» Family & Relationships » Book 0.5, S. P. Macomber [best classic books TXT] 📗

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for the likes of us. Just getting our Hummer had taken years of saving up and even then it was a secondhand deal I had scored, but I wasn't jealous. Not for a moment, because we earned every single thing we currently owned, while these kids didn't actually have anything that wasn't passed down or bought by their parents. Even the money they casually spent on stupid shit wasn't truly theirs, well, at least not yet. After all, I'm sure they would inherit it all one day.

I didn't bother trying to park in their driveway, choosing to park out on the street with the rest of the vehicles. I wanted easy access to a quick getaway should anything go wrong. Parking the Hummer, I watch from my mirror as our crew parked around me, but never blocking me in. They knew me well. Taking the keys out of the ignition, I hop out of our vehicle, waiting on my brothers before locking it.

Axel runs around me to stand on the sidewalk looking up at the mansion. "Look at this motherfucker," he turns to look our way before switching back around to the building, "I think I'm more hornier by the mansion than I am of the girls I see lingering outside."

Scoffing Stella and her little groupie, which consisted of Natalie and Evelyn, parade past him on their way up to the mansion. "Oh please! Anything and everything gets you going, Axel," She turns back to send a stink eye his way, before continuing to walk.

"Not your stink ass!" He calls to her retreating back.

We all laugh when she swiftly turns around in outrage, face red with humiliation. She was about to make a comeback, but Natalie and Evelyn whispered in her ear, forcing her to release an annoyed huff and stomp her feet, choosing to completely ignore Axel's comment and keep walking.

"Dude really?" Austin groans, walking up to bump shoulders with Axel. "You do know I'm going to have to listen to my girl bitch about how much you guys rag on Stella, right. And when I defend you guys, you know what that gets me?" We all wait "No fucking sex! That's what it get's me. So please lay off her."

Laughter flows out from our group. Heath grabs his shoulders, forcing Austin to lean back in his direction so he could whisper by his ear. "You know what that means, right?"

Austin shakes his head, "No what?"

"It means that it's time to get a new girlfriend." Heath chuckles when Austin shakes him off pushing, him away laughing.

"Shut up dude! Nat might be a little fucking crazy at times, but I can't let her go."

"Why not?" Max asked, curious, standing close by my side enjoying all the dicking around we did.

Austin sent him a devious grin, "Because she gives good head."

Fits of hysterics follow his statement as the boys' nod in understanding.

"Oh, so that's all I'm good for, am I?" Austin's eyes become wide with fear, turning around rapidly to face a seething Natalie, whose hands rested on her hips in fists. Shaking his hands in denial, opening and closing his mouth, not being able to get a word out due to shock.

"I came back here to see what was taking you guys so long. Lucky I did. Because who knew that I would find out how my boyfriend thought of me, huh?" She sent a cold glare his way.

"No baby no!" He runs over to her, pushing the guys out of his way, placing his hands on her arms, trying to rub the anger out. "Of course not, I was just joking around. You know I love you."

Slapping his hands away, she got right into his face. "Fuck you and your love. You jackass!" She said Kicking him in the shin with her high heels, causing him to jump up and down in agony. Watching the dramatic scene unfold, all the boys snigger, even I was not immune to the hilarious scene.

Natalie doesn't bother waiting around, turning her back on him. She marches away but thinks twice and swings back around in Austin's direction, where he stood holding his shin. Using all her strength, she pushes him, making him fall to the ground. Pointing a finger in his face, she gets her last words in, "And your damn right I give good head, so you know what, I'm going in there," she points to the mansion "to find some rich asshole whose dick is bigger than your small ass stick to suck!" She pants in exertion from all the shouting slamming her foot on his in one last attack before turning away from his dumb ass.

Roaring laughter follows her retreat while Austin lay on the sidewalk, holding his foot in pain. Axel walks on over to the idiot, bending down to look at his face. "Well, you were right about one thing."

"What?" Austin groans.

"She's definitely crazy," Axel cackles, leaving him in his wake, heading for the party. The boys follow suit, ignoring Austin, who still lay on the sidewalk.

I wait, placing my hand on Max's shoulder, holding him in place. He turns my way in question.

"Wait for me here, we need to talk."

He agrees, watching me walk away.

I make my way over to Austin placing my hand out to help him up. He grabs it, pulling himself up to stand before me. Looking at me in thanks, he focuses on dusting off his clothes, shaking his head. "Fucking chicks, right?"

When I don't answer, he looks back up at me and recoils from my blank expression. "Maybe if you learned to keep your mouth shut instead of talking shit about the girl you supposedly love, that wouldn't have happened."

"Whoa, man, I was just joking. We talk shit about the girls all the time, I don't understand what's different this time."

I nod "Yeah, we talk shit about girls, but those girls aren't our girlfriends. You get what I'm saying?"

Austin nods in understanding, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "I get it, I'm sorry, man, it won't happen again."

"I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to."

"Right," he says shamefaced. "I'll just go do that." He brushes past my shoulder clapping it in thanks, making his way to the mansion. I don't bother watching his exit; rather I look toward Max, who had been observing our interaction in amusement.

Max. Max was special. He was going places one day; I was as sure of it as I was of the sun rising the next day. I, Heath, and Axel tried our best to keep him out of trouble, but I mean, come on, we were born with trouble infused in our veins. But Max was different. The golden boy. The one who we tried to keep innocent but that innocence could easily be corrupted. After all, he was only just becoming a freshman in high school and that's where I came in to make sure that never happens.

"what's up?" he asks looking towards me in concern.

Sighing, I walk over to stand before him. "Tonight they'll be lots of girls, lots of temptation for a boy your age, I want you to understand that before we go in."

His face becomes, beat red in embarrassment. I knew Max was a Virgin and I wanted to keep it that way till he was older. "So, no having sex, period, especially with any of these rich, random chicks who think we are nothing but dirt on the bottom of their shoes."

He makes an exasperated sound. "Ian!"

"I mean it, Max. No sex. If I found that you did and I will find out, I will lose my shit. You hear me?"

"Oh my god. I wasn't planning on it anyway!" He shouts face as red as a tomato. I let that go since I could tell how much he didn't want to be having this conversation.

"Good," Placing my arm on his shoulder, I lead him up the driveway. "And no drinking either."

Chuckles come from him as he shakes his head in good spirit. "I figured."

Smiling, I ruffle his hair. We finally make our way to the top to see our brothers and friends goofing around waiting on us. All the rich kids lingering outside drinking and partying were staring and whispering, but we couldn't care less. "So we ready to crash this shit or what!" Axel shouts at us in glee, clapping his hands together, rubbing them in anticipation.

They all turn to me, awaiting my answer. "Let's do it."

All the boys besides Max and I hoot and holler, causing a disturbance on our way to the front door that was held open for easy entry. All the kids inside the large entryway face us in fear moving back to get out of our way. We were ready to raise mayhem and make an impression on these rich pricks from Ridgewood private school.


Party Crasher



As we make our way further into the mansion, I take notice of the ridiculous amount of alcohol present. People were everywhere, talking, flirting, and dancing. The music came from a giant sound system someone had set up, filling the entire house. It felt quite tame compared to the ones we threw. 

 Axel, the attention-seeker, immediately swaggers his way past me to the front, raising his arms in the air, hollering. "The Grayson's are here, bitches!" A few people laugh in amusement, while the rest gave us nasty stink eyes, knowing right away where we came from.

Tapping on my right shoulder drew my attention to Heath who stood behind me. He nods his head in the direction of some girl hurriedly making her way towards us, looking quite distressed at our presence. She had blonde hair and a pretty decent figure. You could tell she spent a good amount of time on her appearance. Speed-walking our way, I surmised that this was her party.

Stopping to stand before us, the girl sends a disgusted look at me, my brothers, and our friends. "Ian," she greets me in a snarky tone "you and your little poor band of misfits don't belong here."

I give her a cold glance over before locking eyes. "And you are?" I hear a weird sound come behind me, almost as if someone wanted to laugh but held it in at the last moment. The girl's face turns a funny purple color and a slight tic appears on her cheek. She fiddles with her fingers under my scrutiny. "I'm Audrey. This is my house party." She gestures around the house. 

I continue scrutinizing her. I didn't know why I was supposed to care or why she was even bothering to tell me this. It wasn't like I hadn't already guessed that. 

Squirming under my stare, Audrey waits for me to say something. When I don't bother saying anything at all, she finally gives me the reason she was currently in my face. "I need you guys to leave." I send an icy glare, causeing her take a quick step back in fear, losing the stuck-up attitude. "Please! I don't want any trouble," her voice quivers as she looks down away from my gaze, hunching her shoulders. Everyone looks in pity, not wanting to interfere in our confrontation.

Feeling a small sick satisfaction at terrorizing the girl, I proceed to push it a

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