» Family & Relationships » Book 0.5, S. P. Macomber [best classic books TXT] 📗

Book online «Book 0.5, S. P. Macomber [best classic books TXT] 📗». Author S. P. Macomber

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little further. I could tell she wasn't a pushover, but was easily intimidated by not only my reputation but my presence. 

Taking a step closer, I bend down, pushing into her personal space. Lifting my right hand, I placed my pointer finger under her chin, turning her face back up so our eyes could meet."And how exactly were you planning on getting us to leave?"

Her face turns a light pink color and I could feel her chin quiver. Quickly licking her lips as her eyes glaze over. I could tell she both feared and lusted after me, but couldn't quite choose which one to focus on. I decided right then and there that if she chooses to fight me, she would be the one I picked tonight to keep me company. But of course, it wasn't only because I craved a slight challenge tonight, but also because if I kept her occupied, she wouldn't throw a bitch fit at us for crashing her party until after we left. 

 Time stood still as everyone in the vicinity of our conflict awaits her decision. She looks between me and her peers, whose attention was focused solely on her. Keeping a close look at her face, I know the exact moment when she chooses to fight instead of being a coward. Her eyebrows furrow, the skin by her eyes tighten, and her mouth compresses into a flat line right before she slaps my hand away. I smirk, having gotten the exact reaction I wanted.

"Get. Out." She grits. "If you don't comply, I'll call the cops." 

"Bitch!" I hear a shout come from behind me as Stella reaches around me, trying to grab her by the hair. Before her arm could take hold, I grab it, pushing it back towards her body, sending Stella a couple of steps back where she lands in Heath's arms.

Good, he could contain her.

I send a hard gaze her way. "Behave."

 "Fuck that! Who does this stuck-up bitch think she is! She's a fucking pussy threatening to call the cops on us!" She shouts, kicking up her legs, trying to squirm out of Heath's arms.

I ignore her outburst, instead focusing on my brothers, who stare at me in amusement. They knew I would handle the situation. I always did. After this shit was done with, the night would go on and we would party till we were ready to leave.

I circle Audrey, looking at her up and down. I could see her body tense when I disappeared from her sight. Stopping right behind her, my head lowers close to her ear, but I don't whisper. No, I speak loud and clear so that everyone could hear. "Audrey here won't call the police. You know why?" Circling back around her, I watch as she tries to stay strong. "Because there's no way your spoiled ass got permission from your parents to throw this party, drink their booze, and fuck up their house."

Leaning forward, I let her see the truth in my words and the emptiness in my eyes. "Which is exactly what will happen if you or anyone here dares to call the fucking cops. You fuck with me and mines, I'll be sure there's nothing left of you." I threaten her, causing her to retreat in horror.

Shrugging, I place my hands up, palms out, showing her I meant no harm as long as she did what I asked. "But. If you allow us to enjoy your party in peace, I can promise you I won't cause any trouble."

She looks as if she didn't believe me.

"I always keep my word," I said in a serious tone. I could tell how easily she fell into the palm of my hand. Exhaling, she nods in acceptance of my proposal. 

"Fine. Just keep your word and don't mess up my house." Nodding, I show my acceptance of her condition.

Turning she points to a closed swinging door located further down in the mansion. "There's alcohol in the kitchen and some food I had prepared." Sending a condescending look our way and a fake smile, she makes a sarcastic hand gesture, as if welcoming us into her home. "Enjoy," she says, before stomping away.

My brothers and friends shout in victory.

"Ian, my man I don't know how you fucking do it!" Nolan shouts, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Do what?"

"Get everyone, even these rich stuck-up assholes to fall in line."

 "What are you saying man!" Axel swings his arms over his shoulder. "He is Ian motherfucking Grayson! They better fucking fall in line."

They all laugh in good jester.

"Now let's please finally get this mother sucker Poppin because I've never been to a more boring party," Axel pleads.

 Heath rolls his eyes in amusement, setting Stella aside after she calms down. "Well lead the way then."

"Don't mind if I do," Axel swaggers past him, with all of us following along to the kitchen for some free alcohol.

The kitchen was fairly empty, probably since it was later in the night and everyone had their desired poison already in hand. Besides Max and me, our group grabs their choice of alcohol for the night. I decided instead to stay sober, not feeling much like drinking.

Nolan taps Axel's shoulder to gain his attention after gulping his beer. "Come on man, let's go do some scouting."

Nodding, Axel was about to follow, if not for me grabbing onto the back of his shirt, keeping him in place. Nolan backtracks. They all look confused by my action.

"My brothers and I need to have a conversation first, they'll find you after."

"They?" Eli asks curiously. "What about you?"

I send a nonchalant look his way. "I have some unfinished business that needs taking care of. We'll all meet back by the entrance at 2 AM."

"What business?" Stella questions me, looking suspicious.

"My fucking business that's what."

She's about to flip out, but Eli slaps his hand over her mouth, thankfully silencing her. "Lay off, Stella," he warns, dragging her along through the kitchen door, followed by the others.

Heath, Axel, and Max focus on me. I jerk my head at Heath and Axel. "You two have condoms on hand right?"

They both looked shocked.

I give them a peeved look. "I know you wouldn't be dumb enough to have sex without a condom right?"

Max sniggers quietly next to me, enjoying me grilling our brothers after having been on the other end of the stick.

They don't bother answering me, instead hurriedly reaching into their pockets for their wallets, opening them up. Heath looks relieved when he pulls out one condom. As for Axel, he turns his wallet upside down, shaking it, but nothing falls out. He looks up at me, mortified, before sending a remorseful grin my way, shrugging his shoulders. "My pull-out game is strong."

I don't bother even saying anything to that stupid statement, choosing instead to punch him in the arm in irritation as Heath and Max guffaw. "Ow fuck! I wasn't serious" Axel whines, wincing in pain, rubbing his arm.

At that moment, two girls burst through the kitchen doors laughing and hanging onto each other. They were both robust and fair-looking just the types of girls Axel liked.

Axel looked both dejected and miserable at the thought of not being able to be with at least one of the two girls tonight. Turning to Heath, he sends him the saddest face he could muster, silently pleading to have the condom.

Heath tries ignoring him. "No."

"Please, man! I love you bro, don't do me like this," he begs.

"I don't give a fuck."

Bending down on his knees, Axel grasps Heath's leg, shaking it and rubbing his face against it. "Please! I'll do anything you want!"

Heath quickly pushes him off in disgust, wiping his pants before looking down at him. "Anything?"

Nodding quickly, Axel stands back up, placing his hands together as if in prayer. "Anything."

"Fine," Heath tosses the condom to Axel, who catches it quickly stowing it into his pocket. He turns to face the two girls who had been standing by the door, watching in both confusion and amusement.

Strutting up to them, he places his hands out in greeting. "I'm Axel Grayson. Who might you lovely girls be?" The tallest girl smirks, taking hold of his hand "I'm Camila, and that," she gestures to the quiet girl standing behind her "is my cousin Mia. We know who you are. We might not attend the same school, but your reputations proceed you."

She then turns to send a heated look my way "especially you, Ian Grayson."

"Not interested," I say, watching as her smirk quickly turns into a frown before switching back to its original position, acting as if my answer hadn't affected her. She shrugs, focusing back on Axel, who had been watching our exchange. "What can I do for you baby Grayson?" she asks.

"Woah," Axel held up his hands before pointing to Max "That's baby Grayson. I'm third in the family line, babe." She laughs.

 "Well, Grayson number three, what can I do for you?" Purring, she runs her finger over his chest, stopping just before his jeans. Axel sends us a smug grin as he wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her flush against him. "You and me, upstairs now."

She giggles, nodding her head in agreement. Just as they were about to turn away and head upstairs, a soft voice halts them. "Wait."

We all turn to look at the other girl, who had been silent during the whole interaction. Axel looks to her in question. She runs a hand in her hair, tucking it behind her ear. "I want to come too."

Silence falls as both Heath, and Max look shocked while I shake my head in amusement, not at all surprised. "Fuck yeah!" Axel shouts, quickly grasping both girls close to his sides. He slides his hands down their lower back, gently pushing them towards the door. Just as the tall girl walks through, Ax turns back to look at me, raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Told you freaky," He gives a crazy grin, turning around and slapping the short girl on her ass just before she follows her cousin out. He takes off after them. 

My brother the lady's man. Girls have always liked Axel, but he never cared much for them until freshman year. Honestly, sometimes I couldn't believe my brother. He had no filter and yet he drew people to him like a moth to a flame.

"Did that really just happen?" Max asked in disbelief, still staring at the door where they had left.

Heath looks quite amazed, nodding in confirmation. "It did."

Rubbing my hand over my forehead, trying to keep myself from laughing, I look to Heath. "You didn't have to give him your condom, you know. He would live."

Laughing Heath shrugs. "I was planning on giving it to him from the beginning. I just wanted to see what I could get out of him before I did."

Liking my brother's way of thinking, I give him a pat on the back. "You need another one? I have one in my wallet." I ask.

"Nah, man," he shakes his head in denial of my offer. "Keep it, I don't want one of these rich chicks anyway." Throwing his arm over Max's shoulder while holding his beer in the other, he drags him close. "I'll just keep our baby bro company tonight. You go do what you gotta do."

Max smiles, wrapping his arm around Heath's shoulder.

"You sure?" I double-check.

"Go, Ian, we're good," Max reassures me.

"Alright," Sighing, I gesture upstairs. "I forgot my phone at home, so if you need me, look upstairs and if you don't have time to look for me, just call Axel and meet at the Hummer, I'll be sure to find you."

They both bob their head in confirmation, turning their back on me to pick at the food laid out along the counter. I turn around, heading out the door to the party, walking around looking for our host of the night. I spot her with her back towards me, talking with a group of snobby-looking girls. When her friends notice me, they immediately pale, whispering notifying her of

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