» Fantasy » Veyron, true.fantasy [love letters to the dead txt] 📗

Book online «Veyron, true.fantasy [love letters to the dead txt] 📗». Author true.fantasy

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stomach and then taking the two like ragdolls, he slammed their heads together, letting them fall to the floor. The masked men fled after that. The whole lot of them. Mr Sexy turned to face me and my heart leaped to see who he was. My eyes widened. Xave?
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” He asked tenderly.
“You?!” I exclaim bewildered. “What are you doing here??”
He gave me a puzzled look. “Saving your life maybe?? You’re welcome, by the way.”
I bit my lip—he had saved me. “Sorry.” I glance up at him timidly. “Thanks for that.”
He smiled. “Welcome. Who were they?”
“I dunno.” I say. “Seriously though, what are you doing here?”
He sighed. “I was out riding one of your horses, when I heard your scream. I came here to find that rogue push you to the tree—I stepped in. Why’re you out here alone anyway?? Shouldn’t you be in the palace?”
“I’ll be where I want to be.” I say defensively. “Shouldn’t you be minding your own business?”
“Hello?! They could’ve killed you, or worse!”
“Yeah I know. I’ve been in that situation before.” I say looking pointedly at him. He stepped back baffled.
“It was four years ago!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah thanks; but I can count.” I say. He stood staring at me for a moment and I glared back.
“Know what? Fine.” He finally says. “I’m riding back to the palace; I suggest you come with me.”
“What? On the same horse?”
He groaned in annoyance. “Yes, on the same horse.” I give him a look.
“Fine.” I say striding ahead of him. He followed behind me muttering something about being stubborn and hot-headed—he’d better be talking about the weather, I think to myself.


I had to sit in front—yet he won’t let me ride. I had only awkwardly managed to let him lift me up onto the horse. Worse part being the tingling in my stomach every time his arms brushed around me—which happened continuously throughout the journey; every time the horse galloped. When we finally came near the palace, I told him to stop at let me off to avoid anyone seeing. He either couldn’t or wouldn’t listen and he steadied the horse towards the stables. On reaching the open stable doors, he moved the horse in and helped me get off. Once my feet were back on solid ground I turned angrily at him.
“Are you deaf?? I told you to let me down near the forest edge!” I grumble.
“Yeah whatever.” He says, turning as if to leave. I took hold of his arm, and he turned around. My stomach fluttered as he met my eyes and I instantly pulled my hand away. “What?” He asked blandly.
“You forget whose land you’re on, dear Xave.” I say “I rule here, and you shouldn’t turn your back on the Empress.”
He stepped forward and reached out as if to touch my cheek, but stopped. “I won’t.” I gave him a baffled look. It took a while for me to register the full meaning; I opened my mouth to give a rude reply, but we both turned as Janos walked in with a greeting.
“Yeira?” Janos says surprised.
“Janos!” I greet back, moving away from Xavier. “I’ll see you at the feast tonight?”
He laughed running his hand through his messy brown hair. “Yes of course, Tsarina. Or should I say Rani? Maharani?”
“You should say Yeira.” I smirk walking out the door. “Don’t be late!” I say to Janos before facing Xavier. “I’ll see you there.” I nod. He nodded back and I walked off; clenching my fist to my heart.
Then Thief in the Night


I hate him, I tell myself for the thousandth time. I’d changed into the clothes for the feast and I walked out of the glass doors onto my balcony. With a quick check to make sure he wasn’t out. Will flew down beside me and I knelt to pat my beautiful bird. Will looked back at me questioningly and I smile.
“I hate him.” I tell Will. “He ruined everything.”
“Four years ago.” He reasoned.
“So? He still—,”
“He what? Burnt the village? Yes he did. But that’s not why you hate him Yeira.”
There were times I wish I didn’t have this telepathic ability with other aura-bound creatures. At times like these, birds are more useful when they can’t talk back.
“You’d best get to this feast.” He cautioned.
“How’d you know about that??” I ask puzzled.
“I have ears, you know, and they work fine.” He almost looked as if he smiled. I laugh.
“Enough with the smack-talk.” I laugh moving away from the edge. “Bye Will.”
He squawked and flew off. He didn’t usually talk to me much—and he never really needed to. Company was more than enough—still is. I was almost starting to understand his squawking. The sun was moving in towards the horizon. Tearing my gaze from the skies, I walked away from the balcony. On with the feast.


I stood smiling at the native girls. They seemed to want to ask something, but couldn’t decide who’d come up to ask. They were well dressed, in colourful native clothes and rows of bangles. And they looked very pretty. Two of the girls looked up at me and broke up giggling shyly again. It was then that I recognised one of them as Mila. She caught my eye and walked over—oh no. She came to a stop in front of me and stood at a pose that could only be described as a lead on. I smiled—nice dress though, almost like the one Yeira wore the day—the day we raided. Clenching my jaw I looked away.
“Hello Xavier…ah…” She started.
“Just Xavier.” I say flatly.
“Yes, Xavier.” She chimed. “Nice name. I guess you know mine already, but I’ll reintroduce myself. I’m Mila; I let you in that day.”
“I remember you.” I say with a half-smile.
She smiled. “Yeah. I wasn’t supposed to; guards got very angry at me because of that, but I don’t mind. It was worth it.”
Worth it?? “Uh…thanks…?” Hadn’t she run this by me already?
“Don’t mention it. My friends here wanted to talk to you…” She gestured to the other girls, who came over. “They wanted to meet you as well.” The four girls looked way too keen.
“Ah, nice to meet youse all.” I say.
“You’re very tall.” One comments.
“Er, thanks.”
“Are you married?” Another asks. “Are you a warrior? You look so fit. Are you staying here for good? Where’re you from?”
“Xavier.” Someone called. I turned to meet my saviour—Haran.
“Haran.” I greet, moving towards him with the brothers-in-arms grip.
“I see you’re getting quite comfortable…” He gestured at the girls. I shake my head and he laughs. “Well anyway, how’s our Empress treating you? Still cold?”
I sigh. “Yeah. I don’t really get it; I reckon I’ve been alright to her ever since I’ve come.”
“She’s…different. Don’t judge her like the rest—not much black and white there.”
“Yeah, but what do I have to do for her to let it go?”
“She’ll let it go soon enough.” He says sympathetically. His eyes flicked to the door. “Speaking of whom, here she is.”
I look up at the door to see her walk in. I froze and my heart drummed a little louder, a little faster. She walked straight to a group at the end of the hall—the elders.
“You’d best go talk to her now if you can, before Aksum comes.” Haran smirked.
I turn to look at him with an expression I hoped looked indifferent. “Aksum?”
“The guy’s been on her tail for three years.” Haran chuckled. “Done everything he could to get her hand in marriage from her father. It’s a long story; I’ll tell you some other day. My point is, if you want to talk to her; apologize or give thanks or whatever—now’s the time.”
I give him a smile. “You’re a real mate, ya know that?”
“Yeah.” He smirks. “I know.”
With a laugh, I head across the room toward where Yeira stood. She wasn’t there anymore. I turned to face Haran. Grinning he gestured out the foyer door. With a grateful nod, I turned towards the large glass foyer doors; with their fine white curtains blowing about in the air. She was standing near the edge of the foyer. Hair strands that escaped their hold flew around her face. Her long skirt rippled and moved with the wind. She seemed to be chatting with that stable boy…Janos? He seemed to catch my eye and nudged Yeira. She turned to the side to face me puzzled and my heart caught in my throat as her soft brown eyes met mine.
“Hello!” Janos walked over grinning.
“Hey.” I say shaking his hand. A moment after, Yeira came to stand beside him and he winked at me.
“I better see to the food; you know, make sure everything’s prepared.” He says to Yeira. She gave him a look and he walked off. She looked as if she intended to walk off too, but hesitated.
“Yeira.” I step in her way and she stopped.
“What is it?” She asks.
“Uh…” What did Haran say again? “Ah, thanks. I mean, thanks for the feast, it’s really nice.”
“Tradition.” She replied.
“And thanks also for the help…for Badin.”
“Thank the Elders.” She replies impassively. She looked behind me and something registered across her face.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, turning to face where she was looking. I felt her cool hand pull me away and look at her again, and I thought I would jump her right there. Biting my tongue I forced myself to calm myself. She’s the Empress I remind myself; be polite.
“Nothing.” She says quickly. “Let’s go outside.” Taking my hand she breezed past the foyer and into the outer corridor; avoiding most of the crowd.
“What was that all about?” I ask surprised.
“Nothing.” She says casually. “Just wanted to come outside.”
No…there’s something else you’re not telling me, I think, but I keep it to myself. We walked for a bit and it was only then I could really get a good look at her. The white/red/orange/green dress was nice, and seemed to hug her frame perfectly. That native matching scarf she wore loosely around her shoulders was just begging to be pulled away, just to reveal more. She turned to face me curiously.
“What do you think?” She asked tilting her head to the side, questioningly.
“Beautiful…” I breathe.
She smiled. “Yeah; the Mahal was built on traditional designs and…”
I smirk. “I wasn’t actually talking about the palace. Though you’re right, it’s nice too.” I almost laughed at her taken aback expression. “You look great.” I smile.
She hesitated. “Ah…thank you.”
“Honesty.” I say offhandedly. Although she hinted a smile, she looked like she would punch me and I laugh. “Hey, can I ask you something.” I say as we continue walking.
“You didn’t want me to stay. So why’d you let me? Was it just for the Elders and your father?”

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