» Fantasy » The Raven, Jenny Garcia [ebooks that read to you TXT] 📗

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will.” I laugh out, “Oh I am not so sure about that. How do you feel now?” He looks to me with pain in his eyes and my heart aches for him. I don’t want to put him through this but there is something selfish inside that makes this borderline enjoyable.

The moment I see the building of tears the selfishness washes away and just the agony of seeing him hurt remains. “Enyo my heart aches for you. I cannot apologize enough for all the years of torment I put you through due to my own stubbornness and pride.” I cannot stop the tears from coming to my own eyes but I blink them back and keep them from falling. My skin heats and my palms begin to sweat. He continues and his voice begins to break, “I cannot live without you Enyo. Please forgive me and at least let me prove to you that I am willing to wait for you to want to be with me again. I will do whatever it takes to get you back into my life. I will never stop trying. Never.” My mouth drops open and I begin to take quick breaths. I don't know what to say at all. I was not expecting him to be so...submissive. He knows that my Wolf is a female Alpha and that she would need a male who had Alpha qualities, but this is not the behavior of an Alpha, they do not submit. Surprising my Wolf is clawing at me to accept him. I can feel her under my skin and she is becoming almost painful. I reach out to him and he stares at my hand with hope in his eyes and he takes my hand, “Ares. If I let you back into my life, and you hurt me again, I will kill you in the worst ways I know.” His smile fades and is replaced with a devilish grin, “You can try my love” Hearing those words sends me over the edge. I lunge at him our lips connecting for the first time ever in our lives and the pleasure rips through me. He wraps his arms around my back and groans into my mouth. I can feel the bond snapping between us and the moment it connects an electric pain runs up both our spins. Just as quickly as it comes, it fades into a pleasurable warmth. He rips his lips away from mine as we lie motionless on the floor, “You accept me?” I nod my head and the smile that grows on his face is the biggest that I have ever seen on his face. He stands taking me into his arms like a bride and walks the few steps to the bed. He looks down to me and love pouring from him.


Now that our bond is connected I can feel all his emotions and lust is pouring off him as he holds me above the mattress. He looks down to me, “Enyo let me stay with you tonight.” I nod my head unable to speak any words. He drops me onto the bed playfully and a giggle breaks free from my lips. His devilish smile makes my skin tingle as he crawls over my body and lies next to me in bed. He reaches for the silk belt holding my robe together and slowly tugs it free. He knows the only way to solidify the bond is to consummate it. Although this is something that I have always wanted I have never felt no nervous in my life. I grab his hand before he opens my robe, “Ares, are you sure this is what you want? If we do this, it will be forever…” Before I can even doubt his response he smiles, “Enyo you are my forever, you are my life. I will be by your side until the end of time.I will never hurt you again.” He leans forward placing a searing hot kiss to my lips and I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. Letting go of all the anger and hatred in a single breath pulling him to me. This is our moment and I can tell this is going to be a long night.

Chapter 4





    Darkness swirls around Niki as she tosses and turns in her bed. Travis lying motionless and deep in sleep at her side. The images come quickly and slam into her mind like a hammer. A woman with hair black as night, a rams skull sitting upon her head and a Crow feather cape is dawning her back. She strides towards her with a blue electricity streaming from her fingers and her eyes filled with hatred. Cold fear pulses through her veins as she stares into the dark soulless eye of the woman in her vision. A cinched black corset lines her stomach and covers her breast with a flowing black torn skirt covers her legs and touches the ground dragging behind her. She twists her hands round and round letting the blue electricity curl up her arms as it snaps and crackles. Her skin is pale as snow with red tribal paint across her eyes. Pressure begins to build in Niki’s head as she grows closer. She begins to speak but the pounding in her ears keeps her from understanding. Niki tried to calm her heart beast, to get control of the vision and how what it has to offer but there is something about this woman that has her snared in fear and unable to concentrate. “Who are you?” Niki screams into the air as the woman approached slowly. Niki backs up in her vision and tries to observe her surroundings. Fire and smoke distort the landscape but just above the flames she see the top of the castle. She rushes forward through the flames knowing that the vision cannot physically harm her. She bursts through the other side and her stomach falls and tears begin to well in her eyes. The smell of rotting corpses smashes into her and almost knocks the breath from her body. Thousands of men and woman lie on the ground unmoving and bloodied. The once beautiful lawn that stretched out in front of the main entrance to the castle was not riddled with death. Niki;s stomach turned at the site and she turned back to see the woman with her hands raised to the sky and lighting shooting into the air she cackle breaking the silence and just like that all the noise that was missing from her vision came. The sounds of swords clashing, metal on metal and the screaming of those who have lost their loved ones or are dying.


    Niki watches to woman in the feather cape walk towards the field of death stepping on the back of those who have fallen and laughing all the way. Niki falls to her knees and screams. Her whole Kingdom was murdered and this woman is at the root of the merciless destruction. Not only did she murder everyone...but she enjoyed it. Niki looks up to the sky and there is no light to be found just pure darkness that the moon can’t even break through. Tears begin to fall and she screams over and over into the darkness as she stares down the mystery woman with rage building inside her every second she is stuck in her vision.


Travis begins to violently shake her, awakened by her blood curdling screams. “Niki wake up!” He can tell that she is fighting to resurface but whatever her vision is showing her must be horrid. He has never her scream this way and he is terrified to find out what it is. Five minutes go by and Travis has no luck in waking Niki and bringing her back to the present. She is sweating, crying and screaming on and off. Travis races to the door ripping it open only to find Asclepius still in her white cotton pajamas and panting for breath. “I...heard...the scream.” She tried to catch her breath between words. Travis turns to the side allowing her to enter their bedroom. She rushes to the huge four post bed and places her hand over the top of Niki’s forehead and closes her eyes. It only takes a few seconds for the green mist to flow from her hands and into Niki. Within a few breaths she is flying awake and backing towards the dark cherry headboard gasping for breath and terror in her eyes. Once she realizes she is back in her room and in present time and crawls quickly to Asclepius grabbing her by her upper arms and shaking her, “Did you see her!” Asclepius removes Niki's hands from her arms, “Yes I did.” She sounds unconcerned and it enrages Niki, “Well did you see all the carnage as well as she laughed atop their bodies.” This catches Travis’s attention, “What do you mean?” She jumps from the bed and begins to pace. “There was this woman I saw she looked demonic and everyone in the Realm was dead, murdered and she was at the center enjoying every moment.” His eyes grow wide and he knows all too well that vision will become the future if they don’t so something to stop it. Panic rises and he looks to the door and rushes to close it.


Asclepius sits motionless on the bed with her back still to Travis and Niki, he head hanging low. They both stare at her for a moment, “Asclepius.” Niki speaks first breaking the silence, “You know her?” Asclepius nods her head slowly but still doesn't respond. Niki tried to be patient with her but the images that she just saw were so terrifying that she cannot stand by and wait for Asclepius to work through whatever emotions that she is dealing with. “Asclepius! Who was that?!  Answer me!” She slowly turns and there are tears falling from her eyes freely and her face is drained of all color, “My twin sister, The Raven.”


The room falls silent at the revelation The Raven is  Asclepius own flesh and blood. Niki’s stomach turns as she stares at  Asclepius. “I didn’t know that you had a sister.” She stares at Niki with worry and sadness blanketing her expression. “I do not wish to be associated with her. Though my gift is to bring life and to heal, she uses her gifts for destruction and death.” Travis takes a step towards her, “What kind of magic does she have.”  Asclepius lets out a breath she seemed to be holding to moment she heard Niki’s vision. She takes another and looks to the King, “She is Mage.” Travis is taken aback. Mage is a race that can harness electricity and manipulate it how they please. They draw from the light and from living things around them.  Asclepius continues, “When she was a child my parents knew that there was about her.” The room stays silent as  Asclepius explains, “She preferred darkness to the light which is strange for a Mage because they fed from sun but she preferred to feed creatures. Mice, rats, birds even insects. It’s a different

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