» Family & Relationships » To Live & To Love, Danielle Jones [top 10 motivational books .TXT] 📗

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ease knowing he would b right there with mya whenever she needed him. Life defiantly seemed to be coming together.
It was now May and it was the month that my sister would graduate college after all the hard work she put in and my mom would give birth to our little brother Terrance. It was the morning of my sister’s graduation and my parents had stayed the night so they would be here and not have to worry about running late or anything so everybody was up getting ready, it didn’t start until 4pm so we all decided to go out to eat to celebrate her accomplishment. We ended up going to Olive Garden, while we were there we all talked and laughed and just had a really good time with all the family around including Tyrek and Darrel. We were all at the gradation now waiting to see Amaya walk across the stage. After about an hour her was about to be announced “Amaya Johnson” the dean said as she walked up to the stage and the dean handed her the diploma the whole family began to cry, my mom was the worst she had all kinds of emotions coming out bawling “that’s my baby” she kept saying. We were all so very proud of her even though she was now 31/2 months pregnant she still managed to get all her school work done and graduate on time. My sister was a really tuff girl I don’t know if I could have handled all the morning sickness and not feeling well and still manage to finish school. You could see a little baby bump but it wasn’t very big it just looked like she gained a little weight. After the graduation we all met up with her outside to take pictures. As we were taking pictures I saw my mom hunch over holding her belly so I ran up to her “are you ok mom?” I asked very concerned “um I don’t think so hun I think my water just broke” she said unsure followed by a contraction “ohh ohh” she moaned in pain. I ran over to where everyone else was and yelled “MOMS WATER BROKE WE HAVE TO GO NOW” every one’s eyes opened up real wide then they started scrambling around getting all their stuff together. “ok” dad started “everyone get in the car we gotta go” “oww oww it hurts hurry up” my mom whaled in pain.
After a 10min car ride which seemed like forever we finally reached the hospital. My mom was in labor for about 8hrs before we heard the cries of our new baby brother. I was so excited to meet and hold him for the first time. Me and Mya walked into the delivery room and held our baby brother. He was born on May 15th 2012 he weighed 7lbs and 1oz he was healthy as could be I was so excited for my parents. They ended up staying in the hospital for 3 days and when they left they came by our house so we could visit with them before they headed back home. I thought it was kinda cool that my sister graduated the same day our brother was born. I could tell this was the beginning of something wonderful!

Chapter 4

It’s been 3 months since my mom had her baby and Mya graduated, we both were settling into our new lives with our boyfriends. Mya is now 61/2 months pregnant and u can really see her belly even though from the back you can’t even tell she’s pregnant she doesn’t waddle like my momma did either.
“Baby can you please tell your friends to leave I’m really tired and I can’t sleep with them here bumpin music and yelling” I told Darrel with a stern look on my face. It was already 3am and I was starting to get real pissy. “Yea babe I got u” he said then walked out of the bedroom. I heard him yell as he was going down the stairs “OK GUYS PARTY TIME IS OVER MY GURL NEED TA GO TO BED” after he said that you could hear the music stop and people scrambling around and goin out the door shouting “iight den blood see ya.” By the way Darrel has been a blood since he was 12 after his dad left his mom he just kinda went down a destructive path but hopefully us being together will straighten his ass up. Darrel was talking to one of his homeboys Derrick which was kinda like his best friend about what they were gonna do tomorrow and little did he know a guy another one of his friends brought over grabbed about a ounce of weed right before he walked out with nobody seeing him well at least he thought. Since Darrel was a big time drug dealer in our area he set cameras up throughout the whole house even in the bathroom. After Derrick had left Darrel came upstairs and laid down with me and we fell asleep. The next morning I woke up and threw on some pj’s and went downstairs to fix us some breakfast. I heard Darrel come down the stairs he went right into the living room to clean up after last night he brought all the empty beer cans in the kitchen and threw them away before he went back into the living room to finish he kissed me on the cheek and said “good morning love” “good morning baby” I responded he then went back into the living room “hey baby did you mess with anything in here when you got up?” I walked into the living room making eye contact with him and said “no why” “well there’s about a ounce missing from my stash” “no shit I told u bout bringing anybody up in here u can’t trust anybody nowadays” “I guess not I’ll just go check the cameras and see wuts up” “ok baby but you wanna eat breakfast first?” I could tell he was pissed off I mean it wasn’t just some regular weed it was kush and that shit is expensive. “if you don’t mind ima bring it down there and eat while I check out the camera” “ok hun” I said as I walked back into the kitchen to get his plate and hand it to him. He went down into the basement for about 20 mins before coming back up with a pissed of look like I’ve never seen before. “baby are you ok?” “hell no dat fuckin bastard Liam took my shit last night when I was talkin ta derrick” “wut u gonna do b” “ima do wut I gotta do boo” he went up to the bedroom and pulled out his gun u could hear him loading it up so I ran upstairs “baby what r u doin your gonna get yourself in trouble” “I told you I gotta do what I gotta do don’t worry about me I’ll be fine why don’t u have your sister come over and keep you company while I go take care of business” I already knew things weren’t gonna be good I was scared but I did call my sister over to keep me company plus I wanted to feel my niece or nephew kick. Mya and Tyrek wanted the sex of the baby to be a surprise which I hated I was an impatient person so I constantly bugged her to find out wut it was but she wasn’t giving in.
Darrel was gone all day long and didn’t end up getting back home until around midnight. My sister ended up sleeping in our guest room since she stayed over my house all day watching movies and gossiping. I was happy to see him come home in one piece I can tell you that. “BABY I’m so happy to see you and to see you in one piece” “you shoulda already known I told you, you ain’t gotta worry bout me baby.” We went up into the bedroom and had a long night of passionate sex when we got through we started to smoke when he turned and looked at me “I love you baby” he said as he scooted off the bed “I love you too” he then grabbed my hand and asked me “will you marry me boo” as he pulled out a ring box and opened it, I jump up outta the bed and scream ”YES OF COURSE I WILL” after I said that I was like “oh shit I hope I didn’t wake up Mya” I doubt it baby he slid the ring on my finger it was so beautiful and was full of diamonds. I was elated I had a hard time falling asleep that night.

***Darrel’s POV***
After waking up and realizing someone stole my shit I was extremely pissed off I knew what I had to do. I went into the bedroom and pulled out my lil .45 caliber and loaded the chamber full of bullets, I explained to Aaliyah I had to take care of business and not to worry. After I finally left the house I went over to Derrick’s and told him how Liam stole my shit when we were talking last night “no shit who does that dumb mutha fucka think he is he must not know who he fuckin wit blood” derrick said to me “right we gon have ta handle dat shit real quick homie” i said as we walked out to my car “we gon get his ass tonight mark my words, but hey you wanna ride wit me ta get a ring for ma gurl right quick?” “u gon ask her ta marry u or sum shit blood?” “hell yea dats been my gurl for awhile now I jus feel like it’s time to make it a 100% real ya feel me homie?” “yea I ifeel ya she a gud gurl too shed make a gud house wife and baby momma” he replied to me. So we smoked a blunt and drank on sum 40’s as we rode up to the jewelry store. I tell you what it’s hard trying ta find the right ring for Aaliyah I knew she didn’t like big rings but I defiantly wanted one that had hella diamonds and when the light hit it, it could blind someone. “think I found it” I said “damn nigga it bout time shit we been here for almost 3hrs and its startin ta get dark my nig” “fa real my bad nigga I lost track of time” after purchasing the ring we went back and got into the car “iight bro u ready ta get this lick off real quick?” “hell yea nigga been waiting all day” we rode up and down the block that Liam and his boys hung out around until we spotted him “Hey nigga wuts up” I

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