» Fantasy » Veyron, true.fantasy [love letters to the dead txt] 📗

Book online «Veyron, true.fantasy [love letters to the dead txt] 📗». Author true.fantasy

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open halls before coming to a stop before father’s room. I was about to enter when someone called out my name. I turn and smile at my good friend Janos. The stable boy.
“Janos. How are you?” I greet.
“Wonderful.” He smiled. “Haran’s called for you. He’s got the new guy there as well.”
I nod. “Okay.” I glance back at father’s door. “Could you take care of father for me? The medicines and all?”
He smiled. “I’d give my life for his-majesty. You go on to Haran; I’ll do what I can, and I’ll call for aunty.”
I nod smiling and breeze off towards Haran’s office. He had done as I had told him 4 years ago; he left Garran, the village bully, and he defended the women and children he once tormented. And as was his dream, he trained and became one of the most loved and elite warriors. With a quick knock, I entered his office room.
“Yeira!” Haran greeted. “Come take a seat.”
“Good morning Haran.” I smile. It was then I realised Xavier was already in the room. “Xave.” I nod taking a seat. Returning the nod, he also turned to face Haran.
“So let’s get down to this. I sought out these Northern ‘foreigners’; they’re the Deben. A small kingdom pocket. A bunch of nuts fighting for more land—they broke off from their mother empire a few months ago—no doubt they’re trying to expand their petty kingdom.” Haran rolled his eyes and I laughed.
“So, how many are there?” I ask.
He shrugged. “Should be no more than 1000…”
“5000 men.” Xavier spoke. “At least.”
Haran frowned. “Ten thousand? Really? Did you see these men yourself?”
“Of course I did, what do you take me for? There’re over five thousand of them—I was a commander of the forces against them.”
“No need to get so rude.” I rebuke.
“I can get as rude as—” He stopped as if rethinking what he was saying. “Sorry. My mistake, continue.”
“You seem to be making a lot of these ‘mistakes’ Xavier.” I say. When he didn’t respond, Haran cleared his throat.
“Five thousand? No worries.” He glanced onto a few sheets he had. “We could easily beat them with 2 troops. That’s 100 men.”
Xavier gave him a look. “Beat 5 thousand men with a hundred? Are you crazy? We’ve only got 300 men still fighting; how do you plan to defeat them with 400 in total?”
“These are warriors from Kistna, Xavier.” I reprimand. “They’re better than you think. Personally I think one troop’s enough.”
“What?!” Xave looked baffled. “50 men? Are you serious??”
Haran laughed. “Yeira, come on, two troops to be safe.”
I smirk. “Fine. But only because you’re a good friend.” He gave an appreciative nod.
“Are you guys for real? 50-100 men? How are that many men supposed to take on five thousand? The Deben took down more than half our army without breaking sweat.”
“Are you deaf?” I ask with a glare. He turned to give me a look. “They’re Kistna men, not Badin’s. Maybe you should see them in action before you judge.”
Xave sighed. “Fine. They better be that good. A leader taking on a hundred to two hundred isn’t surprising, but the entire troop??”
I get up getting annoyed. “Our leaders are tough enough to take on a thousand at a time. You wanted our help and you’re getting it. I don’t think you’re in a position to doubt us.”
Xave raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t I? I have to see if you’re fully ready to support us, or go seek help from our other sister empire.”
“We are no sister empire of yours.” I glare. “Like I told you before, the only reason we’re helping is because that’s what the Elders say, and what my father would want.”
There was a pause. “And your mother?” He asked.
“With god.” I say simply.
“Oh.” He looked away. Haran cleared his throat again.
“I’ll ready the troops, and we’ll see if we can get them armed and out of here before sunset.” Haran says. “Yeira, perhaps it’s best if you…ah…attend to palace matters. I’ll deal with this.”
I give a nod. “Very well. I trust you.” I turn to the door and gesture at Xavier. “If he gives you any, and I mean any trouble; let me know, ok?”
“I’ll do that.” He laughs. “I’m sure we’ll be fine.”
With a final glare at Xavier, I left the room.
Unexpected rescue?


Why did she hate me so much? I think annoyed. Turning back to my new friend I try ignoring her thoughts. Haran was a great bloke, and we were getting along really well. He’d shown some of the troops during combat practices—and they really were good. I even trained with them myself, and I’d have been proud of such a group of men. Their training areas were great and Haran showed how much they trained—no wonder they were so good. After choosing two troops and sending them off to get ready Haran and I sat down talking.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked me.
“Why does she hate me so much?” I ask with a sigh. “Surely four years is ample time to forgive and forget.”
Haran laughed. “Yeah, depending on the issue, it can be. Don’t be so hard on her—she’s gone and is going through a lot right now.”
I sigh. “Yeah, I know. Her dad.”
He gave me a funny look. “Yeah, her dad the emperor will die if he doesn’t get that spring-water. That isn’t something to take lightly. And frankly, the bandits were hard on her. Her mother’s passing was hard on her. As was the recovery of this place—she’s doing amazingly after everything that’s happened in the four years.”
I nod slowly. “When and how did her mother pass away?”
“Uh…about, two months or so after you left.” Haran hesitated. “You know…I think she might…” He trailed off.
“Mm?” I urged him on.
Haran shrugged. “I dunno. I think you should ask her yourself that question. I thought maybe…maybe she connected some of the, ah, events we went through to you. You know; a negative attachment.”
I sigh. “Yeah.”
“You like her?” He asked curiously.
“What?” I give him a look. “No. I just think it’d be easier if she just…” I struggled to look for the right words. “Cooperated?”
Haran laughed. “Yeah ok, whatever.” He rose to his feet with a bounce. “I best escort you to your bedchamber so you can rest for the feast tonight.”
“Feast?” I ask surprise.
“Yes.” He smiled. “There’s a feast being held in your honour tonight. Also a good place to gather everyone, give luck to the men. The troops leave tomorrow morning, it’s a long journey and we have to brief them thoroughly on it.”
I nod. “And I have to attend this feast? And briefing?”
He smirked. “Unless you want to fall deeper in Yeira’s bad books, yes you do.”
“Well if you put it that way…” I chuckle.
He laughed. “Oh, and another thing. Ah…you may want to choose a horse for yourself. For tomorrow.”
“We go by land?”
“Okay.” I look towards the forest and hills and beautiful scenery before me. “Could I just go out for a run with some horse? It’d be good to get used to it.”
He nodded. “Of course you can. Just let the stable-boy know how far and where you’re going.”
“Right. I’ll see you later at the feast.” I farewell and jog over to the stables.


On reaching the door, I knocked quickly on it. A girl opened the door and looked up startled at me.
“Hey, I was hoping to get a horse out for a run.” I smile extending my hand politely.
Timidly she took it and gestured me to come inside. It was a neat stable—large too. The individual horse stalls lined up in two rows, with some horses sticking there well groomed heads out as if to see the newcomer. Unlike the horses in Badin, these horses hadn’t had their hair cut and locks of hair fell down their faces—looked good.
“Oh it’s you!” It was then I turned to recognise the owner of the voice—Mila. She came in the door to stand beside the other girl and the two of the smiled brightly at me. Great. Now how could I get rid of them?
“Hey.” I greet awkwardly.
She whispered something to her friend and with a giggle the girl trotted off.
“Hi. I heard your name in court yesterday, Xavier was it?”
“Yeah.” I say pulling out the nearest sturdy looking horse. “Do you know where the stable boy is? I’m supposed to tell him where I’m going.”
She nodded eagerly. “He left not long ago. Tell me, and I’ll tell him when I see him.”
“Ah…” I hesitated. “Tell him I’m just strolling around the forest to the West, is that ok?” I say strapping on the nearby saddle and reins.
“Yes of course. When will you be back?” She asked sweetly
“Soon.” I say getting onto the horse. “See ya.” Without waiting for a reply I galloped off. Too much attention is definitely a bad thing.


Palace duties wear me out, and they’re boring too. I gazed lovingly at the beautiful lake. Father. For him, I’d find the Silent Spring. There was sound behind me and I got up with a gasp. No one there. There were a few more sounds, as if someone or something was coming closer. My heart picked up speed and I pulled out my dagger. Nothing to worry about Yeira, I tell myself, probably just some animal or something. The leaves parted as a man stepped through. That wasn’t an animal. It was a man. His face was masked and he looked fully armed. Maybe he was just a friendly stranger worried about his…ah…skin complexion? Thus the mask. Yeah. Four other men stepped out of the bushes around me and I stepped back cautiously. Maybe ‘friendly’ is the wrong word.
“State you name.” I say sounding braver than I felt. Rather than reply, his hand reached out and he took hold of my wrist. I screamed. The other men surrounded me, as I twisted my arm free and slashed my dagger at him, deeply cutting his arm. Another man pulled me away by the arm, and so I bit him. With a cry, he flung me back as I collided into a tree. The other three men started closing in me; definitely not friendly. The closest pulled a fist back and I winced, preparing for the impact. It never came. Cautiously opening my eyes, I looked up to see a man’s back—I felt a déjà vu. A man with an extremely well-build body and longish dark hair stood defensively in front of me. Mr Sexy had caught the assassin’s punch midway and in turn punched him the stomach, and then cuffed him in the face, letting the man fall to the ground howling. Three other men leapt at Mr Sexy and I stood admiring his great fighting skills. He kicked the first in the

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