» Family & Relationships » Book 0.5, S. P. Macomber [best classic books TXT] 📗

Book online «Book 0.5, S. P. Macomber [best classic books TXT] 📗». Author S. P. Macomber

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the stairs to a room located on the west side of the house. The door was closed, but I could see just enough light shining through the bottom of the door. I knocked twice, waiting for a response.

"Come in."

Opening the door, I located Max sitting at his second-hand desk I had found years prior studying. Light gray eyes focused on me attentively, all the while reaching up to run his hands through his light brown hair nervously before gesturing to his bed where I could sit. Striding over to his twin-sized bed, I took a seat facing directly towards him. I waited a few moments to see if he would bring up the subject, but we both knew he wouldn't. It made him anxious and edgy-I could tell by the way his left leg kept bouncing up and down almost uncontrollably. "Frank's unconscious in the kitchen."

His leg froze as he placed his hands on his knees and squeezed. Yet he still stayed silent.

"Is that why you're hiding in your room?"

I watch as he dug his fingernails into his jeans head hung down, avoiding my gaze. A lump forms in my throat as his shoulders just barely tremble, showing me how affected he was by having their father in the house.

Honestly, I wanted nothing more than to shield my brothers from all the evils of the world, but it wouldn't help them grow. They needed to face their fears and conquer them, so I swallowed down my need to protect them and forced them to toughen up. Which was what I was about to do now. I knew how much Max feared Frank after being a victim and witnessing all that he had done to us, but one day Frank would be nothing but a terrible memory, I would make sure of it.

"I asked you a question. I expect an answer."

Max's face shot up uneasily. His eyes strained onto my form, trying to read my mood. I wasn't angry with him for being afraid-hell even I was afraid at one moment in my life of Frank but that feeling has since long passed and I could only hope and help Max's fear disappear, too.

He bit his lip between his teeth in agitation before answering me. "Yes, I'm hiding. I'm sorry."

I released a breath. Placing my elbows on my knees, I placed my chin on my joined hands and leaned toward Max. "There's no reason to be sorry. You did nothing wrong."

"But you're mad at me for being scared of him, right?"

"No, you can be scared, but I won't allow you to be scared forever. I don't want that kind of life for you. I don't want the fears you don't face to become your limitations one day." I shook my head. "You deserve so much more and I'll be the one to make sure you have the opportunity to get it."

Genuine warmth sparked in his eye, replacing the fear that was just moments there before. "I know you will."

"Good. Now shake it off and get your ass downstairs were having a family meeting." I ruffled his hair before exiting his room and heading back to the kitchen.

I could hear him shut his door before trailing after me.

Max and I entered the kitchen to find Heath and Axel finishing up the task I had left them. Axel sends a sly smirk Max's way. Placing his eaten apple into the trash before heading his way. "Aw, does my baby brother need some love. Come to Axel, I will give you a hug and make all the pain daddy brought go away." Heath burst out laughing. I could see Max barely holding his laugh.

"Shut up," he grumbled in amusement.

I waited for his dumbass to get a little closer to Max. Just as he reaches for him, I put my arms around his neck and place him in a headlock, messing his blonde hair up with my left hand.

"No! Not the hair!" Axel begs, struggling to get out of my hold. He knew from experience I wouldn't let go till he tapped out. So, he did. As soon as I let go, he ran to hide behind our baby brother, Max, fixing me with a glare. Trying to fix his hair. He sneers at me "you never mess with the hair, dude, you know that." I send him an affectionate gaze. "well, little brother, you should know better. Those are the consequences of being a dumbass."

Heath stood up, face slightly red from laughing so hard, while Max didn't bother hiding his grin anymore. Axel notices Max's grin and instead wraps his arms around his neck, messing with his hair. "You think that's funny, do you, little bro!" Max laughs, enjoying their brother's banter. "Come on, Ax you got to admit it's funny watching you try and get out of Ian's arms!" He shouts back, trying to break out of Axel's hold. The brothers all stood enjoying each other's company until they heard a low groan come from the floor. The good atmosphere quickly melts away, as they remember Frank was still currently laid out on the floor.

"He's going to be waking soon," Heath states.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair, trying to think of a plan. Looking down at my watch, I could see it was nine p.m. so there wouldn't be too many people out in the streets on our side of town. Nodding to myself, I looked up to see all three of my brothers awaiting my instructions. "Okay, here's the plan we're going to throw him into the back of the Hummer tied up just in case this fucker wakes up and drop his dead-beat ass on the side of the road far away from here."

My brothers didn't need to be told twice. Max went to get the keys to the truck, Axel went to get the rope, and Heath and I both took one end of our father. We lifted the heavy fucker up and carried him to the front entrance before placing him down. Axel came back with the rope and began tying Frank's hands and feet.

Max came jogging back into the room holding my keys.

"What about Frank's backpack?" Axel asked as he finished tying both hands and feet.

Max places the keys in my hand. "I'll get it," he says, turning to head into the kitchen, but before he could, his arm was grabbed by me, preventing him from leaving. "I don't want you anywhere near his shit. Heath can grab it. Leave it to him. You go outside with Axel and check that it's all clear." Max gives me a thankful look and heads out the door with Axel on his trail. I know Max didn't truly want to touch anything that belonged to Frank, but he was trying to show me that he was facing his fear and that was more than enough.

"Go get the bag," I direct Heath while I wait with the body. Nodding, he turns back around and heads for the kitchen.

Axel opens the front door and pops his head in. "The coast is clear."

Nodding, I throw my keys his way. "Reverse the Hummer and keep it running. We'll be out soon." Catching the keys, Axel closes the door before dashing outside. Heath comes back carrying the backpack on his left shoulder. "Let's get this fucking over with," I said ferociously. Heath pulls out a roll of duct tape from his hoodie pocket and sends a vicious grin my way.

"I figured we'd tape his mouth shut so he won't scream like a little bitch should he wake up and find us kidnapping him."

Chuckling in amusement at my conniving brother, I nod in agreement. I watch as he rips a long piece off before slapping it on Frank's mouth. Walking over to the front door, I slightly open it to see Max waiting on the other side. He turns my way, giving me a nod to show the all-clear. I turn back to Heath "Let's go." He picks up the legs while I pick up the arms and we carry him outside while Max holds the door open. We take him to the open trunk of our black hummer tossing him and his bag in. We quickly close the trunk before all climbing in. Me in the driver seat, Heath in the passenger seat and, Axel with Max in the back seat.

Putting the car into drive, I pull out from the yard.

Hitting the main road, I release a quiet breath. I couldn't help but think about the situation I had put my brothers in. Four teenage boys heading out of town with their kidnapped-unconsciousness father to dump his body in some disclosed location. It sucked, but this was the reality of our situation and it was fucked up. 





Driving out of town, I searched for a dark, secluded forest area where we wouldn't be spotted. The hummer had been filled with silence during the whole car ride; no one dared to touch the radio. Maybe because the air felt thick with tension due to having their father taped and bound in the trunk. We needed to be rid of him quickly. He was nothing but a leech slowly sucking the warmth out of my siblings the longer we stayed in his presence.

Finding a trail leading into the forest, I turned off the road and followed the path far enough in where no one could spot us dumping a body. Feeling we reached a good spot, I parked the hummer and shut off the headlights. Looking around through the windows, I couldn't see much outside and didn't want us going out there without making sure it was secure. I glanced toward my brothers, who had all been doing the same thing as me. "Wait here, I'm going to go make sure it's safe."

Heath's face whipped my way. "I'll come with you," he began unbuckling his seat belt.

"No, wait in the car." We exchanged looks. I knew he worried for me, but he also knew I could handle myself. "If anything is wrong, I'll come to get you, okay?" I said, trying to appease him. His mouth tightened before flattening out. He nodded in acceptance.

"Good, make sure these two," I gestured to Axel and Max, who had been silently listening to our conversation "stay out of trouble."

"Hah! Trouble and I don't mix in the same sentence." Axel remarks to my comment. We all turn, giving him disbelieving looks. He takes a few moments before cracking under the pressure, laughing his ass off. Heath and Max join along. "Okay, okay you're all right, that's a load of crap!"

I roll my eyes in amusement. Turning away from the three idiots, I unbuckle my seat belt and open my door, leaving the key in the ignition for insurance purposes. Just in case we needed to make a quick getaway.

Shutting my door, I head out into the forest, circling the area. Normal people might be afraid of wandering a dark forest at night by themselves, but not me. I found it peaceful. That didn't mean I wasn't on alert for any type of situation. Not finding anything worth worrying over, I trek back to the hummer. Luckily, the hummer was colored black, so it blended

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