» Family & Relationships » To Live & To Love, Danielle Jones [top 10 motivational books .TXT] 📗

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was going on so I let him know what happened after telling him he was ready to go get revenge just as I was. After seeing my girl laying there so helpless I felt so bad and knew it was all my fault from that point on I knew I couldn’t leave her by herself any more it was too dangerous right now. Derrick and I went down into the basement after we cleared the house out to see what was on the cameras. I watched a tall skinny light skinned dude dripped in blue with a blue bandana on his face walk, well bust his way into my room once he started pulling all her clothes off I couldn’t watch it any more I had a tear fall from my eyes and I’m not the type that cries. “I know who that nigga is” I slightly screamed as I jumped outta my seat. I went over to the safe I have down there and pulled out some guns for me and Derrick war was about to begin and I knew it. We both loaded our guns and went and got liyah to take her by CVS real quick for a day after pill and then dropped her off at her sister’s house where I knew she would be safe.
Derrick and I drove around the town all night and couldn’t seem to find David around anywhere no one had seen him I’m sure he knew we were gonna be on the lookout but he could only hide for so long. Once 6am rolled around we went back to the house to get some rest for the next evening because I wasn’t about to give up until I found that motha fucka.

***Aaliyah’s POV***
The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast it smelled so good I went to get off the bed but when I stood up I was still in a little bit of pain. I went into the kitchen and said good morning. After we ate breakfast and me and my sister both got ready for the day we decided to go to the mall and do a little bit of shopping for the baby since she had just a couple of months left. While we were at the mall it felt like somebody was following us and I started to get really scared so I called Darrel and asked him to come up there and shop with us. Darrel was there in half the time it usually takes to get there he’s been on his toes since the whole incident happened. “What’s Darrel doing up here” my sister asked “I asked him to come because he called and said he was bored at the house” “oh well I thought it was gonna be sister time today?” “ I know sis it’ll just be this one time maybe next time we can go to a movie or something” “ok but u owe me” “I know I know” I said jokingly. After being at the mall for a couple hours we made a quick stop at party city to pick up decorations for Amaya’s baby shower since it was the next day. When we got to Amaya’s house Darrel left he said he had unfinished business to tend to which I already knew what he was doing so I asked no questions. Amaya and I hung up all the decorations and made all the food that we could for the baby shower. After we finished up I called mom and dad to make sure they were coming and to just catch up. We talked for about an hour then I went and took another shower I still felt dirty from what happened the night before then I laid down and tried to relax I could her Amaya and Tyrek talking and laughing they were such a cute couple and they got along so good I was extremely happy for Amaya and the fact that she found true happiness and love.
Mya woke me up the next morning she was excited for the baby shower and mom, dad, and Terrance were already there it was like 11am already I didn’t realize I had slept that late. I got outta bed and got ready then I went and help with the final touches for the party. As the party went on we played lots of baby games, ate a bunch of good food and had a good time hanging out with the family. After it was over mom and I cleaned up while dad and Amaya talked and started to work out a plan for her to move to Centralia so she could be close to them so they could help with the baby, dad had found a place right across the street from them that was a duplex each side had 3 bedrooms and big yard. When we finished cleaning dad explained to me that he bought out both duplex’s so if I wanted to move up there I could as well. I really wanted to move out there but we just got settled into our house not to mention Darrel and his type of job, but I was defiantly gonna bring it up to him when I got the chance. Lately Darrel hasn’t really been around but he made sure one of his boys was at our house constantly keeping an eye on thing’s and me when I was there; he was out patrolling the streets for that asshole that raped me. Later that evening I went home to sleep because I was tired of sleeping on the pull out couch over at Mya’s I would have a bed but my old room was turned into a nursery. I laid in bed for about 30mins when surprisingly Darrel walked in he took a shower and then laid down with me. “Hey baby I haven’t seen u lately how u been?” “I been ok trying to get that asshole but he seem like he disappeared off the earth or something” he said trying to make the situation a lil funny “well your mine tonight u aint goin nowhere I’ve missed you too much” “ok b I’ll stay here tonight that way I know you will be safe” “ hey my dad was telling me tonight that he bought a duplex right across the street from him and my mom and they want us to move up there what do you think?” “I dunno hun I would like to but there is unfinished business I have to take care of down here but I wouldn’t mind moving up there just for a peace of mind in knowing that you will be safe,” “really well what if I moved out there when Mya does and then you come up when you finish whatever you gotta finish?” “That sounds like a good idea when was she planning on moving out there?” “I think she was wanting to a couple weeks before she has the baby” “so in about 2 months?” he asked “yea” “ok sounds good but hopefully I’ll be done by then” he laughed and kissed me on the cheek we then snuggled up next to each other and fell asleep.

Chapter 5

A month and a half went by and me and Mya have been spending a lot of our time packing and hanging out while Tyrek and Darrel get all the big things situated and find jobs out in Centralia so we both have a steady flow in income. Mya and I went to the park so we could walk around and kill some time it was about 7 pm so it wasn’t dark yet but it was getting pretty close as we were walking we stopped and seen some teens playing basketball so we went over to the bleachers and sat down so we could watch them as we talked. It was about 7:30 and I noticed a couple of old school Chevy’s pull up one was all blue and the other one was white with blue trim. “Hey sis we should prolly get goin I bet the boys are wonderin where we are” I wasn’t really worried about the boys as much as I was seeing them cars pull up because we were in blood territory and seeing crip cars pulling up only meant bad news. “Ok let’s go” she said. As we were walking away from the bleachers we began hearing shots being fired. There were about 3-4 shots that went off as we hurried to the bathrooms that were close by about 6 more shots went off as I turned over to my sister to grab her arm so she could move a little faster I noticed she was bleeding “I think I got shot” I heard her say as loud as she could but was only a whisper. “Shit Amya I got you hold on sis we r almost there” we were right in front of the bathroom by this time so I pulled her the rest of the way in. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911 then I called Darrel. “Hang on Amaya the ambulance will be here shortly” I tried reassuring her but by the time I got off the phone and looked down she wasn’t breathing anymore. I busted out in tears and just held her hand and put my head on her stomach saying “please don’t leave me please Amaya” until the ambulance arrived. Darrell arrived a little bit after the ambulance and he ran over to me “Are you ok what happened?” “I’m fine but they got Amaya” I cried out “I can’t believe they got my sister she never did anything why, why, her?” one of the EMT’s walked over to me and said “I’m very sorry but she didn’t make it” When he said that my whole world just came crashing down “what about the baby?” I hesitated to get out “Were gonna try to save it but we are unsure at this time” I rode in the ambulance still holding my sisters hand even though she was dead to the hospital and Darrel followed. After being at the hospital for hours the doctor came out and said “I’m really sorry Amaya didn’t make it but luckily with the help of the EMT and the fact that the park wasn’t that far we were able to save the baby she’s doing ok but she will have to stay in the hospital for a day or two so she can make a full recovery and we can keep an eye on her” “thank you doctor can I go see her?” “yes you may but only for a couple of minutes” Even though I had lost my best friend and my only sister our family was blessed with a baby girl Amaya would have loved knowing she was gonna have a girl but I feel like now she is going to be my

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