» Fantasy » Hunter & Prey, Aleia [best electronic book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Hunter & Prey, Aleia [best electronic book reader TXT] 📗». Author Aleia

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[*] Auvrae

Blood Of

[*] Kaari

Red Spring

[*] LasDrae'aen

Lost White Rider

[*] Tha'aen

Sky Rider

[*] Tahlri

Blade Walker

Author's Note

Sorry both the translations and other information pages have to be up front. Once the plot is finished they will be moved to the back.

Auvrae, meaning blood of, refers to the fact that Zyaen is of nobility. It just so happens that he is of the Sairyn bloodline that is the current ruling House.

Kaari, meaning red spring is a direct translation of the female's eye color and birth season.

LasDrae'aen, meaning Lost White Rider. Easy to understand, Zyaen is a prince who had been kidnapped at a young age. It just so happened that he's also a Dragon Rider.

A/N: I know its a bit cliche, also a slow beginning to boot but I've put a lot of time into this and I love classic silly plots. Its fun to play that crazy outlandishly gifted person once in a while if its kept on a leash.

Zyaen is slowly molding into a classic vampire killer, just without the fangs and need for blood. I guess what really turns me on with this story line is that its fun as hell stalking someone. In a story sense... :)

Chapter One

Snapping awake as the vase shattered, his rare chance at sleep rudely ruined; Zyaen's golden eyes blinked away the sleepiness that had overcome his body only an hour before. Jerking out of bed, hand poised at his hip only inches above the assassin's many dagger holsters, Zyaen narrowed his eyes in confusion. A black blur scrambled around before his eyes, a single green eye flashing before disappearing out the Sanctuary door in a flurry of frantic movement.

Bout damn time you wake up kit! Growling within his mind Kiryu pressed herself against her Rider's mind, curling his now wide awake thoughts against her own as a savage purr rippled between their mental connection. Who was that Kiryu?! Half pissed, half confused Zyaen wasn't sure what the hell was going on but knew that the White dragon did. Tapping his foot for a moment, Zyaen slowly moved over to the vase that had been toppled over, the blue pieces of glass scattered across the cold stone floor. Kneeling down as he picked them up the snow haired elf waited rather impatiently for his dragon to spill the beans.

Oh the fail of an assassin? The dragon snickered aggressiveness only to be reprimanded by her Rider. I would assume she belongs to this rather handsome Blue just outside the sanctuary. Sending a mental picture of the White licking her jaws, Kiryu hummed again. Yes, very sexy Blue... Groaning Zyaen could only shake his head as he dumped the shattered vase into the trash. Stop acting like a bitch in heat and tell me what they're doing!!

Rolling her eyes, Kiryu gave in. Well I'd assume an assassination? I mean come on kit, she doesn't belong to this Family so why else would she be here! The real question is, how the hell did she get in? Reyon only allows a handful of people into this particular Sanctuary so how did she know the password?

Still confused about the whole situation Zyaen swept his light golden eyes across the room once more. Absorbing the clues the assassin mentally played the fragments of the scenario in his mind; the female assassin had somehow gotten into the Sanctuary, stealthily crept into his room, which was an accomplishment as the male was a light sleeper, before fumbling it all by stumbling backward into the vase. Mere feet from the small wooden table lay a dagger, the wooden hilt lightly worn but the blade gleamed in the dim light of his room. Moving to pick it up Zyaen pressed the tip of the blade into his thumb, jerking back as the sharp prick brought a small bubble of blood to the surface of the flesh.

You’re such a weirdo! Fascinated by your own blood… Chiding her Rider good naturedly Kiryu sighed heavily. Best to get on with it… Reyon won’t be happy that someone got into the sanctuary… Swallowing rather roughly, feeling the first pricks of fear just at the mention of his grandfather’s name, Zyaen clamped down upon his dragon’s mind, caressing the White to him in a desperate hold. Golden eyes slowly flickered into a sliver, the whites of the assassin’s eyes almost blending in with the irises soon after.

He’d been furious… Reyon had cursed, thrown objects, even went as far as striking the first Dark Rider. Zyaen gingerly rubbed the bruise that presented itself high upon his cheek and pulled up the deep cowl that his face. He’d been in a foul mood ever since the attack; pacing his room, wearing down his nerves with the fact that he knew he was going to be sent to hunt down the female. It wasn’t that the assassin was worried- no, he was sure he could take her out, but more the fact that Zyaen wasn’t going to be alone while doing it. Adrian one of the rare few people that the assassin considered close, and two others were to accompany him. Reyon was going to be sure that the woman was hunted down, tortured for information and then killed.

Unused to the company while on a job, Zyaen was less than thrilled that unknown assassins were to accompany him, plus the fact that the male didn’t know if they were recruits, new Riders or old assassins. Being the only matured Rider in the sanctuary, hell one of the very few Assassin Riders to begin with, Zyaen wasn’t looking forward to teaching some new whelp what was up or down in the world of assassination. Adrian he knew, could take care of himself and would even prove to be a useful asset to the hunt.

“Zyaen, calm the fuck down!” Snickering from just outside his door way, said man was leaning against the threshold of Zyaen’s room. Brown hair trickled down into the older assassin’s equally golden eyes, the pale color of his human flesh was at its prim. Nearing his twenty fifth year Adrian was young, strong but so much weaker than the male elf, perhaps that was why Adrian served more as a tracker then an actual killer these days. Fear of death? Most likely not, preserving his tracking skill? That was Reyon’s plan.

“How can I be calm if I don’t know who I have to put up with?” Shooting a fevered glare at his friend Zyaen however did stop his pacing.

“Well how about this, as soon as we’re off Sanctuary ground we kill em? You know Reyon’s laws, no fellow member deaths only while on Sanctuary territory…” The brown haired human laughed sarcastically. “Fair game once we’re on the road…”

Smirking at Adrian, the white haired elf actually nodded. “That sounds like a plan…”

Taverns… the human had said. It didn’t matter if the woman was a rider or a monkey, with the blizzards that swept through the northern most part of Sylvillus anyone would be taking shelter… that was to say anyone but them. Hunkered down on the back of some random horse, cloaks billowing around him Zyaen shivered with anger and from the freezing winds. Snow pelted his face, hands, and quickly melted against his clothes.

“That’s it! We’re stopping at this town.” Cursing against the wind Adrian looked almost ready to die. Blue lips chattered within the supposed warm confines of his hood and scarf. Nodding his agreement Zyaen mustered as much of his magic as he was able and sent a small source of heat to the human, it wasn’t much as his ability to master anything magical was little to none.

Battling both the winds and the depth of the snow, Zyaen and his company finally reached a small backwater inn less than an hour later and with chattering teeth, freezing hands they hurriedly passed the reins of their horses to the stable boy and walked in.

As soon as the door was shut, Adrian was instantly drawn to the warmth of the fire. Everything about his shaky movements was a testament that he wasn’t paying for the room and had clearly left it to Zyaen. Mumbling under his breath good naturedly, but still a bit annoyed Zyaen obeyed the apparent order of his senior. Once the bill for the two rooms was handed over, the young assassin could clearly feel the new lightness of his coin purse. Thankful that Kiryu actually liked the cold weather and was currently settled into a cave nearby, saving her Rider the burden of yet another fee. The assassin’s eyes swept over the crowded inn causing him to shudder. The idle yet loud murmurs of the humans were a constant prick in the Elf’s ears.

“Have you seen a black haired woman?” Catching the inn keepers eyes, Zyaen forced the contacts as she tried to look away. A flicker passed over the woman’s face, hardening it into a slight rage. “I’ve seen no such girl.” Of course it was a lie. The keeper was a crafty woman her eyes were always carefully noting the people that stayed within her household.

Mouth thinning out the young man leaned forward just a bit. “Are you sure?”

“Pretty so.”

Making a tsk sound in the back of his throat Zyaen stood up from the bar. “I expect my dinner hot for the price I’ve paid for it.”

Opting to join Adrian at the warm fire place rather than tussle with the stubborn woman Zyaen cast his friend an annoyed smirk. Obviously it was going to take other means to get her to talk. She’d seen the target, hell the female assassin could currently still be in the room.

“She’s here.”

Rubbing his hands to sink the warm into the long fingers, Zyaen casually swept his eyes across the crowd once more. With the bulk of the travelers packed near the two

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