picked up three shovels. "Take this and start digging!" Christian and Kyle just stood there as Kevin started to frantically dig. Kevin looked up and said "Well? start digging!". Christian threw the shovel down and said "Well what if nothing is down there? What if you dig and dig, and nothing is there?". Kevin just looked at him and said "And what if there is?". Christian and Kyle looked at one another and sighed. They started to dig. They must of been out there longer than they expected, cause by sundown they were standing in a 5-foot hole. Kyle thrust his shovel down in exhaustion. The sound of metal and wood colliding rang through the air. Kevin and Christian looked up. They moved over to where Kyle was and started to scoop away the sand. "I knew it! We found gold!" yelled Kevin happily. They dug until they found the handles to a chest. Kevin and Kyle tried to lift the chest out, but it was too heavy. "Here, let me try" volunteered Christian, taking Kevins' place. As the chest pulled out of the sand, Kevin was chewing off his fingers. The chest was in pretty good condition, except for the lock. "Now don't touch anything! We don't want to damage this chest!". Kyle couldn't resist. He touched the lock. The lock broke in half and fell to the ground. "Thank you for not listening to me." said Kevin. As Christian lifted the chest, he screamed "OH MY GOSH, WE'RE RICH!" The three boys stared into the chest. It was full of Gold coins and jewels. As the boys started to yell and high five in happiness, Kevin thought "This was the best trip ever!" The boys carried their treasure up the bank of the beach, right up to where their camp was.


Text: This book is owned by Golden Seas Writing company. Golden Seas Writing Company is owned by Nivek Renezalg
Publication Date: 01-28-2010

All Rights Reserved

I want to dedicate this book to my Nephew, Kyle.

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