» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

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developed a totally blank, if wonky, expression. Hurrying out Cain told him to remain there as Kerdred would probably want to talk to him later.

'Ask him if I've still got a job,' Igmy shouted innocently behind him.

Cain knew Kerdred would be livid, he had to divert blame from himself. Even though it was Kerdred who sent those guards with Darius, he should have had other men relieve them this morning and check who was actually in charge of the dungeons. He hadn't had this problem in Sirenia or any of the other towns they had taken in Korin. Kerdred sometimes expected him to sort out too much.

Later that night Igmy was called before Kerdred, as he walked in he winced when he saw all the other people there. They had found the dead guards, but nothing of Darius or, as they believed, the other prisoners. Kerdred watched Igmy walk into the room, if he had been born like that his mother would have suffocated him and told his father it was a still birth. In Thantos such aberrations of nature were not tolerated. Igmy recounted what he had told Cain, and Cain nodded saying he had in fact sent men down to take over. Igmy realised Cain was having to cover his back and therefore made no attempt to correct him. Cain had obviously told Kerdred that unbeknown to him the men he had sent down were Darius's men, but stating he didn't understand why they had also released the other prisoners. Giving Kerdred a question which would hopefully distract his mind. Cain wanted all this over with, he was, he admitted to himself, sick of clearing up the mess.

Kerdred knew losing Darius was not brilliant but he was only planning to use him to taunt Hylaw. Sending him the odd body part, some of those white teeth or a few of Darius's perfectly manicured fingers. He felt more annoyed that he had been cheated out of his fun, he had wanted to watch the horror on Darius's face as the torturer got to work. Did that make him evil? Kerdred lost in his thoughts did not even realise a malicious smile had crossed his face.

Igmy watched; this man was mad.

Cain watched; he wondered how long it would be before Kerdred became totally deranged. It had begun many years ago when Kerdred had lost Shade and his unborn child. It had become his obsession to try and find her. Kerdred had once and only once confided in him about his dreams. In them an old hag would appear in his room, she would prod him with her stick and give a cackling laugh. Sometimes she would talk about Shade, one day Shade would have her revenge, 'She'll be the death of you,' the hag would mock. So real did these dreams seem that to him, he had tried to hit the old woman; but she would just laugh and disappear. Cain wondered whether the old hag still came into his dreams and whether that was slowly driving him crazy.

Kerdred came out of his thoughts and gesturing to Igmy said in a low, overly calm voice, 'Take him to his dungeons, this time make sure he doesn't escape and tomorrow have him questioned more effectively.'

Torture, thought Igmy, oh dear.

Igmy was taken back to the dungeons and thrown into one of the cells. It was late and dark. There were two men posted outside and one inside. Igmy sat in the corner of his cell and felt in his breeches, he had taken the precaution of hiding the skeleton key just in case. He had no intention of escaping, not that there was much chance of that anyway even with the key. He didn't want to kill the guard, he didn't particularly want to die either, but he would not be tortured. Igmy waited, the man had looked tired, he probably had had very little sleep the night before and having only one prisoner safely locked up, Igmy knew it wouldn't be long before he would be asleep. It wasn't long, soon Igmy could hear him snoring. It wasn't long before Igmy killed him with a sharp blow to the neck and it wasn't long before Igmy had packed sacks and straw in and around the table. Taking the lantern he set the whole thing on fire and walked back to his cell with the man's dagger. He hoped it wouldn't hurt too much. He looked down at the blood running from his wrists it was a strange feeling, he hoped when he got to that 'other place' he didn't look the same. Glancing up he found a very old woman smiling at him, was that a dead ancestor he wondered.

With the help of her stick she bent down in front of him, 'Do you want to know how this all ends?' she asked.

Igmy felt like giggling, 'Now that would be fun,' he said.

'Take my hand,' said the old woman.

Igmy reached out and took the old woman's hand. Funny, he thought, the cut on my wrist has gone.

image Chapter 11

As soon as they had finished their act, the troupe hitched up the horses and left Brinkton. None of them questioned Lowe. She had said they had to leave, so they left. They travelled all afternoon and well into the night. The following morning they started early and kept going most of the day, to help the horses most of the troupe walked. It was hard going but Lowe wanted to reach the forest by the following evening. 

When they did finally reach the forest it was quite late and already dark. They unhitched the horses and let them have a well-earned rest. A fire was made and food prepared, soon they were all sitting around a blazing camp fire.

When they had finished eating Bella turned to Lowe, 'It’s time you told us what you can see,' she began.

Lowe nodded and stared into the fire.

No one said anything.

'Brinkton has fallen,' she said still staring into the fire.

'Princess Ami has escaped and is riding in this direction, which is why we have stopped here. We need to be up early in the morning, what happens tomorrow...,' Lowe let her voice trail off.

Bella gave Lowe a big hug, she wished, at times that she could take Lowe's 'gift' away from her. They all sat quietly for a while. It was Ebblin who broke the silence.

'How many escaped with her?' he asked.

'Three, but they have only three horses,' Lowe replied staring back into the fire.

'Are they being pursued?' enquired Ghale.

'Eleven soldiers and four hounds,' answered Lowe. 'You all must do as I ask tomorrow, if we are to have a chance.'



Glint opened his eyes and was surprised to see an old woman standing at the bottom of his bed looking curiously at him.

'I really don't know what she sees in you,' said Rona

'What?' said Glint.

'Never mind, your services are required, get ready, take the fastest horse there is, although having looked at your stables already you don't have a lot of choice. Ride east, take the road that follows the line of the forest until you meet Bella,' ordered Rona.

Glint blinked his eyes a couple of times and looked around the room. All the other boys were asleep, was he dreaming?

'For goodness sake, move it,' exclaimed Rona.

Glint still lay there, the way she had just shouted would have woken everyone up and they were all still asleep, he must be having a nightmare.

'Well if you don't want to help Princess Amicia,' Rona said in one final bid to get him out of bed.

'Ami?' said Glint.

'Yes Ami, she was in Brinkton when Kerdred invaded, she escaped and is now riding for her life, but if you can't be bothered to help,' said Rona.

'Kerdred invaded Brinkton?' said Glint.

'Look I'll tell you what I will do, I'll go and make us a nice cup of herbal tea and then we can have a nice long chat, by which time...?' said Rona sarcastically.

'It will be too late,' said Glint.

'Possibly, put it this way, if you get yourself moving now, it will definitely not be too early,' said Rona and promptly disappeared. Why Lowe thought this idiot would be helpful was beyond Rona.

Glint wasn't really sure what had just happened. Was the old woman just a dream or was she 'real' in his dream? Was Ami really in danger? That possibility alone got him moving. Within half an hour he was riding east. The best horse in the stable was only marginally better than the rest, he dared not push it too hard. How embarrassing that would be, him riding in to save the day, Ami looking at him full of admiration and his horse dropping down dead with exhaustion. The more he rode the more it dawned on him that he was not really well prepared for this 'saving the princess' business. He had no sword, not that that would have made a difference as he didn't have any sword fighting experience. He had no fighting experience what so ever, Ami was better trained. Slowing down, he began to feel a fool, the further from the town he was the more he thought he had simply dreamt the old woman. His desire to see Ami had caused the dream. He should really turn back.



The following morning the troupe were up early and by mid-morning they were just trying to fill in time. Ebblin and Ghale had already sorted out their knives, some of them were in their belts, the others hidden on them. Breaker was playing with Lowe and Snapper just away from the wagons. Bella was pacing, unable to decide what to do and Mankin was scratching himself and yawning.

From the west a lone rider appeared on what looked like a farm horse. Although they all probably saw him at the same time, it was Lowe who stood up and ran towards him. Reassured they all relaxed and waited for him to get closer. Glint jumped off his horse as soon as he got next to Lowe and swept her into his arms, swinging her around. Once he stopped he took her hand and walked over to greet the rest. Surprised by his sudden arrival they were full of questions. He explained about his dream and the old woman and what she had told him.

'Has Brinkton really been invaded?' he asked.

'Yes,' said Ghale.

Glint’s elation at having met them suddenly turned to dread.

'Princess Ami?' he asked.

'That's what we’re waiting to find out,' said Ebblin.

'Lowe told us she has escaped from Brinkton and is coming in this direction, but she is being pursued by a number of soldiers and dogs,' said Bella.

'Big, black, vicious, hunting dogs,' added Ghale helpfully.

Glint, still holding Lowe's hand looked down at her, he couldn't think of anything to say, he was dying to see Ami but did not want to die in the process. Tiredness came over him, he had been riding most of the night, unsure of what he was going to face. Daranel had been invaded, many people would have been killed and all he could think about was Ami. He dropped to his knees and Lowe put her arms around his neck.

'You’re here because I need you,' she whispered.

Glint looked at her. Lowe who he knew was probably the most special human being alive, and she needed him. All his fears disappeared, he was someone, he was important, at this moment he was needed. He did not know what he could do to help, but she believed he could, would, do something that made a difference. Looking into her

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