» Family & Relationships » A Sister's Love, Varissa Darke [books recommended by bts txt] 📗

Book online «A Sister's Love, Varissa Darke [books recommended by bts txt] 📗». Author Varissa Darke

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I unhooked it off the bed and took a second, rolling the beads and shells of the necklace between my fingers, remembering making this for him on his fifteenth birthday.

Smiling, I clipped the necklace around my neck. Suddenly, another idea came to me. I grabbed a few of Corey's cat-eyed marbles (he started a collection when he was twelve) and ran out of his room. "Hey Mom, Alex, I'm going to go to the cemetery." I called out.

I ran all the way, as fast as I could. It's a pretty small town, so the cemetery is just a short trip down the road.

I found myself falling on my knees, laughing, in front of Corey's grave. Carefully, I set two marbles on his headstone, and then pushed the other three into the ground, burying them in the muddy soil. Still chuckling, I rose back up to my knees, patting my dirty thumbs against my jeans.

It wasn't long until Alex was there with me, her arm around me, smiling and laughing with me as we revisted stories from our childhood, growing up with Corey.

"Remember all the plans you had Corey? You were going to graduate this year! then you'd spend a year partying and chilling with your friends. Then you'd go to some culinary school and become the greatest chef the world had ever seen. Even better than that Gordon guy." I chuckled into the wind.

Alex laughed. "Do you think it's a major coincidence that whenever you're here, it's always windy?"

I chuckled. "Of course it's not a coincidence. It's Corey. Speaking to us, laughing with us through the beautiful whisper of the wind." I said softly, remembering a poem Corey had written.

"Corey's poem." Alex smiled. Then, at the exact same moment, we both recited the poem.

"Ever shall I part,"

"Please forget me not"

"My heart shall always remain with you"

"Wether through your hopes and dreams,"

"Or the beautiful whisper of the wind"

"Forever with you, I shall always be"

"Te iubesc"

Chapter 6:

"Awww!!! Look at you guys!!!!" Our friend, Melissa squealed. "Look at your little tiny baby bumps!! It's so cutsie!!!" We were instantly stampeded by a large group of familiar faces we hadn't seen in a month.

Josh grabbed me by the arm, swirling me away from the mob ato his arms. "Ello Love." He said with a wink, pulling me into a kiss. He softly pushed me away to look at me. "My God. Look at you!!! You looks so beautiful and happy." His eyes softened and a wide, beautiful grin stretched across his face. Slowly, he wrapped me in an embrace, making me sway softly to a silent tune.

"Send it to Facebook!!" Alex shouted. I chuckled, ignoring our watchers, until Melissa shouted, "Okay, now we need a double baby bump picture!!" I laughed, breaking off the embrace and moving to Alex's side.

We lifted our shirts up to show our growing bellies and wrapped our arms around each other's waist. "Soooo cute!!" The girls all squealed as we pretended to be models, posing for preggos pics.

The first bell of the school bell rang and, groaning, we all seperated into smaller groups, slowly making our way to our first class of the day"

"At least I know I won't fail the test." I whispered to the girl sitting beside me. She chuckled. I seriously learned all of the stuff we're learning now last month. "The most suckish thing about going back and forth from schools. So this means, there could be something I'm not learning!"

I thought about that for a second then laughed. "I guess it doesn't really matter anyway. I've already screwed up my life with this little number." I giggled, pointing to my stomach. The girls around me all laughed.

"Okay, chica, now you know we're soooo not gonna let that happen, right?" I nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I figured you guys would say something like that. I'm really just worried about Alex. She graduates next year. She'll have a really young baby. I can't imagine her being able to juggle so much. She's never been a multitasker."

"Don't worry, she'll have a whole buttload of help. You just need to relax and keep all worries from your mind." I nodded and remained silent the rest of the class, deep in thoughts of the future.


"I'm glad to have you back." Josh scooted closer to me, wrapping his arm around my neck. His finger traced my stomach. "This still just doesn't seem real." He smiled, kissing the top of my head.

"I know. I don't think it ever will." I layed back, find a comfortable spot in the soft grass of the football field.

Alex slowly sat down and layed down on the other side of me, wrapping her arms around me, joining in on our cuddle.

"It's nice to see you too." I giggled, welcoming her into the group.

"Shut up. Jason's not here, I need a cuddle buddy." I laughed, pulling her in closer.

"You're welcome in our cuddle anytime, Alex." Josh laughed.

Alex chuckled. "Thanks Josh. Don't foget guys, the football team has practice-" She was cut off by the sounds of screaming, running, and pands and helmets bumping together. "Right now." She finished. Giggling, we all stood up as fast as we could, which for Alex and I wasn't very fast. Togther, we ran, screaming like little girls, to the bleachers.

While on the bleachers, we scooted back together in our cuddle group, sitting in a beautiful silence, watching the guy's practice. It was a perfect moment, being with two of the people I love most.

A calm, cool breeze swept by. "Okay, make that three." I said quietly to myself, looking up at the sky.

Chapter 7:

June, the most beautiful time of year to be in the South. The lightning bugs have finally emerged from their slepping states and are ready to come out and dance in the beautiful black of midnight with the children of the Earth.

Holding hands in a little circle, Alex, Jason, my mother, and I all skipped around, laughing and dancing around a jar of lightning bugs we'd caught. Barefoot, we allowed the soft mud beneath us to crawl up between our toes, a welcome warmth in the coolness of night.

We released the lightning bugs back into the sky, then all slowly sat down in a circle. Eventually, one by one, we all layed down, gazing up at the stars above, trying to decode the stories hidden within their glowing lights.

And we'd all fall asleep out there beneath the moonlight, as we've done now for many years. Even though I couldn't be cuddled up next to Corey or my dad this year, my mother's warm embrace was good enough for me.


The next morning, the four of us woke up with sore backs and soaking clothes. "Ughhh. That was sooo not a great idea!" Alex said with a groan.

"I know what you mean. But, it was fun though. We'll just have to remember to bring pillows with us next time." I said, sitting up and stretching my arms.

My mom smiled at us, combing though her hair with her fingertips. "Come on girlies, and Jason, let's go back and change into some dry clothes and I'll get breakfast started." The four of us all stood together, taking each other arm in arm and slowly beginning our walk back to the house, accompanied by a lovely summer breeze.

"Wait! Everyone! Stop." I grinned and pointed to the sky, where the sun had just begun to rise and had painted the sky beautiful mixes of red, orange and pink. Together, we all sat down to watch this beautiful scene that so many people here tend to take for granted.

"Sometimes I wish I didn't have to leave, and that Dad and Josh could come back here, and we could all live perfectly in this beautiful place." I whispered to myself.

Hearing the words, Mom threw her arms around me. "So do I, my Analysa. So do I."

"What's happened to the bakery?" I suddenly asked.

My mom sighed. "They're going to tear it down in August, if no one buys it by then, and I doubt anyone will."

Alex and I bother jumped up at the same time, probably way too fast. "No way are we letting that happen!" I said. Then looked to her. She nodded. "We gre up there! They can't just tear it down!"

"Well, there's not much you guys can do about it, I'm afraid." Mom sighed.

"No! We can! We can all work together and save up the money and buy it back!" I could see the pure determination in Alex's eyes. "We'll do it! Won't we Ana?" She looked at me and I nodded, grinning.

"Why don't we? We can at least try!" She grinned. My mother sighed, but then chuckled.

"Well, I guess I'll try
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