» Fantasy » Uncovered Secrets., Chalen D. [best classic literature .txt] 📗

Book online «Uncovered Secrets., Chalen D. [best classic literature .txt] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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as soon as i walked through the Wooden door's of the school Evelon escaped, Robby's grip and ran to me. when i caught her in my arms she fell to her knees.
i sat on the floor and pulled her on to my lap, worried why she was acting like that.
"sorry." Robby said, pulling us to our feet.
"Deven!" Tatum yelled.
she ran to me, and slammed into me. i took a few steps back from the impact.
when she pulled back i saw something i never saw.
True petrified fear, shown in her eyes, and her face was wet with tears.
"i saw a vision you weren't going to make it back, i was so scared." she burst into new tears.
i pulled her head onto my shoulder.
"i'm here."
she clung onto me, like a five year old afraid of getting lost in a crowd.
"i'm not going anywhere." i soothed.
until that moment i never knew how much i meant to my friends. if i was in Tatum's shoes, and she in mine, i would be crying to. i never want to let them go.
"where's Gianna?" i asked, as she pulled away.
"here, and glad you made it back." she hugged me and then Preston.
she held him at arm's length.
"what you did was incredibly brave, and i'm so proud of you."
"it had to be done mom."
"oh!" she said, pulling him in for a hug.
i sat on a bench the next day. Gianna sat next to me.
"my mother, detector is going off the hook. what's wrong love?"
"i'm a murderer."
"sweety, he got what he deserved. it's better he died, with no pain then being ripped apart." she said, pulling me into a hug.
"i guess so." i said.
"this came for you." she said, giving me a letter.
i tore it open as she walked away.
it was a letter from my great grandma saying she wished she could be here for me. she too went to my school, and left a book to help me. she left the book in the gym.
two things went through my mind.
one i have a great grandma,
two, we have a f-ing gym here?
i found the only person i could really trust, with everything.
"Evelon!" i said hugging her.
she smiled, shrugged and hugged me back.
"show me the gym."
"we don't have a gym remember? it burnt down in the fire."
"that's right."
i gave her the note.
"okay tonight i help you look for the book, only if you read it to me."
"deal," i said hugging her as the bell rang.
i walked down the hall with Evelon clung to my arm.
"what are you doing?" Tie asked, as we passed the east hall.
"damn you!" i said, covering Evelons mouth as she screamed.
"go to bed."i told him.
"tell me or i'll scream!" he said.
i covered his mouth.
"follow me."
we walked down the hall.
"you guys look sneaky." Robby said, coming out of the shadows at the north hall.
"shh!" i yelled, as Tie covered Evelons mouth.
"Boo!" Tatum yelled, pushing Evelon.
"stop it!" she said, jumping up and down.
"everyone be quiet!" i said.
they all shut up and followed me down the hall. i really didn't want them to, in case i saw something i didn't like, but i should of known they'd follow cause we're attached at the hip. Marla and Bounce followed behind ears listening for an attack.
"i swear if Preston pops out of know where i'm running down the hall screaming, and i'll crawl under my bed where i'll stay forever!" Evelon said.
i didn't tell her that he was known for appearing out of thin air.
"this is it." she said, pointing to a taped off burnt building.
"what's going on?" Tatum asked.
i broke down and told them.
"sweet, Tatum, Deven work on the far side, i'll take this area with Tie," Robby said.
"and i'll be look out." Evelon said, turning on her heels.
"guys?" she whispered.
"what?" we all said, ready to jump into the shadows.
"are you still there?"
"no, we took a side trip to the fucking moon!" Tatum whisper yelled.
i bit my lip and bumped her fist.
"i felt that Deven!" Evelon said.
"relax and be the look out i won't leave you i promise." i said, digging through burn floor boards.
"Deven!" Tie called, waving me over.
i walked over to him with Tatum.
Robby was digging in the dirt, and pulled out a old looking box.
oh Whoops, it's the book.
Robby blew on it.
"it needs a key."
"i have a necklace like this in my room, my mom gave it to me." i said.
"well lets move." Robby said, giving me the book.
"yes!" Evelon said, punching the air, and hurrying to the back door's of the school.
we all ran to my room.
as i got the necklace Evelon put pillows all over the floor.
i sat down and they all crowded around me.
Marla and Bounce could of cared less, and crawled into a ball at our feet.
i opened the book.
"okay we know about that." Tatum said, pointing to the first page labeled Soul sister.
i flipped through some pages, how to turn into a vampire, the meaning of jaded, Benton, and his clan.
"wait i saw Preston's name on the page." Tie said.
"Preston, is Benton's son, and was born to serve Benton, to getting close to the Pure Vanity Vampire. it says his mom tried to take Preston and run, but Benton burned her at the stake." i read.
"do you think he knows?" Robby asked.
"how cruel." Evelon said.
i turned the page.
"this would of been helpful." i said, pointing to the page that said, scaring away Benton.
"wait it says, that he can't be killed but didn't you kill him?" Tatum asked.
"yeah, he turned to dust, and then Preston buried him." i said.
"well maybe the person who wrote this didn't think he could be killed." Evelon said.
"or he can be killed and then he lives again." Tie said.
"that's sounds ridiculous but i believe it." i said.
There was a knock on the door and with in seconds the book was hidden and we all pretended to sleep.
there was another knock, and i got up to check it.
"no ones there." i said.
"oh no not another creepy Deven thing, from the first two weeks of school." Robby said.
"at least we aren't hearing my name." i offered.
Evelon covered my mouth, "don't jinx it!" she said.
we went back to the book.
"okay this whole him coming back is freaking me out." Tatum said.
"why?" Tie asked.
"cause i think it could happen." i answered for her.
"exactly." she said, pointing at me.
"that's it!" i said, as the door was knocked on.
"Preston!" i yelled throwing myself at him.
" hey, what's everyone doing?"
"just hanging out." i said, kissing him.
we went back in the room, and i was glad to find the book gone.
"i came over cause i couldn't sleep, guess i wasn't the only one." he said, sitting behind me and rapping his arms around me.
i leaned back on his chest secretly relieved. for some reason i felt like he should tell me about his mom, and i shouldn't show him the book. i don't know why i felt like this of course.
"so why is everyone quite?"
"we're tired." Tatum said.
"but we can't sleep." Tie said.
"well maybe you could like cuddle or something." Preston said.
"i'm not cuddling with you." Tatum said, looking over at Evelon.
"agreed." Evelon said, climbing into her bed.
Tie Robby and Tatum made sleeping bags.
"are you tired?"
"want to go back to my room?"
"sure, you guys okay here?"
"go for it." tie said.
as soon as i was under the covers i was half asleep.
"you ready to sleep yet?"
i grabbed his arm and put it around me.
"goodnight." he said.
"i love you." i said, not sure if he could hear me.
"i love you." he said.
that was the last thing i remembered until i fell into a dream.
a dream where some vampire witch brought Benton back from the dead.
i woke up, making Preston fall out of bed.
"are you okay?" we asked at the same time, me leaning over the bed, him shooting to his feet knocking me back.
i kissed him and ran from the room, not stopping when he said hold up.
i snuck back into the room, Marla at my heels i grabbed the book and went into the girls lounge.
i was both irritated and not surprised when Preston sat down next to me.
"what's that?" he asked.
i handed it over.
as he took the book his eyes stayed attached to mine.
"whoa." he breathed out flipping through it.
"how long have you had this?"
"not long i was gonna tell you honest." i said, sounding like a little kid who got caught
taking an extra cookie.
"so did you find anything in here?"
"don't lie to me babe."
"how'd you know?"
i'm a natural born lair.
"i can always tell when you lie to me."
i looked down and traced his up turned hand.
"you know when my dad burned her." he said.
he swallowed, his eyes heavy with grief.
"he made me watch."
the first tear spilled and i pulled him into my arms and kept my eyes shut tight as he cried.
his crying was broken and i wanted to take all his pain away, and i wanted to re-kill his father.
i didn't tell him it's okay cause it wasn't.
he had gone through so many things that i could never even start to understand.
he pulled away and wiped his face, just as the sound of foot steps came.
"hey guys." Evelon said.
"whoa you okay Preston?"
"yeah, damn allergies."
she nodded.
"i gotta get back to my room."
"what happened?" Evelon asked, taking his spot.
"his mom." when i spoke my voice was broken.
"hey you Okay?"
"he's so broken and i don't know how to help him." i said, wiping away a tear.
"go to him. he needs you." Tatum said, standing at the door way.
i walked to the door.
"hey." Tatum said, as i passed.
she grabbed my sleeve and pulled me into a hug.
she kissed my forehead.
"you've got this." she said, softly looking over my face.
as i pushed open Preston's door, he was leaning on his dresser,
his broken sobs shaking his shoulders.
he didn't look up as i came in.
i shut the door.
he wiped his face and looked over at me. when he saw it was me, this brought on new tears, and he pulled me into his arms.
as he cried into my shoulder, silent tears poured down my cheeks for him.
he pulled back to look at me.
"don't cry." he said.
he wiped my face with his hand.
"i can't help it your in pain." it was just a broken whisper.
his smile was small, and screamed his pain.
i pulled him to me by his neck.
he rubbed my back and said sweet things.
"your so strong damn you." i said, pulling back.
he laugh.
"it's not funny." i said, smacking his chest, and drying my face.
i looked up at him my chest feeling broken.
he rapped his arms around me, and as if it where

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