» Fantasy » Veyron, true.fantasy [love letters to the dead txt] 📗

Book online «Veyron, true.fantasy [love letters to the dead txt] 📗». Author true.fantasy

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Samir.” I apologise. “It’s important.”
Samir pouted. “More important than your self-proclaimed best friend.”
I smile lightly. “I’m afraid so.” I say thinking of the how important this really was. Papa…
I felt Xavier brush my back comfortingly. I gave him an appreciative look before readdressing Samir.
“We really need your help.” I say. “Xave wants weapons and I want advice.”
“Xave? Is that your name?” Madora asked sweetly. “It’s a nice name.”
“Xavier.” Xave says politely extending his hand. “Yeira just can’t be bothered pronouncing it.” Madora looked like she was about to faint, and she clutched onto his hand a bit too generously.
Samir turned to face me. “Weapons?”
I shrug. “We’re travelling through the woods and jungles so it’s best to be safe I guess.”
Samir nodded slowly. “I know what you might need. Sit down and I’ll bring it over.” I smile thanks, and Xave and I sat down on the small sofa area, waiting for Samir. Madora turned to Xave eagerly.
“Should I get some…refreshments?” She purred. I almost scoffed out loud; how cheap.
Xave shook his head. “Thanks, but I’m alright. How about you Yeira?” He asked smiling.
“Water would be good.” I shrug offhandedly
Madora nodded and headed off.
“Do you smell that?” Xave asked seriously.
“Mm…” He gave me a playful look. “Jealousy.”
“Maybe your nose is stuffed, because I smell nothing.” I scoff. “You’re such an idiot sometimes.”
“Is that a way to address your ‘fiancé’?”
I put on a thoughtful look. “No it isn’t. Good thing I didn’t call him that then, isn’t it?”
Xavier laughed and leant in closer to my face.
“Mm… Feisty.” He smirked. “I like ‘em that way.” I felt my heart stop and I sat in utter shock. The last time he had said that. The last time when…
“Here they are.” Samir’s voice came from behind us and Xave moved back. Coming up beside us, he laid out weapons of all sort out of large bags onto the table. Out poured knives, swords, shields, bows, arrows, spears, spikey balls, ricochet blades, knuckle-busters, smoke bombs, the list goes on…
Xave got up grinning and walked over to examine the various types of weaponry. “Neat stuff.” He grinned.
Samir nodded. “At your disposal. As for the in-tell…” He face me. “Well, where’re you headed?”
“Oasis Tura.” I supply. “What can you tell us?”
Samir frowned. “Don’t go there. Yeira, promise me you won’t.”
“What?” I glanced at Xavier, who shrugged. “Why not?”
“Why yes??” He asked getting agitated. “Yeira, there’s no way in without crossing two of the most lethal areas. Kalbaristan and the Loci. Kalbar is a terrible king, he’s a tyrant. If he realises who you are; you could get hurt. He’s a power hungry maniac.”
Xave seemed thoughtful as I took my defiance stance. “We have no choice. We have to go. If you can help, we’d appreciate it, but we’re not backing off.”
“Yeira please…” Samir insisted. “What emergency could have you..?” He paused. “Who knows of your journey?”
I sigh. “The Elders, I didn’t tell papa, Aksum might know or find out if he checks on the shaman, Haran and Haran’s trusted men, Janos, Tarrasa and…” I thought harder. “I think that’s all. The region has been told I’ve gone away on ‘family matters’.”
“You forgot those Garran pests.” Xave added. “They know you’re not away on ‘family matters’ as such implied.”
Samir stepped forward. “Garran? I swear he’s been nothing but trouble since our village days. If he knows, that’s not good. If you have to go; at least let me come with you. Three is better than two.”
I was about the protest, when Madora stepped in from behind me. “Four’s better than three.” She tried.
Samir scowled. “You are not going.”
“Oh please brother, please!!” She begged putting down the tray and glass. “Please, please, please? I am not staying here by myself. What if some stranger comes along and there’s no one to protect me?” She asked. Sulk-sulk-sulk.
Samir sighed. “Follow orders?”
“I will, I promise.” She purred.
“Yeira?” Samir asked me questioningly.
I sigh. “Fine. You can come; though I’m not sure about your sister—it’s going to be really dangerous and—,”
“Well if Samir is coming, why deny his sister?” Xave asked.
Madora beamed. “Yes exactly! Please Xavier.”
Xave smiled and I shrug. “Fine.” I give in. “But can we at least finally get down to business?”
“Well,” Samir sighed. “The weapons are there. I’m coming with you, so you have the in-tell. And I guess Madora and I should just get ready and we’ll be in our way.”
I nod. “Okay, but hurry up then.”
Samir smiled and ushered Madora to her room and bounded off to his own. I sit down with a sigh and Xave slumps down next to me.
“I don’t like where this is going.” I say annoyed.
“Why not?”
“Samir, I can trust, but Madora…will she be a help or a pain on this trip?”
Xavier smiled. “Who knows? We’ll know once we head out.”
“And how long will that take?” I sigh. “Xave, I’m worried each second we spend sitting here, father moves closer to…” Xave covered my mouth his fingers.
“Shhh…” He whispered. “He’ll be fine; you can’t think so negatively.”
I felt my eyes cloud, and I turn my face away quickly. “I’m…tired Xave. I don’t know what to do. We’re on our way through the most dangerous areas of Kistna and beyond, and here we are with an old friend and a tag-along sister, who we can’t even trust!”
“We can’t?” He gave me confused look. “You practically walked into the house and blurted out where we’re going and how straight off. Now you tell me you don’t trust them?”
I sigh. “Not that type.” How am I supposed to explain this to him? “Xavier, I can’t show the Aura power in front of them. And you can’t say a word of the last time I went blue-eyed and what-not.”
He sat thinking for a bit. “But I thought everyone already knew you have Aura powers.”
“They do.” But they don’t know about you, I think. “Just…don’t mention it—please.” What if he mention’s his green eyes? Or the fire explosion? Not that I don’t trust Samir, but I have a feeling it could be dangerous.
There was a pause then Xave finally shrugged. “If you say so.” He glanced at me. “Could I ask you something?”
He paused for a bit. “So Samir, you and Garran all knew each other in your village, right? You said he was the local bully; so what happened? I really would like to know.”
I look away. “Believe me when I say things just got messy. There’s a lot we all don’t know and…well everyone’s having a guess as the best way the kingdom should run…”
“No.” He shook his head and took my hand. “I mean after we left. After we destroyed everything and you sent us on our way, bruised bodies and battered prides; what happened here? What happened with you and Samir and what enforced Garran against you so much?”
“Greed, Vanity and Spite.” Xave and I both turn to see Samir with a bag lazily slung over his shoulder smiling broadly. “For two non-engaged people, you two seem awful comfy.”
I felt heat rising to my cheeks and I pull my hand away from Xavier; who, by the way, simply laughed and pulled his arm around my waist—jerk. Getting off the couch, I move over towards Samir.
“Can you get your sister so we can leave?” I sigh. He smirks.
“You seem embarrassed?” He teased. “Did I say something inappropriate?”
I pull my fist back to punch his laughing face, only to see his much more annoying sister bound down the stairs with not one, not two not even three…but four bags and a purse! All seemingly overflowing with stuff and she dressed in a short pink foreigner skirt with matching high-heals over-glossed lips and, well—another foreigner want-to-be. Clenching my jaw I begin counting backwards from a thousand. Where in the world did she think we’re going??
“I—I don’t know if…” Xave hesitated. “If that’s appropriate or necessary. Madora, are you sure you need all that stuff?”
“Are you sure you’re dressed correctly??” I add. “We’re traveling through forests and jungles and rural villages, not going to the Central City.”
“Madora…” Samir sighed. “Please don’t do this.”
She looked shocked. “What’s wrong?? I thought we’d be gone for a while, so I prepared myself.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you could fend for yourself against savage beasts and tigers with those classy high-heals.” I mutter. Xavier seemed to have heard me, because he started chuckling.
“Now-now Yeira, be a kind queen and at least praise you subject’s effort.” Xave smirked
I rolled my eyes. “Can we go now??”
Samir and Xavier started laughing as Madora huffed out of the house.
“Hey Yeira.” Samir smiled. “You didn’t take any of the weapons.” He commented.
“I have my Goddess.” I smirk. “Best sword ever.”
“Yeah I know.” He laughed. “I helped my dad fix it up for you…if you remember. But do you have a secondary defence? Any other just-in-case weapon?”
I shake my head. Samir laughs and walks over to armaments and pulls out a slim dagger and hands it to me. I grin.
“Well ok.” I smile. “I’ll take it, only because you’re a good friend.”
“I’m flattered.” He smiled back
“Care to get doing?” Xavier spoke. Smiling broadly, I skipped out of the house, tucking the dagger away.


Slipping past the various stalls, the four of us made our way across the market place I couldn’t help but notice Xavier’s tenseness. He kept really close to me—and I mean really close. He kept bumping into me and I started getting annoyed. I wanted to snap, but pursing my lips together, I kept going. As we made a turn, I felt his strong hands clasp my shoulders and pull me back. I fell back onto him with a yelp. What in the world?? Samir and Madora both turned to look at us as I pulled away from my psycho companion.
“What’s with you Xave??” I ask surprised. “What was that all about?”
He didn’t even look at me and kept scanning the area around us. He finally spoke up. “Nothing. Let’s keep going.” He said in a low voice, walking on ahead. What?! Muttering in irritably, I followed close behind. Samir looked as if about to burst up laughing any minute. He beamed at me with a wink.
Slowly-slowly we made our way out of the town and down a wide dirt road that seemed to twist around various and vast crop fields. Samir started whistling the local village tune, and I found my scowl transform into a grin. It was the local village tune we sung in our village a few years ago; before his family moved to the town up here. I couldn’t whistle so instead I started singing along to it. Even Madora was smiling a bit. Xave kept his serious face on; ignoring it, I kept up the chirpy harvesting song from our childhood. When the song finally ended, Samir let out a loud cheering whistle and I started laughing.
“Yep, I still got it.” He said smugly; cause me to laugh even more.
“Got what? Whistling talent?” I ask with a smirk.
“No-no.” He gave me a cheeky look. “Make a girl sing her heart out…for me.” I roll my eyes—yeah, sure.
“In your dreams, hot shot.” I laugh.
“So, I’m dreaming now am I?” He smirked skipping up to walk beside me. “Then…if I do something now, it’ll be okay, because it’s just a dream.” I gave him a cautious look—he was kidding right?
“No.” I say, trying to keep the light mood light. “The tune was nice though.” I sigh. “Like at
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