» Fantasy » Veyron, true.fantasy [love letters to the dead txt] 📗

Book online «Veyron, true.fantasy [love letters to the dead txt] 📗». Author true.fantasy

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my dress with my hands.
“Did you do that?” He asked.
“Yes. Now go away before tornados start to break out on you.” I glare.
“Magic? Sorcery? Or trickery?” He asked with a casual smirk.
“God. Now leave.” I say. “Or I’ll go, if you leave me alone.”
Taking my arm he drew me into a hug. “Not ever.”
Pushing him away vigorously I glare at him and he started laughing. “Listen darling,” he continued. “Say, think or argue all you want; you’ll do as you’re told. If not, then you’ll soon learn to.”
“That’s all you know.” I snub.
“Is it?” He smirked, with a sigh he gestured towards Tao. “I could just hand you over to that guy; he ain’t as lenient to the new ones as me, he will hurt you. It’s best for you to do as you’re told, and keep in line.”
“Don’t you dare ever assume you can tell me what to do, you got it?”
He frowned this time. “Assume?” He scoffed. “The repaired ship’s right past those trees; get moving unless you want us to burn the rest of this sorry place.”
“You cold bastard!”
“I’ve been called worse. Here, I’ll make you a deal.” He leaned in towards me. “Come quietly and give me your honest word you won’t run away; and I’ll spare your pitiful villagers. I promise.”
“You don’t scare me anymore. Go ahead, burn the village if you will—you won’t be able to light a match.”
“Not even for her?” I jumped at Tao’s voice. From his hand dangled the girl I’d told to flee. Two other men walked behind him. “The women escaped, but we still got her.”
“Let her go Xave.” I say turning back to Xavier. “She’s just a girl! Please, have a heart.” His face registered something, so I continued. “She’s so young; she doesn’t even know what’s going on.”
He took both my wrists this time. “You know what I want.”
My eyes went hazy as I nodded. “Let her go.” I say in a shaky voice. Xave tilted his head at Tao and he let the girl drop.
“Beat it, kid!!” Tao shouted. Trembling the girl ran into forest crying.
“You brute!!” I shout, tears filling my eyes. “You’re all spineless cowards!”
“Yeira!” Xave reprimanded, pulling at my wrists, causing me to topple over him. “Don’t ever speak to us in such a tone. Understood?”
With a snort, Tao left with the other men and I turned to Xavier teary eyed and gave a small nod looking away immediately. Lifting my face back to look back at him he gave me a tender look.
“It won’t be so hard once you settle.” He said softly.
“You know nothing.” I say weakly, turning to see Tao and the men lighting torches. What?? They were heading towards the standing houses. “What are they doing?!”
“The village must fall.” He says. “It’s code. Your people will be unharmed. I don’t break a deal.”
Tears were flowing down my cheeks. “Not this time, love.” I say bitterly turning to him. “Not this time.”
“What?” He asked confused.
With a smirk, I pulled my wrists away and held them to the sky. There was a rumble as clouds filled the sky. Thunder erupted as bright blue lightning flashed across the sky. The men glanced at the quickly changing skies. Lighting lashed towards the ground and rain came bucketing down. There was a cry as one of the men fell down with blood pouring down his arm. Hail. Large hailstones were starting to fall. Xavier pulled me under his arm and I struggled.
“Are you crazy??” He shouted. “We need to find shelter!”
“You find shelter, on your ship. Leave!!”
He gave me a stubborn look. Calls came from his men as they ran for the ship, some getting hit on the way. A stone grazed Xavier’s left arm and he winced. Pulling away, I swayed my arms causing a large gust of wind at him towards the ship. As if realizing it really was me causing these events he gave me a final long look, before he turned to make a dash for the ship. The waves leaped at the ship, pulling it into the ocean and away from the coast. When out of sight, the weather calmed and with a sigh, I collapsed to the ground; enveloped into the blackness.


“Father?” I choke, opening my eyes slowly. He patted my head smiling.
“You released it.” He smirks. And you did a good job.”
I got up with a start. “Oh no. I’m so sorry, I—I didn’t know what to do and…I just exploded!”
“Yeira, you did well.” He smiled. “I’m not angry. I’m proud.” I felt relieved. “We only just got here, and I think you should know things will be changing now.”
“W—what do you mean?” I ask. What changes?
“The council and the Elders have concurred in a…a reassembly of the village pockets.”
He sighed. “We heard of these Bandits among other threats from other villages—that’s why we rushed back home. Every village and town in this area is going to reunite to reform our nation.”
I nod.
“And they want Auroran blood to take the lead.” He added. I didn’t respond. This meant a new round of politics we had to live through. Fun.
Newcomer, an old acquaintance.

He hadn’t been here in a while. The last time he was here, that village girl—Yeira, had made sure he left for good. He smirked recalling the memories of the past. They’d come to rob and to plunder the village. She’d had him robbed and plundered him and sent him on his way. It didn’t look the same. The river was the same—where they first landed. But where the village houses were—that they had burnt in their last visit—a majestic palace stood. The quest was a hard one. Convince the new Emperor of Kistna to lend their legendary troops and some supplies to help against the foreigners from the North, from destroying the towns and cities of Badin—his home country.
As Xavier looked out at the beautiful fields and large palace; he found it hard to believe it was the same place. That poor-looking village. Standing out in the rain wasn’t going to help much—he had to get help. Maybe his-highness wouldn’t be as cold as the weather…and hopefully no one would recognise him as the bandit from 4 years ago that had destroyed over half the village and left rubble in its place. Walking down to the large white stone gate, he found a rope attached to a large bell. He boldly swang the rope around—ringing the bell. It was much louder than expected and he winced and stepped back from it. A few moments later, a smaller gate within the gate opened and a pretty girl dressed in the beautiful native clothes that he’d seen last time, appeared at the door.
“Yes?” She asked sweetly.
“I need to talk to the emperor.” He says giving a charismatic smile. Use charm to gain entry—check.
She ushered him in smiling brightly. With a polite nod of thanks, he entered the fortress and was led down various paths through the rain by the girl. The Palace looked spectacular—even in such a rainy weather. It was mostly constructed out of marble and glass—or at least that what it seemed—it was beautiful
The girl soon came to a stop in front of the palace gates. She opened the gates and timidly gestured him inside. With a nod he stepped inside and came to a stop. The scenery was breathtaking. Beautiful images and designs were imbedded into the walls and roof and floor. Magnificent chandeliers hung down with a glowing globe in each centre.
“Wait here.” The girl says, slightly blushing. “T-The guards will want to see you.” With a smile she lifted her blue/red skirt and ran off through some hallway, leaving him to take in the beautiful scenery. The castle seemed large on the outside, but it felt huge on the inside. The carpet was also covered in native yet elegant designs and Xavier felt strange with his muddy boots in the clean palace. There was a loud crash as four or five guards, dressed in the native code, carrying dangerously long sharp swords and other weapons turned to Xavier.
“What is your business here?” The first asked roughly. The girl stood behind them looking terrified and guilty.
“I hope to speak to the emperor.” Xavier says boldly.
“The emperor?” The guard mocked. “And who are you?”
“I’m a representative of Badin. We seek help from Kistna against foreigners attacking us from the North. It is an urgent matter, one I must discuss with him.”
The guards talked among themselves in their own language—arguing. Until finally they seemed to have reached an agreement.
“We’ll present you to court tonight. But until then, you will stay in a guarded guestroom. Mila and Roan will take you there.” He spoke. The shy girl and a buff looking guard began walking down a separate hallway, and Xavier soon strode off behind them.

*** Yeira - The newcomer

I wiped a lone tear slipping down my face. Father had been ill for almost a month now. No man was as strong, brave or wise as he. He can’t leave me—not like this. Not this soon. My thoughts were interrupted as there was a knocking at the door. Wiping my eyes and clearing my throat, I spoke up.
“Come in.” I say. Acquaintance
My friend Tarrasa opened the door. “You need to get ready for court.”
I nod. “Okay. I—I’ll be right there.” I say. Getting up and heading for the door.
We walked in silence towards my room, before she finally spoke up. “There’s a man from Badin who wanted to talk to the emperor.” She told me. “I heard he’s coming to court today.”
I shrug. “Good luck to him, but I doubt he’ll be seeing the emperor anytime soon.”
“Mila said he was quite good-looking too.” She winked.
“Yeah, well, that girl’s got nothing better to do than make such comments.” I growl. “I swear; I don’t get what she’s still doing here after everything.”
Tarrasa nodded. “Well you get dressed and after court we can go see the Librarian again.”
I shake my head. “Not today, Tara, I don’t have it in me.”
“Okay, you get ready. I’ll see you in court?”
“Yeah.” I smile. As she turned with a wave and left.
With a sigh I got out of my clothes and put on the more elegant light indigo silk dress. Wrapping the native thin pashmina-scarf lightly around my shoulders and brushing out my long black hair before tying it up; I thought about the cure—water from the silent spring. So many had gone to retrieve it, yet none were successful. I would be. Everyday we’d go to the Librarian as he found us more information about the spring. I’d go again tomorrow…father has to get better.


Mila came often to my room—to the point I was starting to think she was merely looking

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