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It's a real life true-based story... hope to enter the contest with it!

What do you do when your significant other turns into a person that you fear instead of loving. Baised on a true story of family, domestic violence and making the break.

Two sisters, struggle their hardest to reunite after being torn apart.

It's hard living in the ATL if your a girl named Stevie Alverez, A life surrounded by drugs and gang Violance surrounds her, for her there's no way out. Until she meets high school nerd, Jesse who she ends up falling head over heels for.

Frank is your normal aging gentleman; wizened, slim, but still has his own hair, who is partial to an afternoon walk. On one such walk, he encounters a young man of a nervous disposition, who has a taxing problem.

This is a non-fiction story of a son and his mother's Christmas night while she was a patient in a hospital psychiatric ward. A battered wife, she sought refuge there from her many demons, including the man who beat her.

Anna is a girl that wonders why she is alive. Her parents are almost never home and ignore her when they are. She is an outcast at school and evryone hates her. She was starting to think she would always be alone. That is until THEY came to town.(Brandon and his sister Ashlee) Then things were worse then got better. Then.....they got worse again. (this is in first person.)(Be warned,book contains bad language. ;) )

This is a story about a girl battling a...addiction that is affecting her life and affecting the people around her.......... READ IT !!!!!!!

Things couldn't be worse! Charlotte's family has moved her halfway around the world where she is completely cut off from her friends and surrounded by people who will never understand her! and now her father is trying to foist a computer off on her! Sure, to him, computer are the most important tings on earth, but Charlotte likes people, not machines. Its not like the computer can keep her from feeling homesick... Or it can?