» Fantasy » The Raven, Jenny Garcia [ebooks that read to you TXT] 📗

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us in a flash hooves beating the ground. I have never heard a Queen speak like that before it was almost, refreshing. “It’s on woman!” He yells back to her and he is off. Dex wines and I release the reins letting him go as fast as his legs will carry him. Wind wipes past my face tangling my long hair behind me.


The ground seems to shake as we barrel down the golden brown fields of dried grass the wind blowing so hard against my face my eyes dry as liquid runs from the corners of my eyes and flies back into my hair. Dex is neck in neck with the Queen’s mare and we both rise from our saddles and I can’t help but smile. This is the first time that I have ever raced Dex...for fun at least and I have to say that it is rather invigorating. As we speed up a small hill covered in wildflowers of every color the wind blowing through my hair, the castle comes into view and I can smell the delicious aroma wafting from its direction. The cooks must be hard at work.


It has been years since I returned to this place. Years and years of training and war have changed me immensely. My heart was once open and looking for love like any woman does, but now I have seen the horror this world has to offer and love is the one thing I avoid. Love is a virus that attacks the heart and decision making. I have no room for that sort of disease in my life. Love is for the weak minded.

Once I believed that I was leaving to become a soldier for love, to show my worth and devotion to a cause that we both held close to our hearts, but it just showed me how unworthy he really was of me. I will never regret the decision to join Khan’s Army because it has lead me to where I am now, and where I am now is much better than falling over some man that never deserved me in the first place. Now that I know his past I have no desire to be in his presence let alone at his side as his mate. My heart sinks just thinking the word...mate.


We start slow as we reach the stables around the back of the Castle. Our horses panting and out of breath. I continue to walk Dex until his breathing settles and he is relaxed again. We all dismount and hand over the reins to the stable hands and continue to the rear entrance to the Castle. The smell of nature seeps into my soul and I remember a time when I lived in this castle with my younger sister Grizel. My heart aches to see her as we draw closer and closer. I haven't seen her face in years and I miss her glittering green eyes. She was always so different from me, happy, outgoing and beloved all. There was nothing that she wouldn't do for me or anyone that she loved.


The Queen and King walk before me and open the large wooden carved door and I await the darkness of the castle but it never comes. Light pours from the door and we take a step inside. The feeling is… different. No longer does fear roam the halls, it’s warm and welcoming and it makes my heart feel strange. Something that I have not felt in quite sometime. The Queen and King stroll ahead of me talking amongst themselves and laughing. It makes my blood boil, how can they laugh after so many of their Soldiers, my brothers and sisters have been slaughtered. Suddenly The King turns to me and stomps towards me, “You know nothing of the pain that Niki feels for the soldiers that have been murdered. Do not take her demeanor so lightly.” Before I can respond the Queen’s hand appears on The King’s shoulder whispering into his ear, “Please Travis. She has a right to be upset.” I can feel the anger radiating from the King dissipate and he takes a step back and turns away from me walking down the hall his boots echoing with every step. The Queen watches him walk down the hall and turns back to me once he is out of sight, “General Enyo, we need to consult with Ares about the recent attack will you please accompany me to the Great Hall?” This was a request...not a command. It catches me off guard and I nod. She smiles and turns from me walking down the hall. They know that they do not have to request anything from their subjects and yet she makes me feel like I have a choice in the matter. A head game?   


The Great Hall… what a sight to behold. Stain glass window with images of every breed, wolves, mystic, Pyros...everything. They stretched from the floor to the ceilings. Book shelves lined every inch of the walls with books that seemed to be as old as time itself with withered leather spines. The throne sat vacant as the Queen stood before it he hands clasped in front of her delicately. The lights in the room had all been turned off but the sun brought through the window and illuminated the room in a comforting glow. I made my way down the long room and stood before her staring waiting for her command. She motioned to the long table with red velvet cover chairs all around. “Please sit.” I turn to my left and make my way to the table pulling out one of the chairs and sitting down. She joins me and sit directly across from me with the King at her side. The King stares me down and I return the glare until Queen Niki places her hand on his forearm making him break eye contact and look to her. She gives him a gentle smile and he leans in kissing her gently on the lips.


She turns her head towards the back of the room and hollers, “Ares!” The door at the back of the room creaks open and I don’t dare look in his direction. My heart begins pounding in my chest and my cheeks flush. I hear the heavy footsteps of his boots grow near and my anxiety climbs with every step as my breath quickens. I can feel my wolf scratching at me. She does not understand my distaste for Ares, because she only knows what she feels for him as his mate. Her instincts are primal and she often has a one track mind. Sweat builds on my upper lip and I wipe it away before anyone can notice it. I straighten my back as I see him come into view from the corner of my eye. There is a moment of silence and I can tell that he is staring at me waiting for my reaction his boot no longer echoing in the awkward silence..


“Enyo?” His voice is shaky and confused. I refuse to look at him and keep my eyes locked on the Queen, “If we could proceed discussing the attack.” She looks to Ares and then back to me, “Is there something that I should know about you two?” her voice riddled with curiosity. Ares takes a seat next to the Queen and lowers his eyes to the table. I have never seen him act this way before. He has always held himself with such confidence and almost arrogance. I finally look at Ares. His face is just how I remember it. Dark hair, soft features, square chin and deep brown eyes. “Is there anything that the Queen must know Ares?” He stares at me for a moment and then swallows deeply, “No my Queen.” She looks between us and then squints her eyes, “Why do you look so familiar Enyo, I know that I have not met you before. Your eyes, so green, they remind me of someone.” All I can think about is Grizel, she must know her since she works in the castle as her chamber maid. “My sister is a servant here. Your chamber maid actually.” She looks to the King and Ares shifts uncomfortably in his chair. There is a moment of pregnant silence and she clears her throat, “Do you mean Grizel?” I nod my head yes. She looks down and places her hand atop the table, “I am sorry to inform you of this General, but your sister was murdered.”


A hot blade runs through my heart and tears begin to well in my eyes. I blink them away and try to gain my composure. “By Whom?” I say behind gritted teeth anger radiating from me heating every part of my body. My wolf lashes at the surface threatening to break free. Her grief intensifies my own. She wines and claws at me desperate for relief. She looks to Ares and then back to me. I can tell that this pains Niki to speak of. “Khan. I never had the pleasure of meeting her but there is a large portrait of her in the Castle to remember her.” All the loyalty that I ever felt for Khan melted away like butter on hot toast. All the anger and hatred for the Queen was replaced by understanding and slight acceptance. She never knew my sister and yet she had a portrait made in remembrance of her to hang for all to see.


The one thing that I was fighting to keep safe, was taken from me by the one person I followed without question and blind loyalty. I deserve vengeance...something that I could never acquire, Ares took that chance away from me the day he murdered Khan. I look to Ares with hatred burning in my eyes, “You knew this and did not contact me? After everything, you still are too pigheaded to alert me of my sister death!” My anger was pouring out of me pulsing with every breath I took. Grizel was the only ray of sunshine in my life. She kept me grounded and sane. Although I had not seen her in many years she wrote to me often. I should have noticed that the letters stopped, tired harder to contact her, but no. I was so engulfed in my own rage I totally disregarded the signs of her absence. How could I have been so ignorant and blind. I feel hot tears begin to rise and I blink them away again refusing to show weakness in from of Ares. Ares looks at me with confusion and guilt. He places his hands on the table and laces his fingers, “Enyo, I didn’t know you were alive, if I had I would have contacted you.” My mouth drops open and I feel like reaching over the table and slapping him across his stupid fucking face. “How could you say that!? Khan knew I was alive. He sent me orders constantly and you being his second in command makes is hard to believe that you didn't know I was still living.” Rage and betrayal is seeping from me and polluting the air around me. Grizel was nothing but loyal and pleasant. She was kind to everyone that she met and did all she could to serve the King and Queen. The Queen looks between Ares and I as we stare each other down. Ares finally responds, “Just because I was Khan’s second doesn't mean he told me everything. He told me you were dead.”


I shake my head from side to side, “And where were you while my sister was murdered?” His lip quivers for a moment, “I watched it happen.” He looks to the ground and runs one of his hands through his short hair. No longer being able to contain my anger I lunge across the table wrapping my hands around his throat and squeezing as tightly as

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