» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗». Author H. Chambers

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eyes he realised, stunned by this realisation, he would actually die for her. Raising his head he looked around. They would all sacrifice themselves for her, he thought, then smiled and looked down, even that scruffy dog. He stood up, feeling part of the troupe, part of something meaningful, he had never felt something like this before.

Lowe turned and stared to the south. 'They will be here soon,' she said. 'Breaker, Ebblin, Ghale and Bella, you must lead as many of Kerdred’s soldiers away from here as you can. Glint, Mankin, you will come with Ami and me into the forest,' Lowe added.

This did not go down well, but it was snapper who seemed to protest the most. Lowe bent down to snapper, 'And you my important little friend are definitely coming with me'.

Snapper satisfied he hadn't been missed out, wagged his tail then sat down, trying to look knowledgeable about what was going on.

'What about the soldiers who are bringing Ami,' asked Bella who had decided to drop the 'princess' bit as everybody else seemed to be doing.

'They go with you,' said Lowe.

'They'll not be happy about that,' said Bella.

Lowe shrugged and gave a big smile, Bella smiled back. Lowe was back to being a young girl again, Bella knew that was all she was going to get from Lowe for a while.

They all stood around waiting, not sure what to do next, how long would they have to wait? It wasn't long.

In the distance they could see three horses riding at speed. How long had they been pushing their horses like that? Ghale wondered. When the horses came to a stop in front of them, Ghale could see they had pushed their horses to almost breaking point by the amount of sweat on them. Glint could see Ami hanging on to one of the soldiers, he ran up to help her off the horse; she slid down into his arms and tiredly looked up.

'Glint?' she muttered then fell asleep.

The other riders dismounted and Bella walked up to them.

'You don't need to tell us anything,' said Bella.

'Ah yes, of course, you’re the fortune teller. You were in Landra and then in Brinkton, naturally you know everything,' said Nathe as sarcastically as his tiredness would allow him.

'There are eleven men and four dogs after you. You only just managed to escape Brinkton when Kerdred invaded, the way you have pushed your horses’ means they will not last much longer and with so many men at your heels, not even you could guarantee the Princess's safety. So shut up and listen,' said Bella hands on hips.

Nathe just stared at her.

'We have had time to plan, you are not going to like what I am going to say but given your options and our 'abilities', we have the advantage, let’s not lose it,' Bella continued.

Aharen stood stroking the neck of his horse.

'Nathe, I'm not usually the one to take the lead in decisions like this, but my horse only has a few miles left in her, it would do no good to turn and fight there are too many of them. I'd like to hear what they have to say,' said Aharen.

Caleb stretched his aching back. 'Can you not just magic them away,' he joked. 'Just go puff or something and make them disappear.'

Bella looked at them and then at Ami who was collapsed in Glint’s arms.

'She cannot go on,' said Bella.

Nathe looked at Ami, soldiers like him did not admit defeat until defeated.

'Heavens above,' said Caleb casting an annoyed glance at Nathe. 'Nathe, admit it, we need help, sorry my lady we could do with all the help we can get.'

Nathe thought about Tanyon, he hadn't been able to save him, should he trust a circus? What did they know about fighting real soldiers, they are just a bunch of weird novelty acts. Their horses though were exhausted as was the princess, three men against twelve plus dogs. Nathe looked back at Bella.

'I don't like this,' stated Nathe. 'But OK then, what's the plan?' he relented.

Bella smiled.

By the time Bella had finished briefing them on the plan Nathe could hear horses and dogs fast approaching. Mounting his horse along with Aharen and Caleb, they waited for Bella, Ebblin, Ghale and Breaker. Nathe shook his head, their horses were all but finished and Glint’s horse, which Bella took, looked decidedly scraggy. Breaker took Hugo, which made him look like a giant, and Ebblin and Ghale rode the two performing horses, Clover and Echo. Bella wore a cloak covering her dark hair, they hoped from a distance Kerdred’s soldiers would think she was the Princess.

Mankin started carrying the exhausted Princess, but Ami was having none of it and insisted on running with the rest of them into the forest. So Mankin picked up Lowe and overtook Glint and Ami with snapper happily running along beside. Well that blew the first detail of the plan, not to have Ami's scent leading the dogs into the forest. Nathe resisted shaking his head again. They waited, timing was everything. Glint had told them about an old derelict building just a few miles west, which might make a good place for them to defend from as the horses wouldn't make it very far. Nathe signalled and off they hurried.

Kerdred's men arrived at the wagons a few minutes later. Bella had hoped they would all follow them, but they stopped. The dogs had picked up a scent and ran towards the forest. Garth quickly ordered three of his men to follow the dogs into the forest, the rest were to follow him.

'Don't forget if you find her, we want her alive, don't let your dogs’ rip her apart,' he called back to the men who had dismounted and were now heading towards the forest.

image Chapter 12

Riding as fast as they could, which wasn't that fast considering the state of the horses, Nathe and the others headed west. After a few miles Nathe spotted the stone building Glint had described. A small cluster of trees and a large boulder caught his attention. Signalling to the rest, his mind worked frantically as he headed for the ruin.

Garth saw them veer off the road. When they reached the same spot he halted his men. The last riders on the two white horses were going through the archway. Despite there being no roof and some of the upper walls missing, it would provide them with a good defence. That same defence could also be used against them.

'Let’s take this slowly men, remember only three of them are soldiers, the rest are just circus performers,' said Garth confident in his leadership qualities.

Trotting their horses forward they stopped a safe distance in front of the archway through which Garth could see the two white horses grazing. He needed to make a plan, he had eight men; maybe he could sacrifice a couple or should he just wait and let them make the first move. Two of his men were archers, he would start by killing those two horses, then play the waiting game.

He turned around to his archers, 'You two come forward, I want you to shoot those horses, the rest of you watch those walls,' he commanded.

As he turned back the men on either side of him fell to the ground, knives embedded in their necks. Clover and Echo raised their heads and gave a snickering sound as if they were laughing, then bowed in unison. 

'What the....?' Furious Garth turned back to the archers. 'Shoot those horses, then follow me!'

The two archers moved forward readying their bows, two more knives found their targets. Garth cursed as he retreated with the others to the cluster of trees. He couldn’t believe he had just lost four men. Soldiers could not have thrown those knives with such accuracy. He had totally misjudged the situation. Cursing again at his own stupidity, he needed to think quickly.

He didn’t have time. Emerging from behind the large boulder, Breaker and Nathe charged at them. Breaker and Hugo’s size was unnerving. Wrestling with his horse Garth managed to turn, only to be faced by Aharen and Caleb approaching fast.

'Good day to you sirs, I fear we have the advantage here,' shouted Caleb.

'Nice to see you again,' said Aharen to Garth, 'this time I don't think I'll let you go so easily'.

Garth smiled, 'We seem to be back to four against four,' he said.

'Um, yes, what can we do about that?' Nathe replied.

As if on cue Ghale and Ebblin arrived on Clover and Echo closely followed by Bella. The twins had picked up the bows from the two fallen archers and had arrows aimed straight at Garth. Garth had a very strong suspicion that their archery skills would be just as impressive as their knife throwing.

'Is that better?' asked Nathe looking directly at Garth, 'will you now surrender or do we have to continue with this?'

Garth looked at his men who looked nervously back at him. Sighing, he dropped his sword and raised his hands.

'Not again,' complained Aharen, 'come on Nathe, can't I kill him?'

'Tie their hands up and then tie them together they are going to have a long walk,' commanded Nathe.

As soon as the men were tied up and out of the way Bella walked over to Nathe and began to argue about what should happen next.

'Nathe you’re not looking at the bigger picture,' she said.

'It's my job to protect the Princess,' replied Nathe knowing he had really needed their help.

'I think we have proved our worth concerning our ability to help her, you need to take these men to Riftdale,' said Bella.

The rest looked on, Nathe knew he would lose this argument, but couldn't help himself.

'Look I know Lowe is some sort of special kid and if she said jump you would all jump, but is she right all the time?' argued Nathe.

'No, most of the time she is just a normal kid, but she sees things, sometimes she doesn't understand what she is seeing, but lately, lately she's being seeing..,' Bella dropped her head and stared at the ground.

Ebblin stepped forward, 'Lowe said Eldin at Riftdale can 'trance' people so that they will tell him anything he wants to know. She also believes he can change what they believe'.

'Are you telling me that Eldin could make them believe they were, say, a bird and then they would happily jump from a tower believing they could fly?' said Nathe shaking his head; he realised he had been doing a lot of that lately.

'Actually, yes,' said Bella.

'Maybe Eldin can put the idea into their heads that they are really spies for King Hylaw and their mission is to kill Kerdred, now that would be really clever,' said Caleb.

'Talking of the king do we even know if he is alive?' asked Ghale.

The soldiers looked at each other, not sure what to say.

'I'll take that as a yes then, don't worry, I'll not ask you to divulge your little secrets,' laughed Ghale.

'We need to get moving, are you going to take the men to Eldin, while we go back for the princess?' asked Bella.

Nathe looked at his horse, none of the horses that Garth's men had been riding looked much better. He would have to rest them, at least if Bella went back they could make good time. He knew the princess would be in good hands after seeing the way Ebblin and Ghale were with their knives and Breaker looked like could probably just snap someone with his bare hands if it came to it. Reluctantly he decided to agree.



Glint, Ami, Lowe and Mankin crashed through the forest. Snapper had no problem because of his size. In their haste they did not

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