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A woman clings to the life her paralyzed husband has left, cherishing every moment with him until goodbye.

She is experiencing a beautiful feeling of falling in love at first sight with her new born first baby girl. A small excerpt which tells how it feels seeing your first baby for the first time.

She stood on stage A shadowed figure Black and white faded background And the extreme quieting of the room Deafening. One would assume Her speech would have been of an eloquent nature Her mouth opened No words emerged The audience waited With bated breath But the silence of the room Spoke volumes What does one say? When the final door of ones journey is near to enter and only memories are left Perhaps distorted Perpetual scenes always would occur As one thinks back And I In my child like wonder

this is a story of when i whent to spend christmas with my mom and sisters. it was a really fun and funny adventure. no one got hurt... not really bad.

This book is about meeting my dad for the first time. It's a story that realy happened in my life that I just needed to write and share to others.

I wonder how many people exist in a one sided relationship on the intimate side? How many people are longing to be held close with passion by their partners like they once were?