» Fantasy » The Raven, Jenny Garcia [ebooks that read to you TXT] 📗

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Chapter 1



The crowd roars as I make my way to the center of the village of my Warriors as the sun beats down upon my back. The dryness of summer burns the sensitive flesh inside my nose as I take deep breaths trying to control my anger and nerves. Rows upon rows of warriors pumping their fists viciously into the sky and for just cause. The rage I feel inside is shared by my warriors and it electrifies the air tingling the hairs on the back of my neck making them stand on end. The wind is heavy with scents the town often produced: roasting meats, horse dung and flowers that grew from flower beads perched below windows. My men stare at me with confidence in their eyes, something that I have spent years trying to achieve, I nod and they return the gesture of respect. It has take years to get where I am. Fighting against brother and sister to acquire my status. I have earned my role as General of the Shadows of Night, the youngest and first female in Centuries being just shy of 200 years old, and yet the new Queen is given hers at the drop of a hat at the meger age of eighteen. That may be an age that humans consider adulthood, but here, in the Realm she is just a child. Raised by humans and with no knowledge of our world, it is truly insulting that she has acquired her position with no trial or test. Every warrior in my Army had to fight, train and bleed to be apart of the Shadows of Night, to protect our world and I will see to that the Young Queen will bleed for her ignorance. She knows nothing of our world and she will lead us into the ground. Everything that I have done is all for not. All the battles I have fought men I have cut down...worthless if a child will rule the Realm. There is in way I will to bow to her, she will bow to me.


Khan was a fool to venture into the human world to end her life. Vengeance and rage clouded his judgment after the loss of his daughter and Queen Renee. Even since his daughter was taken by the humans he changed and his decision became irrational. His grief ate away at his brain and soul like a virus until there was nothing left but rage and ignorance. Ares his trusted second in command was the one to betray his King...swine. My nails bite into the calloused flesh of my hand from clenching them so tightly. The sting of pain is nothing compared to what I have lived through.


“Enyo! Enyo!” The crowd roars my name as I reach the small wooden stage stairs surrounded by warriors all dressed in their uniforms. Black as the night, their armor shines menacingly back at me and I feel a jolt of pride. Their black cloaks hang down their back and fine silver swords hang from their hips swinging from side to side as they beat the sky with their pumping arms. My red hair catches under the wind and blowing it back from my chest joining my gold embroidered black cloak dancing in the breeze. Black leather in this punishing heat is exactly why we normally meet at night. My boots clunk on the wooden stairs as I make my way to center stage. The sword sheathed upon my back sends a reminder to all that cross me, I have earned my status and earned the blade of leaders before us. Tis a great honor to dawn the Blade of Night across my back and I wear it with pride.


    I look out across the sea of faces and take a deep breath in through my nose and get the scent of dust as it swirls in the air. I raise my arms into the air and silence falls across the crowd. I lower my arms slowly, “Warriors, brother and sisters, there has been a great injustice committed.” I look across all the array of breeds staring back at me all yearning for blood. “Queen Renee made a grave mistake bringing a human raised wolf to rule over the Realm. Our true King, Khan has been betrayed by his own men and now it is time to avenge his death!” The crowd erupted with cheers and begins to chant, “War, War, War!” I raise my hand and silence again encases the audience.


    “The Queen is young, not more than 18 years” whispering breaks out between the warriors, “and she expects us all to bow to her!” Hisses pour from them left and right as they shake their heads in disgust. A girl of 18 is just a child  in our eyes. I myself am dawning 200 years of age, although still looking 25 years of age and will for the remainder of my days, I have enough life to take over the Realm and rule the way that Khan would have wanted. A united Realm! A human free world!” Cheers erupt and with clapping and hooting. “Today we build the revolution! The Shadows of Night need to reclaim our Realm!” I take a step back and they stare at me with anticipation waiting for my next word. For the command of war. “We ALL have taken an oath to protect the Queen and King with our lives, but on this day I ask you to break your voe and follow me into the NEW world, our world! No longer having to hide from humans! They will bow to us or die!” Without another world...I wait in dead silence.


At first they all look back and forth between them. I don’t blame them for their hesitation. I am asking them to break the oath that so many years ago they all made and have upheld. The seconds feel like hours as a small bead of sweat rolls from my temple and down my cheek. I take a breath and shift my weight from side to side, then it fist after another is lifted into the air. Soon the entire crowd is silent with arms raised showing support and loyalty to a true leader. I raise my hands in the arm is a violent thrust, “Brothers and sisters! We will reclaim what is ours! Death to the Queen!” They chant after me without an instance of doubt. I turn back towards the stairs and start towards them with a new feeling a pride and confidence welling in my chest. A young child in a white tunic and brown pants stand nears the bottom of the stairs and stares at me until I make my descent. I stand in front of her as her eyes grow wide. She bows her head and dirty brown hair falls on either side of her neck, “General, My master must speak with you.” I raise my eyebrow. This child must have great courage, most of the children in this town feared my shadow and would never approach me. I give her credit for her bravery and decide to indulge her master, “Who is you master child, no one summons me.” She raised her head slightly with a confused look on her face as if she is surprised that I don't know. “G-General the Oracle is my master.” She studders her words in a small meek voice. My throat dries and my heartbeat quickens. Although I have known many victories in battle and wars, I have fought every breed and never faltered but the Oracle is a true immortal that could never be destroyed. He take no sides and is respected by all. If he is summoning me than it must mean am I doomed to fail...I push the thoughts out of my head and nod my head to the young girl.


    I follow the small child through the village dust pooling behind me as my cape drags across the ground. Past bread and fruit vendors and finally to the edge where the last homes stand on either side of me. She stops and looks up to me. “Please take my tunic.” I looked down at the dirty material and reach out reluctantly as the little girl stares up at me without a worry in her eyes. There is something about this child that isn’t...right.


The moment my finger tips touch the child's tunic, we are ripped into darkness and I feel as if I am floating in mid air. Moments pass and we are no longer at the village but standing in front of white columns of a magnificent home...maybe palace is a better word for this monstrous structure. The outer walls are all plaster with no color to be seen. The house looked deserted at the peak of its glory and untouched by time. I scan my surroundings to see the entire mansion is engulfed by lush green grass and towering trees and every kind. A cool breeze blows through my hair and the scent of roses catches my attention. I look to the right and large bushes of black roses are scattered across the lawn. My eyes widen at the sight of them. A flower that has been long lost in our Realm meant to show nobility and power grows freely in this place. Many centuries ago they lined the Castle and were a warning to all that stepped inside of the power that loomed behind the doors. Until Renee removed them from existence saying it was not the image she wanted her subjects to have. I never had the chance to see one in real life and I can’t help but marvel at their beauty. Renee chose to rule with love and though some did encouraged her...I did not. Love doesn't earn you respect, love doesn't urge the breed warriors to follow you into battle,… is a demon.


The small child walks before me and no longer is in rags...and no longer a child. My breath catches to see the back of a young slender woman with raven hair to the middle of her back and a long white dress that reaches the ground with a small brown belt around her waist. She turns to face me with her hands folded and my breath catches. Her skin is white as milk with eyes of emerald green and lips the lightest shade of pink. She is the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen and I wonder if this is the Oracles companion. With her beauty I wouldn't doubt it. Her arms are strong and defined along with her back that peaks through her backless dress. She looks regal as she stare down at me from the steps of the mansion.


She opens her mouth and her voice is warm like honey invading my soul and relaxing me completely. Her accent showing deep french roots, “General Enyo, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” I take a step forward with my arm draping across my stomach and bowing slightly at the waist letting my eyes fall to the floor a show of trust. I know not what rank she holds in this house and the last thing I want to do is offend someone of the Oracles home. I raise my head and straighten up. She stares at me for a moment her green eyes cutting into my soul. “General Enoy, you know me not?” My throat dries. Should I know this woman? Have I missed some detail? She keeps her hands folded and waits patiently for me to respond. My skin begins to crawl as a small grin cracks her lips. I clear my throat hoping that my answer doesn't offend her, “I don’t mean to offend you, but no I do not.”

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