» Fantasy » The Raven, Jenny Garcia [ebooks that read to you TXT] 📗

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I can, “You watched her die you fucking Monster! How could you do that!? After everything we have been through you could not do me the one courtesy of taking care of her!? I HATE YOU ARES!” Two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me from Ares with a forceful tug. I turn to fight against the man who dare put his hands on me to see the Queen. Shocked at her strength I stare at her for a moment and then she pulls me into her arms in an embrace. Grief coursing through me all rational thinking has gone out the window. I wrap my arms around her and sob into her chest. She screams and everyone in the room, “Leave, NOW!” The sounds of shoes scurrying across the floors echo until there is completed silence except for my sobs muffled the in Queens clothing.


I feel her hand run down the back of my tangled hair as she speak softly to me, “General, Ares was destroyed when Grizel was murdered. He carried her body out into the East Garden and sobbed for hours. He buried her himself and refused to let anyone assist him.” I look up to her with my face reddened and tears staining my it. I try to fight back the tears and embarrassment. I am supposed to be the General of the Shadows of NIght and yet I am crying like a child into the chest of the Queen. “She was the only family that I had left.” The Queen tooks down to me with her eyebrows furrowed, “Are we not your family?” My heart breaks at hearing this. Only a week ago I had plans on rebelling again this woman and making her head from her shoulders myself and now she is asking me why I don’t consider her family. Should I lie and say yes or tell her the truth and risk banishment or execution. I push away from her and her grip around me lessens. “My Queen, I must be honest…” She takes a step back from me and folds her arms, “Yes.” She says with a questioning glare. I take a deep breath and try to keep eye contact with her piercing glare. I cannot believe that I am going to tell all, “A week ago I was assembling my warriors to...relieve you from duty.” Her arms fall to her side and sadness covers her face. This is not the reaction I was expecting. Yelling screaming, something to show her emotion but she stands...just staring at me. She lets out a sigh and take a step forward, “Is there a reason that you were planning this?” The long pause sat between us both of our eyes locked together. “Yes, There is.” She pulls one of the red chairs out and takes a seat motioning for me to follow. Slowly I pull the chair out and take a seat. My heart racing out of control as I try to find the words to explain myself. I take a deep breath, “Permission to speak freely” She nods her head and I continue, “I do not feel that you are capable to rule over the Realm. You are but 18 years of age and before you came here, you knew nothing of our world. I do not see how you can keep the subject safe when you have no knowledge to guide you.” She folds her hands and listens without interrupting as I go on about my feelings and the visit with the Oracle and her visions.


A pregnant pause fills the silent Hall as she mulls over my words. She looks to me with a vacant expression and finally responds, “The Oracle is a woman?” I cannot help but he shocked by her question. After everything that I have told her. How I planned to betray them and possibly kill them the only thing she has questions about is the gender of the Oracle. I am too shocked to speak and just stare back at her, “Did you not hear everything I just explained to you.” She nods her head, “Yes and I also heard that you no longer wish to follow through with this plan. Did I miss anything?” I shake my head no and she continues, “Look General, I do not blame you for the feelings that you have towards my competence as a ruler. I too did not want to be in this position. When Renee came to me this was the last thing that i wanted. I fought it at every turn but when I was told that the entire human race would be extinct if I didn't it left me with little choice. You’re right, I do not have the knowledge of this world as I should but I am learning every day and that is all that I can do.” I can’t but feeling like a fool for feeling the way I do towards Niki. Instead of hating her I can help her learn all she can and train her to be a warrior as the Queens before her all were. Looking to the ground I respond with embarrassment, “I am sorry my Queen. I shouldn't have acted the way I have and I am happy to have finally met you.” She leans forward and places a hand on mine, she opens her mouth to speak with a voice echos from the large double wooden doors at the entrance of the hall, “Niki?” A woman that looks to be in her mid late thirties or early forties that bares a striking resemblance to the Queen, “NIki is everything alright?” Niki looks over her shoulder and responds, “yes mom everything is fine. Please come here I have someone I want you to meet.”


This must be the Pyros that the Oracle spoke of. She walks through the opening in the door and makes her way over to us. I bow my head as she approaches. She begins to giggle, “You do not have to bow to me.” I look back to Niki and she shakes her head whispering to me, “Don’t listen to her, she loves it secretly.” A small smile cracks my lips and I rise to meet the woman in front of me. Niki stands, “Mom this is the General of the Shadow of Night, her name is Enyo.” She extends her hand to me and I take it shaking it firmly. “Its nice to meet you Enyo, will you be staying with us?” I shake my head, “No there is an issue unfolding that I have been discussing with the Queen.” She looks to Niki with dread on her face, “I knew there was something wrong you lied to me!” NIki takes a step back and sighs in frustration, “Mom there are some things that you don't want to know about.” She shakes her head and crosses her arms, “Nonscience tell me.” The Queens shoulders rise and fall, “Alright fine. There was an attack on Enyo’s warriors and most of them were murdered. Asclepius is there now healing the ones that survived.” Her eyes widened and she takes a step back sparks shooting from her fingertips. Niki leans forward, “Mom calm yourself before you set the place on fire.” She closes her hands and the sparks stop shooting from her. She looks to me, “I am sorry for your lose.” I nod my thanks to her caught off guard by her sincerity. I have been with war and bloodshed for so long that it is difficult to accept the support I am being given so freely. “My name is Michelle by the way. Niki is terrible at introducing people.” Niki rolls her eyes in annoyance. I am surprised at the relationship that they still hold even though Niki is Queen of all, she still seems to take orders from her mother or at least still gets under her skin like most moms do. I can’t help but smile. Michelle turns away from us and walks towards the door yelling back over her shoulder, “Enyo I hope you plan on staying with us for a few days.” Niki looks to me and nods her head, “Yes, I insist. I need you here for the time, we have much to discuss and plan.” Reluctantly I nod my head. The last thing that I want is to be stuck in a Castle where Ares resides. “I need to attend to my men.” She waves her hand, “It has been taken care of. At this time they are being healed, which you know of and they will be moved to the West Wing along with their families. I do not want anymore deaths to occur from whom ever attacked your camp.” My eyes widen and heart sinks. No Queen or King has ever opened their home to warriors let alone their families. Granted the Castle has plenty of room and she would never even see them unless she went out of her way.

“Why my Queen?” She looks to me confused, “What do you mean?” I pace forward, “Why bring all of them here?”

“Would you rather them subjected to more attacks and possibly attacks on their families?” I shake my head no, “Well neither would I.” She said cooly. As she makes her way towards to double doors she turns back, “Whatever Ares has done to you needs to be resolved. I will not have another confrontation like that in my home again.” Before I can respond she turns away from me and walks out the door closing it behind her.


As I sit in the plush red velvet chairs of the Great Hall I try to think of memories of Grizel. Playing as children on a hot summer days near the river, skipping stones on the clear blue water, memories that I hold very close to my heart. The day that I left to join the ranks of soldiers Grizel begged me not to go. I remember her words as if it were yesterday, “Enyo you have nothing to prove to him, If he doesn't want you the way you are he will never want you.” Although at the time those words angered me, now I understand what she meant. Never change yourself to impress a man. Although the path I chose ended up being the best one for me, I started the journey for the wrong reasons and vowed that I would never let a silly emotion like love make my decisions for me. I wish that I could have seen her one last time before she was ripped from this world. There is a part of me that wants to know how it happened, what Khan did to her, but there is no need to know the details. What good would it bring me? So I can replay the images of her demise over and over in my head. That is not how I want to remember her. My eyes begin to burn as tears fight their way to the surface and spill down my cheeks. I have not allowed myself to cry for so many years. Crossing my arms the leather long sleeve tightens around them as I place them atop the Cherry Wood table and lay my head atop my forearms and sob. My breaths become choppy and quick as I try to gain composure and process the heavy feeling of guilt and grief.


The hushed sounds of voices reaches my ears and immediately I stop crying and strain to hear the words sobs threatening to break through. Being a Wolf my hearing is extremely sensitive and hearing conversation from other rooms has aided in more than one endeavor. It seems to be two women, probably servants, gossiping in the hall

“Did you hear that General Enyo is here” My interest peaks at hearing my name brought up in conversation.

“Yes, I did. Can you believe it! I heard that she tried to kill

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