» Family & Relationships » Royal Rocker, Chalen D. [funny books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Royal Rocker, Chalen D. [funny books to read txt] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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Note to reader^-^:
I honestly have no idea who you are, But most likely when you where younger your parents Read you Fairy tales with pretty a blond Princess. Thoes fairy tales are a bunch of lies. This fairy tale i'm going to tell is legit shit.


I pushed open my best friends bedroom door and jumped into her room.

"As long as you love me!" I sang throwing my arms in the air.

She stopped closing her window and spun to face me, "You can stand under my umbrella ella-ella aye aye!"

We hugged.

"Alright, so the last day is important like always."

"What prank are we going to pull this year?" I asked."

Oh hey, why don't we go to school at midnight, so we can lock all the doors with chains and locks, maybe they'll send everyone home."

"Starting the summer early I like it." I said High fiving Her.

We got a big bowl of ice cream and watched a movie. Where I live it gets about 120 degrees, I shit you not. Every year we spend the night at her house for the last day of school, cause her Parents go on a two day trip. At Midnight we dressed in black and drove to the school. After locking the doors and super gluing the windows we drove to a drive-thru and got shakes and fries. We got ready and went to school. I wore my favorite band T-shirt and my black convers. Everyone was fanning themselves and standing outside.

"I assure you this will be taken care of."

"Screw this shit, I’m sitting in my car, where it's cool."

Everyone went to their cars. The people that had car's where cool enough to let those who didn't sit in their cars. An hour passed. This shit is lame. I stood up and pushed myself through the top of Jace's car.

"Can we go home?" I yelled.

Everyone popped through their roofs or windows yelling yeah, or we're fucking starving.

"Alright, just go home!" The Teacher waved.

Jace and I high fived and we drove to her house. We laughed about all the teachers looking lost, as we made Cookies. After the cookies where gone we listened to music and Jace dropped me off.

"Dude, what the fuck is going on?" Jace asked, turning down the raido, and slowing the car.

"I don't know." I said, taking off my seat belt.

A black Limo was parked at the curb. Jace pulled into her normal parking place. Three men in suits where talking to my mom. when they saw me they bowed.


"Princess!" Jace scoffed.

"Please step away from our Princess."


One of the men picked up Jace and removed her from my side. The other man pulled out a box, and then put the crown on my head.

"Mom?" I pushed the crown back up as it fell.

"Your father, is a Kind of a king."

"Kind of?" Jace and I yelled.

Two of the men stood by my side, arms behind them and the other stood blocking Jace.

"They're here to take you to his country, For training."

"Training for what?" I asked, pushing the crown up again.

"To be Queen."

"Queen? I can't even pass math!"

"You will be helped." One of the men said.

"I'm not going."

"You don't have a choice; you must serve your people." The man blocking Jace said.

"My people is Jace. Mom you just can't let them take me, I'm not going."

"You have to, I have no say."

The two men picked me up by my elbows and took me to the door.

"Aye, put me down! Jace do something!"

"I'm trying!" She yelled kicking her feet as the other guy held her in the air.

"You can't do this, in this country, it's called kidnapping!" I yelled, as they took me to their car. "Help Rape!" I screamed.

The other man came to us, holding a shot. Naturally I flipped.

"Get that away from me!"

One guy grabbed the top of me and the other grabbed my legs. The Guy with the shot Grabbed my wrist and stuck the needle into me. The last thing I remembered was my head falling forward and the crown Falling to the side walk.


When I came around I was in the limo between the two guys. Rain poured, and I mean like, big ass fat drops. The stone road was bumpy as fuck and tall trees where everywhere you looked. This is some twilight shit.

"Princess, I deeply am sorry about having to make you sleep."

I stared at the third guy who sat in front of me. He pulled a Coke from the mini fridge and gave it to me. As I drank it the stupid crown fell off and the guy to my right placed it back on my head. We pulled up to a dark castle.

"Great my Dad's a bad guy."

"King Monroe is no bad guy. He lives in a dark castle to prove that bad can be turned to good."

"That is the most stupidest thing I have ever fucking heard in my entire fucking life." I said, as the limo stopped.

"I agree Princess." He said.

The two guys helped me out and right away, I began to drown. Not for real or anything. People came out of nowhere and shoved Microphones into my face.

"Princess Monroe what are you planning on doing to make our Kingdom a better place?"

This time I was glad when they picked me up and took me up the stone stairs. I followed them down a dark hall. Torches dimly lit the hallway.

"Okay I get the whole bad to good thing but this is just too much."

I grabbed onto my crown as I tripped. Right away the two guys reached out and yanked me to my feet.

"Again I agree with you, Princess. Once The Princess is done changing bring her to the throne room."

I watched the guy leave. I would say I was sad to see him go, but I couldn't. They let me enter my new room by myself. If I wasn't frozen I would leap for joy at the sight of my clothes on my bed. I changed into jeans and a T-shirt. I left my hair down dripping. The two men walked me to the throne room.

There was a tall thrown and a smaller one on an upper level type deal. You had to climb marble stairs to get to it. There was a red carpet that led from the door way, up the four stairs and under the big thrown chair, thing. Whatever you get it. Three men where carefully caring a chair up the steps. It was three inches taller than the small one. They set it down on the left of the big chair.

There was a loud bang and two doors opened and in walked my father. Damn, why'd mom let him get away? His crown fit his head perfectly. Everyone hit the ground on one knee except the two guys next to me. He smiled and took my hand.

"I am so happy to have you here."

I took my hand away, "Hey, let's....Let's tell the truth from here on shall we?"

"I am, I never lie."

"Never?" I asked, feeling my jaw drop.

"Of course not, what kind of King would I be if I did? You may rise, and carry on."

People raised around us. His voice was filled with power. A woman in a long puffed out red dress came in. her crown was way smaller than mine lucky bitch, this things heavy.

"Who let her in here wearing that?" She shrieked. "You know, when Royalty enters the throne room, you are to be in a dress."

"She's new dear, she has much to learn." My dad said.

"I don't like you."

Everyone stopped and gasped.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"Queen or no Queen you’re a fucking ass hole."

She took in a breath, but a boy and girl came in. The girl had brown spring curls. She wore a pink puffed out dress and a crown that was really small. The boy wore a crown, also.

"Mommy he's pulling on my curls." The girl said.

"What have I told you? Stop pulling on your twins Curls." She said.

"Are you Daddy's other daughter? Mommy you lied, she's pretty." The girl said.

The twins looked no older than three years old.

"You lied?” I gasped “What kind of Queen are you?" I asked, with a smirk.

"Why aren't you wearing a dress?" The boy asked.

"I didn't know I had to wear one."

"You do." He said, nodding knowingly making his straight brown hair fall into his eyes.

"I'll wear one next time."

"Why don't we all go to dinner? It's been a long day, MaKenna must be hungry."

MaKenna must want to runaway screaming, fuck this shit, and jump on the first plane to America. I followed them into a Large dinning room. A woman picked up the girl, and put her in a chair as a guy picked up the boy.

"Lamb." A guy said, setting down a plate.

"Uh, yeah I'm not eating this." I said looking down the table to my dad, as I pointed at the plate.

The Queen rolled her eyes.

"Don't be jello cause my crowns bigger."

"Jello?" She asked.

"The point is I’m not eating it, so, take it away, or whatever it is you do."

"As you wish Princess." The man bowed and took my plate away.

He gave me a plate with roast, mashed, potatos, carrots, and a roll.

"Thank you."

That's what I'm talking about. He bowed and left.

"If MaKenna doesn't eat lamb, then I shouldn't have to."

"Yeah and if Rose doesn't have to eat it, then I shouldn't have to eat it."

"Rose, Bently, eat your lamb." My dad said.

They pouted and began to eat. I took a shower and climbed into bed. The next morning I put on a dress. It covered my feet, so I didn't put on shoes. I wasn't a real big fan of the high heeled death traps. i left my hair down and put on my crown. I walked down the hall and paused at Rose's door.

"Princess Rose-"


"What's going on?" I asked.

"Princess MaKenna." The woman said bowing.

"What's going on?"

"She wont put her dress on."

"Put your dress on."


"Why not?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Cause I don't want to."

"You think I wanted to move here?"

She shook her head.

"Put the dress on."

She stomped her foot and stepped into the dress. I left the room, and walked down the hall into a dimly lit library. A boy my age was sitting by a fire.

"Hey." I said.

He stood knocking his sketch book to the floor.

"Princess." He said bowing.

His voice was deep and I stopped myself from checking to see if I was drooling.

"You can sit I didn't mean to scare you."

"It is forbiden for me to talk to Princess Rose Prince Bently, and you Princess."

"So your not going to sit with me?"

"I'm sorry."


"YoLo? I don't follow."

"You only live once."

"Yes, and I would like to continue to live." He bowed and left.

When he was gone, I did check for drool. Nope, I'm good. I walked down the hall and found myself in the Throne room. I paused. The Queen and my dad where sitting in their chairs, People where linded up in front of them.

"MaKenna, enter." Dad said.

I came in.

"State your request." He said, to the woman on her knees infront

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