» Fantasy » Veyron, true.fantasy [love letters to the dead txt] 📗

Book online «Veyron, true.fantasy [love letters to the dead txt] 📗». Author true.fantasy

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frowned. “I’ll let you stay if only just to show you how we prospered despite what happened those years ago, despite what you bandits did.”
I nod awkwardly. “What happened when we left?”
“After you left, we began rebuilding our basic homes.” She shrugged. “But soon villages from the North and South came seeking refuge. Their best warriors had been killed many women and children taken, many injured. We gave them shelter, built more houses. It was all very sudden—and as events past the Elders proclaimed that we should solidify and mark our territory as our own kingdom…” She glanced at me before continuing. “My father is well respected and so got nominated Emperor.”
“And how’s he now?” I ask gently.
“Ill.” She sighed. “There’s an antidote, but all that have gone after it have either not returned, or returned empty-handed.”
“The spring water?” I ask.
A cloud passed over her features as she turned to glare suspiciously at me. “How’d you know about that? Have you been spying on us? What’s your game here??”
“Whoa, Yeira!” I say. “Haran mentioned some spring-water; that’s all.”
She held my gaze as if searching for something. She seemed to have found it as she gave a nod and continued. “I see.” She glanced away nervously. “Enjoy the feast. I’ll see you see you at the briefing—I don’t want to be disturbed at the moment. Let anyone who asks know.”
“Something wrong?”
“None of your business, Xavier.” She rebuked. “Leave me alone.” Puzzled, I nod doubtfully, and she left. That didn’t go well.
Had I said something wrong? Puzzled and a bit annoyed, I turned to head back to the hall. I turn around to see a man standing at the end of the hall. Arms crossed and sullen faced. Raising an eyebrow, I walked down the hall; intending to pass him without a glance.
“Newcomer.” He spoke.
I stopped beside him and turned to face him. “Me?”
“Mm.” He nodded “I don’t want to see you with her again. Got it?”
I give him a puzzled look. “Yeira?”
His eyes narrowed and he looked as if he’d fight me—his funeral. “Empress Tsarina. Yes. Stay away for your own good.”
I give him a look. “Is that some sort of half-baked threat? Empress Tsarina will tell me to go away if that’s her wish. Who are you to speak for her?”
He looked as if he were about to snap. “I’m Prince Aksum. You will soon know who I am to speak for her. I told you what I had to; I’m done here.” He snarled.
“Charming.” I mock walking off. I felt sorry for Yeira—what a pig Aksum seemed. I wonder what his full story is…maybe I could ask her later. No. Not after what my last question did.


“You seem lost.” I look up to see a smirking Haran.
“Mm.” I smile. “Just bored of sitting here. Aren’t we supposed to go through the plans for Badin?”
“Yeah…when Yeira comes.” He shrugged. “She’s a bit late—but I guess we could get started without her. If we say it was your idea.” I nod absently and Haran gave a funny look. “What’s on your mind my friend?”
I shake my head. “Nothing—just tired.” I give what I hoped was a genuine smile. Haran look at me apprehensively.
“Tired?” He asked doubtful.
“Exhausted.” I lie. Yeira was on my mind. Things keep getting from bad to worse. The door opened and she walked in. We all stood up respectfully. I smiled. It was strange how despite her petite frame—well compared to the men around her, she still managed to look distinguished and powerful.
“Please, take a seat.” We all sat down. She turned to face Haran. “Let’s start.”
He nodded and two of the other men seated around the oblong table got up. “These are the two troop captains.” The men bowed and sat down again. “There’re a few strategies and time-plans we have.” Haran said. “We have enemy in-tell and we know some strengths we need to overcome. The Northern foreigners are an international threat…” Haran continued to talk and I felt myself gazing thoughtfully at Yeira—she seemed bored as well; though she listened carefully and nodded to various validations. Brushing my gaze over her figure, I found my thoughts take a dangerous path. Pulling my attention back to Haran, I tried to make sense of what he was saying.
“I can’t.” Yeira spoke. I looked up puzzled. What was the question?
Haran looked at her perplexed. “May I ask the reason?”
There was a pause—then she spoke. “I can’t allow you to go as you’ll be busy looking after the Empire.”
Haran looked puzzled. “The…Empire?”
She nodded. “I’ve decided to…leave on the expedition I mentioned earlier to you. While I’m gone; I want you to be in charge.”
“Yeira…” He shook his head. “Yes Empress. With all due respect, do you think it wise to go alone on such a journey? And wouldn’t Aksum be a better candidate as Temporary Empire caretaker?”
“No. You have greater experience and my trust. As for the journey—I’ll be fine alone.”
I felt puzzled. “What journey?” I ask. Haran shook his head and someone in the room sighed.
“If all other business is out of the way—I’ll turn in for the day.” Yeira ignored my question. “I guess I’ll get ready in the morning and go through the details then.”
“Morning?!” Haran exclaimed. “Isn’t that…soon?” Yeira gave him a look and he cleared his throat. “Of course Tsarina. As you wish. Good night; we’ll discuss further in the morning.”
She nodded. “Night everyone.” She glanced briefly at me with a nod and left the room as gracefully as she came in.
Haran sat down with an exasperated sigh as the other men gathered their belongings and headed out of the room.
“Haran?” I asked as the men left. “What was that all about?”
His jaw clenched. “She’s so…obstinate. Too much.” His eyes flung open and he turned to face me with the look hinting he had an idea. “You could totally help.” He smiled.
“Huh? What’s going on here?” I ask.
“She’s going after her father’s antidote—alone. What if you go with her? The men can deal with Badin, and I’ll deal with the kingdom.”
“I’d love to.” I say earnestly. “But I doubt she’ll let me.”
“Convince her. I—I don’t feel right sending her off alone—or with Aksum.” He added with a laugh. “You’re a good man; I trust you and you fight well—very well. Please?”
I smile. “I’ll try my best; if she lets me—I’ll be more than happy to go.”
“Thanks.” Haran smiled getting up and extending his hand. “Now, maybe we should enjoy the rest of this feast.”
I nod. “I like that idea.”


I could hear the festivities from my balcony, and I even caught sight of the fireworks and Xavier by the food stalls. I smiled seeing him so caught up in the various foods and dishes. I may not like him, and he may be an idiot sometimes—but there’s something about him that’s…special. No doubt the tailing girls saw it too. He seemed to brush them off quite skilfully—but that means practice; the player. I turned my attention back to the skies—the fireworks were beautiful—but so was the night sky. The large full moon flooded the palace festivities with light. I glanced back down at Xavier; he was gone. Furrowing my brow, I looked around the large area—he just disappeared. Special, maybe, but definitely strange.
“He’s turned in for the day.” Will’s voice came in as the hawk glided onto my balcony edge.
“Who?” I ask…although it was obvious who.
“You know.” Will flapped his wings and I smiled.
“Yeah-yeah, okay.” I give him a look. “Well, the banquet’s over, and I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow, so I best go to sleep too. Night Will.” I wave. Will flapped his wing again, and with a nod I head back inside to get changed…and maybe a cold shower before bed.


The feast was well and truly over as I stepped out of my bathroom drying my long black hair. It flowed down past my waist, and took a little while to dry. I put on my silk nightgown and put away the towels and slipped into bed. I lay awake tossing and turning in bed. Father. I have to do something. I can’t let him…leave. With a sigh, I sat up, pushing back my still-wet hair. Tomorrow the troops were leaving for Badin. I have to go ask the native wise woman—the shaman elder, for advise on the spring water.
I rubbed my temples softly trying to clear my head. Suddenly there was a sound of shuffling near my cupboard—all the royal jewels are kept there! Peering closely, I noticed a silhouette—a burglar! Maybe I should call for help…what if it was one of those men by the lake?! My heart raced faster. Come on Yeira, I tell myself, be brave, be strong—get a weapon. Looking to my left, I saw the hilt of my sword—the Goddess. Stepping quietly out of bed, I took hold of the sword—leaving its wooden cover on…for now. I stepped up behind the tall figure, unsteady with nervousness and slammed the sword at his back. He howled and turned—I couldn’t make out his features, but I’m sure he wasn’t happy. He took my arm and I kicked his stomach. We struggled and I fought feebly in the dark, one thing was for sure—strength wasn’t my strong asset, so I tried dexterity. As I bounced to the side to sidestep his arm, my foot caught in the rug and I landed on the bed edge with a cry, and taking hold of my wrists, he pinned me to the mattress. I struggled, but he was too strong and pinned me down with his apparently large solid body. The lights flickered on. Squinting at the sudden brightness I stared back into the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen—golden and soft. Wait a sec; Xavier? I glanced at the door to see a wide-eyed Tarrasa at the light switch. Her cheeks flushed red and she quickly dropped her gaze and cleared her throat.
“I—I’m sorry, I thought I heard movement and so…” she glanced up nervously. “I came to check on you. Sorry for…ah…disturbing you…”
“Nothing we can’t get back to.” Xavier smirked.
“What!?” I yell. Tarrasa nervously closed the door and I heard her quick footsteps move away to her own room. I turn back to look at Xavier. Oh…my…gosh. No wonder Tarrasa went red, not only was Xave half-naked, wearing only some shorts—and he looked incredibly hot by the way, the guy was ripped—well-built and bronze skin not unlike my own, but different. But my gown was slipping and I guess our current…ah…position may have led to the wrong idea. “Get off me you idiot!” I shout—not too loud lest to draw more attention. Man did he look hot right now.
“Hey, you attacked me.” He countered. What?! The nerve!
“What?!” I shout. “Of course I attacked you, what the hell are you doing in my room?! Trying to steal something?? Once a thief, always a thief! You thug! You brute! After all we’ve given you—,” He covered my mouth with his hand.
“Yeira! Listen!” He sighed. “I know this…looks bad, and I know you hate me and everything, but I thought you’d still be awake. I—I want to help. I want to help your dad…and I want to help you.” He finished softly.
I gave him a baffled look and mumbled under his hand.
“If I remove my hand—you can’t scream and you have to hear me out.” He says. I nod and he removed his hand. “Yeira, I know—I feel you’re angry at me and what I said today. And how you reacted…I never meant it to be
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