» Family & Relationships » Book 0.5, S. P. Macomber [best classic books TXT] 📗

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could take care of themselves, but Max... No one fucks with Max.

"You cunt!" Axel seethes beside me, about to confront her.

Placing my hand on his and Max's shoulder, I move them safely behind me. "Let her go," I order Heath.

"Yes, follow your master and let me go," Audrey growls out.

Disgusted with her, Heath pushes her away.

She stumbles, catching herself before she could fall, sending him a loathing stare. Motioning my head to Heath I ask him to move away. He goes behind me to stand with our brothers.

My body radiated hatred for her. I was about to tear into this girl and ruin her.

I didn't want to.

It would set a horrible example for my brother's but it needed to be done so that everyone present would know what would happen should anyone disrespect my brothers again.

"Who the fuck do you think your, talking to like that?" I growl out, keeping my face empty of any emotion. Audrey backs up into her friend when I stalk to her.

"We aren't like those little wimpy boys that attend Ridgewood. No, we're a whole new breed and you are about to learn that here and now."

Shaking in fear, she bites her lip, knowing she has gone too far. Raising my pointer finger, I set the record straight. "First off, I always keep my word. I didn't mess up the pool, so don't get pissy with me."

I raise my middle finger. "Second, I locked your bedroom door the moment I left to make sure you would be safe. So, either someone has a key to your room or your lock was picked." She looks taken aback by my statement. Avoiding my gaze feeling bad for her temper tantrum.

Looking toward her peers, I stare them down. "And third, since you think we're so damn dirty, I want everyone here to know me and Audrey fucked. I made her come three times but she was ready to tap out at two. I could barely come. I would say sex with her was less than satisfactory, just in case someone else wants a turn."

Gasp flows through the crowd. Audrey looks at me in betrayal, as if I owed her something just because we had sex. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Believe it. It just happened."

Wiping tears from her eyes, she straightened her trembling body. "Get. Out." When no one moves she screams at the top of her lungs. "EVERYONE GET OUT!"

Stomping feet follow her demand. Everyone files out of the mansion.

I stare at her shaken form, not feeling an ounce of guilt. Waving my hand to the door, I signal my group to move out. Last in line, I move to brush past her, but her hand grips my arm, keeping me in place. She digs her nails into my arm, drawing blood.

I don't flinch.

Turning to her, I was met with daggers. "I swear I'll make you pay."

Smirking I slap her hand away. "I'll be waiting."


Morning After



The next morning, I woke up extra early to get a morning run-in before my brothers got up. Throwing my bed covering aside, I stand, stretching out my sore muscles. I don't bother checking my phone, not wanting to deal with all the messages I knew would be waiting. My brothers were here at home, which meant anyone else's message didn't matter at the moment.

Walking to my small dresser, my feet get cold as I make my way across the wooden floor with no carpet present. I was used to it, though. Ignoring the feeling, I open the top drawer, pulling out a pair of shorts and socks. I don't bother changing the shirt I had thrown on last night to sleep with.

After I finished getting dressed, I head to the bathroom that was shared with all three of my brothers, washing my face and brushing my teeth.

Standing in front of the mirror, I stare at my reflection for a moment, preparing myself for the day before heading down the stairs to the kitchen.

I'm met with the view of Max sitting at our foldable dining table, eating a bowl of cereal.

"What are you doing up at four in the morning?" I asked surprised.

He turns my way, spoon halfway to his mouth. Grinning sheepishly, he places the spoon back in the bowl, wiping his milk mouth. "I was hoping to join you from now on."

"Join me?" I walk to him, picking up his half-eaten bowl, and take a spoonful, shoveling it into my mouth.

He sends me an amused glance, used to us all eating his food. "Yeah," he mumbles. "Join your morning routine."

"Why? You've never been interested before."

Face turning a slight pink in embarrassment, he rubs the back of his neck, avoiding my gaze. "Just want to get in shape."

"Hey!" I bark out. Max quickly looks up, startled. "You gotta stop doing that man," I murmur. "Don't look away from people. It makes you look weak."

Max tries to hold my gaze but it doesn't last long; he quickly averts his eyes, mouth flattening in disappointment at himself.

Sighing, I took a seat across from him, setting the bowl back down on the table. Something was going on with Max and he didn't want me to know about it if he was lying to my face.

"Why do you want to work out with me? And don't bother trying to lie."

Scratching his face in nervousness, he stays quiet. Thinking. Whatever conclusion he had come to made him sit straighter and look me in the eyes. Showing me exactly how serious he was about this request.

"I want to get stronger."

"And you think working out with me will make that happen. Why?" I demand, needing an answer. Max was never one who worried about being overly fit since he had a lean body, but now all of a sudden, he wanted to exercise with me. It didn't make sense.

"Because of how strong you guys are. People respect you. I want that too." Max says looking dejected.

Rubbing my hand through my hair in frustration, I could finally understand a little where this need to get strong came from. "Is this about what that girl said last night?"

Heat fills his cheeks in acknowledgment of my answer. He slumps his shoulders and nods in confirmation. I scoff.

"I would say don't listen to what that bitch said, but I know it doesn't matter. It's already stuck in your head."

Max pulls his bowl close. Tightly holding it to his body, taking a bite of his soggy cereal. "I just want to feel like one of you guys. A Grayson."

Taking a deep breath, I try and clamp down on my anger. I had a feeling this had been brewing in Max's mind for a long time and Audrey had just opened the wound deeper last night. "I don't want you to be like us," I confessed.

He quickly looks at me, hurt.

I know my brother thought the world of me and wanted to be like me, but what he didn't understand was that I was nothing to look up to.

Reaching over, ruffling his hair in comfort, I explain myself. "Don't look at me like that Max," I plead. " I love you; you know that. But I want better for you and being like me or our brothers is not something you should set as your goal."

Confused, he pats down his hair. "Why?"

Smiling sadly, I look Max in the eye so he would understand how serious I was. "Because we're broken."

He shakes his head in denial, not believing my words. I knew he wouldn't believe me, but he needed to understand why he was different from us. Why we were so protective of him.

"We are Max. I know you don't see it and we all appreciate it, but we are."

Sighing, he gets up, walking to the sink to wash his empty bowl. "Why does that make me different from you? I've been through the same things you guys have."

I get up, walking to the cabinet on the left side of the sink, pulling out two protein bars before quietly shutting it to turn to Max. "You have. But we've also protected you from a lot of it. Your innocent man, and we all want you to stay that way. I want you to stay that way."

He grips the sink and hangs his head downcast. I knew what I said wasn't what he had wanted to hear, but it was something he needed to hear.

Gripping his shoulder, I tug him into me to hug him. "What's your dream? What do you want to do?" I ask.

He mumbles something in my shirt, but I couldn't hear. Pulling him away, I'm met with a nervous smile. "I want to play football, but I know we can't afford it."

Astounded, I watch him fidget under my stare. I couldn't believe my meek baby brother wanted to play football. "Professionally?" I curiously ask.

"Yeah, that's always been my dream." He shakes his head as if pushing away the thought. "But I'm not going to be selfish I know we don't have the money and that's okay I'll find something else that interests me."

He was serious about it that much, I knew and if that was what he dreamt of doing, I'd find some way to make it happen.

"Alright, you can play."

Baffled, he shakes his head in denial. "No Ian. I can't. We don't have the money for it."

"Are you serious about this? If it happens, you'll work hard every day and not mess it up?"

His lips tremble and he stares at me, stunned. "I will. I would never mess it up if I had the opportunity to do it. I promise."

Nodding in acceptance, I hand the second protein bar to him. "Then I'll make it happen. Now, your welcome to join me every morning to get in shape for football. I'm behind that goal one hundred percent."

A tear falls from his eye, not believing he was going to get the chance to do what he dreamt about. Slamming into my body, he gives me a tight hug in appreciation. "Thank you," he whispers.

I slap his back, comforting him. Now I just had to figure out how the fuck I was going to get him on the team.

Max and I had started the day a little later, than my liking since we were out the door by 4:30 AM since he needed to talk, but that was okay.

Stopping after three miles, Max bends over on the sidewalk, breathing heavily. I usually went a full five miles, but I figured three was enough for today. Needing to start him off slow. Bouncing on my calf so my body doesn't cool down, I watch, amused.

"You okay?"

Still bent over trying to catch his breath, he lifts his hand, showing me a thumbs-up. Laughing, I help him up by the arm, handing him a bottle of water. Which he quickly gulps down.

"Come on that enough running for today, let's stretch out."

Max nods, following my lead, stretching out his body to cool down and get the blood flowing. "What's next?" He asked, finally getting his breathing back to normal.

"We head home to get Axel and Heath and go to Eli's to use his gym."

"Sounds good," he replies, finished with his stretching. Nodding, I motioned my head back to the direction

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