» Family & Relationships » To Live & To Love, Danielle Jones [top 10 motivational books .TXT] 📗

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ta take a pregnancy test to make sure then go see a doctor” “oh my god, oh my god, I have to finish school I’m not ready “ “ Calm down sis like I said we have to make sure first so try to get yourself ready and ima go get ready then we will head to Walmart ok” “ok” she said still scared outta her mind.
Both the boys were still asleep so I wrote them a not on the dry erase board on the fridge saying “we had to go to Walmart and get a couple things we will be back in a little bit, luv ya” Me and Amaya got to Walmart and walked around tell we found the pregnancy tests we got like 5 of them just to be on the safe side all different brands we also picked up a few odds and ends things so the boys didn’t ask questions. Ring, ring, ring, my phone starts going off and its Darrel “hey baby wuts up?” “hey boo I gotta make a couple runs and Tyrek went to school so ima lock up and I’ll see you later and don’t forget to talk to your sister about what we talked about yesterday” “ok babe see ya later luv ya” “luv ya too” we hung up. “OK the boys left no one is at the house lets go home and take these” Once we got home Mya went straight to the bathroom and peed on all 5 of the sticks. We waited for like 5 minutes then went back into the bathroom. “You look first I’m too scared” Mya said shaking. So I walked over to the sink where they were all laid out oh my god I thought to myself before I said anything to her all five had a + on it not one had a -. “Amaya” i said she knew something wasn’t right I never called her Amaya to her face I always call her Mya “your pregnant all five have a + on it” “OH MY GOD NO she yelled as she fell down onto the floor crying. “it’s gonna be ok sis I’m here for you and I’m sure Tyrek will be there for you too, you have to tell him soon you know that right?” I questioned “Yea I I know I’m so scared I don’t know w w wut ima do how am I gonna tell mom and d dad she said stuttering through her sentence. “I know they will be right by your side your not alone honey” I said trying to comfort her. I walked Mya to her room and let her let everything sink in and I did the same I couldn’t believe it the straight A student who goes to college and never does anything bad is pregnant I figured I would have a baby before she did I was extremely surprised by the whole thing and needed someone to talk to normally I would go to mya and talk to her but not in this situation so I called Darrel “Hey baby wuts up he answered “Mya’s pregnant” “WHAT” he kinda shouted are you serious how in the hell did she get pregnant?” he asked sounding stunned “well I’m assuming that night we all went out and got drunk I know you heard em in the room but I defiantly didn’t expect this from her” “Damn boo dats crazy but hey I gotta jump off here I’ll be by in a lil bit, oh by the way did you ever tell her about that?” “no not yet I’ve been too caught up with the whole pregnancy thing but I’ll talk to her in a couple of days once she calms down but I’ll see you in a lil bit luv ya” “luv ya too” I hung up and laid on my bed just thinking about everything and I could hear mya in hear room crying I think she cried all night long.
The next day Mya had Tyrek come over so she could tell him once he got there they went into her room which I completely understood they needed their privacy and she told him he was super excited I could hear him all the way in the living room. That made me feel better to know he would be by her side.
***Amaya’s POV***
When my sister suggested that I was pregnant I thought no way I can’t be there’s just no way then I started thinking back to that night the four of us went out and got drunk DAMNIT I said to myself we didn’t use a condom FUCK I started cussing myself out in my head what in the hell was I thinking I still have to finish school luckily I was almost through but then I’d have to wait to actually got into my field ima have to stay home with the baby for a while after its born and I don’t know how Tyrek is gonna react I’m so scared I don’t know wut to do. I wondered how mom and dad would react and wut would they say, would they think I’m a hoe? I had so many questions and thoughts running through my mind at once I thought I was gonna pass out “Mya” liyah snapped me back “it’s been 5 min you ready to go check?” Honestly I was thinking hell no I ain’t ready to go check but we went to the bathroom “you look first I’m too scared” I said to liyah so she walks over to the sink where all the tests were laying and she says “Amaya” as soon as she said that I already knew only because she never ever calls me Amaya unless she mad at me then out came the words “your pregnant” not real sure what she said after that it was all a blur I screamed “OH MY GOD NO” and fell to the floor crying. I have never cried so much in my life I cried all night long. The next day came and I had to tell Tyrek I was so nervous I wasn’t sure if he was gonna deny it being his or be mad I wasn’t sure of his reaction. He finally got there and we went into my room I said “Baby we need ta talk” he looked at me confused “about wut baby” “Well I’m, I’m, I’m, pregnant” I finally blurted out. His eyes got wide and a smile stretched from one ear to the other “Are you serious don’t play wit me like that” “No I’m dead serious I toke 5 test and they all were positive” I showed him the tests. He got up then snatched me up and hugged me so tight and long “Baby I’m so excited I can’t believe you’re having my baby I will right by your side the whole time no matter wut I love you” he stopped hugging me looked me in the face and gave me a big ass kiss one like I’ve never had before. So after his reaction I felt a little better knowing he was okay with it and was gonna be by my side now the hard part was gonna be telling my parents.

***Aaliyah POV***
After a couple of days went by I noticed Mya had come to terms with the pregnancy and I was so happy for her and I figured this was the time to tell her. “Hey sis can you come her for a second?” She came and sat down next to me on the couch “wuts up sis” she said as she shoved her mouth full of ice cream “dang you starting early huh” I teased her “no but seriously Darrel asked me a couple days ago if I wanted to move in with him” her mouth dropped and a little bit of ice cream fell out “before you get upset it’s just going to be right down the street like a block away walking distance and since your pregnant now I knida figure Tyrek could move in here with you that way he’s always with you and the baby could have its own room” “ But liyah I don’t want you to leave your my sister we haven’t been a part at all” She paused for a couple of seconds “but you know wut if it’s just right down the street I think it’ll be ok just keep in mind when Tyrek ain’t here I’ll prolly be over there” “That’s fine sis I think it would be kinda nice for us to both start our own little families in and get out on our own” “your right so when is all this happening?” “ well I was kinda thinking in a couple of weeks or so we still have to do moms baby shower so maybe after that and that way we can tell her I’m moving in with him and that your pregnant” “ok so when do you wanna do that?” “How about this weekend?” “sounds good to me” So me and Mya went to party city to get the decorations then went to walmart to order the cake and after that we went to Gordmans and bought all kinds of boy clothes and things mom will need. We called mom and set up the date and time.
Once we got out to moms house for the shower we set everything up and waited for people to show up. “Hey mom you think of a name yet?” She said yea I think we are gonna name him Terrance Anthony Johnson” “that’s a cute name” I said. After everyone showed up we had the party and everyone had fun. After the party was over we sat down with mom and dad and told them we needed to tell them something. “Mom, dad I just wanted to let you know I’m going to move in with Darrel I think it would be good for us and it’s just right down the street form Mya so we will be able to keep an eye on her” “Why would you need to keep an eye on her? I hope things work out you know how we feel about him and his dangerous lifestyle but if you wanna do that you are old enough to make that decision for yourself” Mya butted in “the reason she needs to keep an eye on me is because” she paused for a second “I’m pregnant” both mom and dad gasped before their jaws dropped to the ground “Mya are you serious?” dad said “but how, I don’t understand” dad was so confused about how his “good” girl got pregnant after knowing her boyfriend for only a few months. He was slightly disappointed in her but he knew she would be okay she had a good head on her shoulders and from what he could see Tyrek was a good man and loved his daughter deeply. “aww baby I’m so happy for you” mom said coming back to reality “you know I’ll be right there if you ever need anything and if you have a boy you will defiantly be set I can give you all the stuff your brother won’t be using any more, I can’t wait to see my new grand baby” mom said excitedly. After they left me, mya, and Darrel started to pack up all my things while Tyrek was at home packing up all his things. After a day or two we finally had everything all packed up and we started moving into our new house down the street. I loved the new house it was a 2 bedroom house with a big backyard. The same day I moved out Tyrek moved in which made me feel at
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