» Fantasy » The Raven, Jenny Garcia [ebooks that read to you TXT] 📗

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fear that you knew exactly what I would do after showing me this. You know that I would never do anything to endanger all of the Realm and yet you show me a way to victory. Why?”

She looks across her land and then back to me, “You need to know the consequences of your actions. Would you rather have stormed the castle and lost your life along with all your men?” My eyes fell to the floor. She told me this to save me, to save all my warriors. “Thank you Oracle.” She nods her head in my direction and stands, “You have much to think about General. I will return you home. Please take my shoulder.” Within second we are back into darkness floating through time and space. This time it doesn't feel as fast as it once did. I am stuck inside my own head battling with my own morals. Do I condemn my whole world just to bring down a child Queen or do I take it lying down and follow orders like a lost puppy.


Light breaks through the darkness and we are back at the edge of the village with sun beginning to set on the Horizon. Pink and purple cover the sky painting and entrancing sight. I look down to see the dirty little girl under my hand. She nods her head and in an instant she disappears again. I take a step back and turn looking into the villages. Men and woman bustling around getting ready for a Rebellion I no longer knew was right. The reason for war is still burning in my brain but at what cost? At what point is it...not worth fighting for?


I walk slowly through the crowds with men and woman moving from my path letting me get through without one person bumping into me or touching me. Ares flashes into my mind and my heart aches. It has been many years since I let myself feel anything for him. It’s easy to ignore a memory, but watching him in front of my eyes is something that I was not prepared for. I had no idea that he once a criminal trying to overthrow the crown. He seemed to be so loyal, until of course the day he killed Khan, but that was centuries after he swore his allegiance to Khan. When I...knew him… he was always loyal. What must of happened?

Chapter 2


The dawn has yet to come and I lie awake in my bed tossing and turning over the decision I have made. I know what I must do now that I have had a week to think it over. The rebellion that we all crave is now off the table. There is no way that I am going release those murders just to satisfy my own pride. I am the General and I need to do what is best for my men and the people I protect. This has been the hardest decision and yet the easiest at the same time.



Today is the day I call in my men and explain that the rebellion is to be stopped. Dawn is starting to peek over the Northern Mountains where the heart and soul of the Shadows of Night reside. This village is where their families reside and when they are not training in the North Mountains or when they are on leave in the village. I sit up in my bed and throw my legs over the side of the letting them rest against the cold stone floors. I rise and let my white cotton nightgown all to the floor. This is the only place where I do not sleep in my leathers, the only place I feel comfortable enough to sleep soundly without one eye open. After I tell the men what our new plan is, I don't know how comfortable I will be. I make my way across my darkened room and to the bathroom. I fick on the light and listen to the hum of electricity push from the blubs. I rest my hands on the sink and lean forward taking in a deep breath and slowly looking into the mirror. Dark circle lay under my crystal blue eyes, though today they don't shine like they normally do.



Red tangled hair falls down my shoulders past chest. I grab the black brush from the marble counter and start at the bottom of my thick hair working out the tangles. I have no idea how I am going to explain this to my men. After everything I said to grow the rebellion now I have trying to take it down. How will they respect me after something like this.


I finish my morning routine and put on my leather pants, long sleeve top, cape and dawn the Blade of Night on my back. I sheathe another sword on my hip and two daggers in the holster at my sides. One last deep breath before walking out my bedroom door and down the wooden stairs and straight out the front door.


The sun warms my face as I make my way across the dirt path to the stables.  The air is cool against my face, the only skin that I allow to show other than my hands and even those are covered in black leather a majority of the time. The leather makes a brushing sound as my arms and legs rub together. I hear the whining of my stud Dex. He is a large black Friesian stallion standing 17 hands. He is a glorious animal, one I have rode into many battles. I make it to the stables and I hear him pawing at the stall door. “Dex, stop before you break the door.” He hollers at me to hurry up. He loves a good hard ride and gets very restless when I fail to take him out everyday. All have told me that Stallions are no good for riding due to their irrational behavior but Dex is just a huge colt. He loves me and has carried me wounded many a time.  


I peer into the stall and he shakes his long pitch black mane from side to side, “Good morning Dex are you ready to ride?.”  As if understanding me he paws the ground with his head lowered. I pull open the sliding door to his stall and grab the rope next to his name plate and click the sliver link onto the bottom of his halter. I lead him out to the hitching post and tie him to the metal pole nerves building with every passing moment. Walking back into the barn the smell of the black roses invades me and I think of the Oracle. This is a must be, that I am taking the right path. My nerves lesson as I grab the bucket and brushes and begin to brush his soft hair.


Small black hairs fly in the air and he waits patiently for me to finish. His stattle is my greatest pride. Genuine leather, black, the Royal Crest on one side and the Crest of the Shadows of night on the other. The air is filled with the smell of hay and horse manure. Not a smell that I have ever disliked. I pick up the western saddle by the horne and lift it atop his back over his red riding pad. Quickly I secure the girth and breast collar. His bridle is a brilliant silver and I slip the bit into his mouth and the top over his ears securing the long leather strap from the bottom of his chin strap to the round ring in the breast collar.


I secure the ball of my boot in stirrup and pull myself up onto his back taking the split reins in my hands and steadying him as he moves from side to side.  He loves to bolt out of the yard but it has been a few days since I last rode him and we trot out of the large green steel gates. I can feel Dex’s tension wanting to bolt but I hold him back. This is not the time for a speedy arrival. I am dreading this speech and I have no idea how this is going to go over. I am the General and I will not tolerate insubordination but the men to deserve an explanation.  


I loosen the reins and before I que him, Dex is off through the forest. He knows exactly where we are going and I don't need to lead him. His hoofs pound against the ground matching the beating of my heart and he speed towards the base in the Northern Mountains. The wind blows back my long red braid and I lean into the speed urging Dex to move faster. A horrible pain aches in my stomach as I see smoke rising in the distance where the base is located. I drive my heels into Dex and he lurches forward his ears perked and I assume he can smell the smoke. Dex has been trained since birth to become a war horse and he is loyal to no end. He knows something is wrong and he runs faster and faster with every passing moment.


Dex slides to a stop and I see the base...destroyed. My stomach lurches as I see my warriors laying on the ground bloodied and torn to pieces. Anger files me and I scream out to those who have survived whatever attack has come through. “What happened here! Report! NOW!” They must not have realized that I was there because they all looked at me shocked and one man rushed to me saluting. I return the gesture, “Bryce what happened?” Bryce was a young wolf and low in rank but somehow he was able to survive this attack with only a large gash across his face that was already starting to heal.  His voice was shaking as he began to explain, “It all happened so quickly. Men and women, they came in swords draw, no words and began murdering everyone. We fought for our lives but they were stronger, faster...I don't know how but they were.” He lowered his eyes ashamed that the Shadows of Night fell at the hands at the group of unknown murders. Place my hand on his shoulder and look down to him, “You fought well, Where is Hilde?” He points towards one of the training barracks, “She is wounded badly General.” Hilde was my second in command. She was a fierce warrior and never failed me. This is the first time that she was wounded enough not to meet me when I arrived and fear was spreading through me that she would not return from this wound. We are immortal in a sense that we do not age and it is terribly hard to kill us, but losing too much blood can kill.


I run over to where Bryce pointed and swing open the wooden door to see Hilde lying on a bed with her sword still in her hand. She tries to stand, “G-g-general” She stutters to speak and I rush to her placing my hands on her shoulders, “Stay down Hilde, that's an order.” She smiles

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