» Family & Relationships » A Sister's Love, Varissa Darke [books recommended by bts txt] 📗

Book online «A Sister's Love, Varissa Darke [books recommended by bts txt] 📗». Author Varissa Darke

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I found myself crashing, almost in slow-motion, onto my bed, the air waving around me and the world falling apart before my eyes. As my back finally hit the bed in a messy explosion of pink and black bed sheets and pillows, I closed my eyes and counted to ten.

But that didn't help. It only made me think of him more. Whenever I was upset, Corey would just tell me to close my eyes and count to ten, then everything was automatically better. But it doesn't work anymore.

I hugged the picture frame I held in my hands closer to my chest, then closed my eyes again, hoping this was all just some terrible dream, and I'd wake up when I opened my eyes and find myself back in the normal world. Before my parents got divorced. Before I was seperated from my sister. Before Corey died.

I took a single glance at the photo in the frame, and that was enough for all the tears being locked inside my eyes to all break free. "Such a happy family." I whispered in a broken sigh.

My finger traced the outline of everyone in the photo, starting with my father, Jameson Darke. His rich black hair, streaked with grey, framing his strong, well-built chin. His bright green eyes, staring deep within mine. Next to him, resting her head on his shoulder, with her arm wrapped around his stomach, my mother. Jessica Darke, now Parker.

Standing beneath them, was my sister, Alexandria. She had my mother's light brown hair and striking blue eyes. Beside her, was me, Analysa. I was an exact mirror of my father. Dark black hair, bright green eyes, a Darke smile that could haunt you.

On the other side of Alexandria was my brother, William. Though, we all called him by his middle name, Corey. He also had my father's black hair and green eyes. I'm afraid to look in a mirror now, knowing I may burst into tears at seeing my own reflection. It's so much like his.

I tossed the picture aside and rolled over onto my stomach. We're we a perfect family? Yes. Until, of course that dreaded day.

We lived in a really small town. We weren't rich, but we weren't poor either. My father and his family had come to America from Romania when he was hardly a year old. They did better than most who came. They managed to start a bakery in our small town, and the business thrived, and still had when my father took over.

One day, we had all decided to go swimming in a river near the bakery. We were all having a great time. The sun was shining beautifully on the murky green water. Light danced off the giant rocky cliffs standing above the water. Being twelve years old at the time, my curiosity wouldn't hold still.

I decided to go climb on top of the cliffs. I had made it all the way to the top and no one had noticed yet. I looked down at the water below. Many large, sharp rocks poked their way through. My eyes widened and suddleny, I was frozen with fear. "Corey help!" I screamed out. Suddenly the whold world erupted into chaos.

It didn't take long for Corey to climb up the cliff. I was screaming, afraid of falling, though I'm sure I had absolutely no chance of it. Corey ran to me, but couldn't stop himself in time. He went crashing over the cliff. The world stopped for a second. All I saw was Corey's body, crashing down off the cliff. I heard so many screams.

So, I closed my eyes, counted to ten, and when I opened my eyes, the most horrifying image you could ever see in your life had unfolded before me.

All I saw, was my brother's body, lying underneath me, completely pierced through the chest by one of the rocks below. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I fainted.

When I woke up, I was told Corey had died. That was kind of obvious to me though. No one could possibly survive something that terrible.

Corey's death caused too much pain and stress on the family. Even though this was one of those time where the family is suposed to pull together and grow even stronger. It was just too much though. We lost the bakery. My parent's got divorced, Alexandria and I, though we need each other most at this time, were seperated.

So now, two years later, I'm living with my father in an entirely different state. And Alexandria is living with my mother back at our old house. We've just finished moving in and I'll have to be going to school tomorrow for the first time in this new place. Life couldn't get any worse, and all I can do is close my eyes and count to ten.

Chapter 1:

"Hey, Ana," My dad shouted from the living room. "Alex called."

"Yay!" I squealed, then grabbed the phone from my dad, quickly dialing Alex's cell number.

"Ana!!" She squealed. "How are you?!? Make Dad get you a cellphone!! We need to talk more!!" I could hear the frustration in her voice.

"I know! It sucks enough that we live so many miles apart, but we only get to talk to each other maybe once a every month! This is not really the greatest of times for us to be apart." I sighed

"I agr-" I couldn't hear the rest of what she said, thanks to the loud, honk of a car horn. "Crap. Gotta go. Mom's being impatient."

"Okay. Tell her I love her." I smiled into the phone softly.

"I will. Tell Dad the same. Te iubesc, Ana."

"Okay. Te iubesc, Alex."

I hung up and grabbed my backpack from behind the staircase. "How's Alex doing?" My dad asked.

"She's good. She sends her love." My father nodded with a quick smile. Then slowly rose from the couch, following out the door to the car.

The ride to my new school was painfully silent. I was dreading walking through the school doors. I've seen way too many shows about this. I'm either going to go in there and be treated like a miserable freak, or I'll become the coolest girl in school. And that seriously scared the shit out of me.

It didn't take me long to figure out which one I'd be.

I walk into my first class, and am instantly intimidated by all the tall, beautiful blondes, hanging on their hot, muscley, major steriod-head boyfriends. They all wore short skirt, practically revealing their butts, along with tube tops, tank tops, whatever the hell they wanted to wear.

I felt like a crow in the middle of a flock of doves, with my long, black hair, plain jeans and t-shirt. Nervously, I took a seat near the back as the teacher anounced to the class that I was a new student, named Analysa.

All eyes were on me. I gave a them all a nervous smile and a short, two-finger wave. One girl snorted, throwing her hair behind her shoulder and returing her attention to the teacher. The rest of them followed her, doing the exact same thing.

Yeah. It was obvious how this would play out. Well, as my grandmother used to say, "Ei bine, porcarie!!" Romanian for "Well, crap!!"


At lunch, sitting completely alone at the last table in the five rows of very long tables, I ate my lunch in silence, while the other kids sat together in their cliques, even though everyone is the exact same, pointing and laughing at the new girl. These people must have no lives, if they can spend so long just pointing and laughing at someone.

There was a tap on my shoulder, sighing I crossed my arms and turned around. Behind me were a group of guys all huddled together, the one who must have been their leader had an eyebrow raised, apparently waiting for something.

"May I help you?" I said sarcasticly. A few of the guys snorted.

"This is our spot." One of the guys said. But then a guy came out from the back, who was seriously, the most insanely gorgeous guy I had ever seen in my life. He had light brown eyes, short, spiky hair that matched, a perfect muscular build, and seriously, one of the most beautiful smiles.

"Let her stay. She hasn't already been swallowed by the demons, let's keep her pure." He said, refering to all the blondes at the other tables. The guys all followed his orders, sitting down around me.

"You must be their leader." I said, surprised at how easily his slaves obeyed him.

He chuckled. "Yeah. Pretty much." He stuck out his hand, trying to make space in the crowd for a handshake. "My name's Aaron."

I shook his hand. "My name's Analysa."

His eyes widened. "Wow. That is seriously the most beautiful name I've ever heard."

I giggled, unable to stop myself. I quickly clasped my hands over my mouth, blushing.

"You're so cute!! Just look at you, you're so red!! Hey, there's a dance this Friday. Wanna go with me?" The guys around us gasped.

"Well, yeah. Sure. Why not?" I smiled. So, even if I didn't have any female friends,

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