» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

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running down into the town, sword in hand and facing those Nefkins wasn't the brightest idea. Kerdred wasn't playing fair. Haystack looked to the castle, surely the archers would soon rain down arrows upon those creatures. They could see fighting on the battlements. Kerdred's men, who were already concealed in the town, were not there to fight in the streets, they had gone straight for the castle. Darius had never had a great number of soldiers, never needed them. Darius wouldn't stand a chance, nor would the princess. His mind made up, Haystack drew his sword and hurried down from the hill towards the castle, followed closely by his men.

Nathe burst into Ami's room. Ami looked across at Nathe and then at the doorway where Aharen and Tanyon where standing, their backs to her, swords drawn. She rushed into the side room where all her clothes were kept, her maids appearing from the other door across the room.

'Quick, help the Princess,' Nathe shouted.

They rushed into the dressing room to help Ami. It did not take them long, one of the maids grabbed her travelling clothes, while the other was pulling off Ami's nightgown. Ami realising the danger everyone was in, told the maids to stop and get themselves ready to leave. They took no notice.

'Now don't you go worrying about us,' said one of the maids in a very motherly way.

'We will be fine, they won't be bothering the likes of us,' the other added.

Ami wanted to believe that, but she had been told about what happens to the women after the fighting has stopped. She didn't want to think about it and didn't want to delay whatever Nathe had planned. As soon as she was changed, Nathe told her to put on her cloak and stay close to him. Caleb had now joined the others just outside the door, looking very angry.

'I can't believe how many of Kerdred's men were already here in Brinkton,' he fumed.

Keeping in close formation they ran down the corridor, heading for the stables.

As he passed through the castle gates, Haystack could see a problem straight away. Darius's men were well trained, fit and agile. Their smooth overconfident movements showed their years of coaching. They were good to watch and admire on a practice ground but Kerdred's men were fighters, killers. They would soon spot their opponents weaknesses, use devious counter attacks, anything to kill their man and move on to the next. Haystack noted that Kerdred's men not only fought with shorter heavier swords but many also held a weapon in their other hand.

He stepped forward, ready, and was immediately met by a man equally big, hairy and scarred. He had a sword in his right hand and a spiked club in his left. By the amount of blood and bits of flesh on his clothes and weapons, he must have already been responsible for killing a number of Darius's men.

Haystack smiled, 'Good, I like to start with an easy fight first,' he said watching for any reaction on the man’s face. The man smiled back but said nothing. Weighing each other up, they moved almost in unison around each other, neither wishing to strike the first blow. Eyes locked in their dance of death.

'I think you’re very graceful,' remarked Haystack.

The flicker in his foes eyes was all Haystack wanted. His sword was already swinging round at the spiked club. It was a dangerous tactic but was the only weakness he could see. As he expected his sword was deflected by the club, his opponent’s sword was already heading towards his left shoulder. Haystack’s swordbreaker dagger caught the blade, he had been ready for the force of the impact. The other man wasn't, having put all his energy into the blow he now found his sword trapped in the notched dagger blade. Holding on tight to his sword was his downfall. Haystack gave a sharp twist of his wrist, the dagger wrenched hard at the sword. His own sword was exactly where he wanted it, having been deflected, he now brought it round and down burying deep into his enemy's left leg. The fight was not over, the spiked club swung down, rather than backing away Haystack charged into his opponent. As they both fell to the ground he felt the blow from the club on his back. The fall had taken most of the power out of the swing, but it hurt none the less. Raising his head he brought his forehead down hard, breaking the other's nose. Rolling over Haystack slid his dagger off the sword and rolled again, the spiked club hit the ground just next to him. Rolling back, he thrust the dagger into the man's neck.

Haystack’s next fight was straightforward, he soon forgot about everything else except his next opponent, then the next and the next. The fighting took him to the side of the castle where he saw Nathe and his men with the Princess racing for the stables. That slight distraction nearly cost him his life. Despite his thick leather tunic his attacker’s sword buried itself deep into his side. Haystack swung his sword wildly and watched as his attacker's head fell to the ground.

With Aharen leading the way the group safely made their way out of the castle. They did encounter some people running frantically in different directions, unsure of where to head, but didn't meet any threat until they got to the stables. In front of them stood three men blocking their way.

'Told you they would come straight here,' said one of them.

'Aye that you did,' said the oldest and by the looks of him, the meanest.

Aharen stepped forward, sword ready.

'Are you going to let us pass or am I going to have to go through you,' he scowled.

'Leave one for me,' added Tanyon.

The three men just stood, they were going to be paid well for this and thought the odds were reasonable. One would probably stay back with the Princess, three against three, they'd had worse odds. Who was going to make the first move? The three men knew it would not be them, they were in no hurry.

Aharen, Caleb and Tanyon positioned themselves and then as one began the fight. The small courtyard gave just enough room for all six men to fight. Nathe kept in front of the Princess ready to jump in should one of his men fall. Nathe weighed up their opponents. Aharen was fighting a man as large as himself, but a lot less skilled. Caleb's man was quick, but so was Caleb. Tanyon's man was the older mean looking one. Tanyon was young, far stronger and quicker, but Nathe worried that the older man had more experience. Nathe was torn between going to help Tanyon or staying next to the Princess. The decision was taken away from him as Tanyon staggered back with a knife in his neck. When Tanyon had thrust his sword forward, the man feigned a stagger and at speed which belied his age, spun round and buried the knife deep into Tanyon's neck.

Nathe jumped forward and took over from him. Ami looked down at Tanyon, anger raging through her. All the emotions she had felt earlier came flooding back and more. No one seemed to be taking any notice of her, so locked in to their own fighting. She stepped forward and picked up Tanyon's sword, hiding it under her cloak, she edged around the wall of the courtyard and towards the horses, as if to make her escape. This distracted their attackers, but only slightly. Their backs to her, they carried on, buoyed by having already managed to kill one. They only needed one more down, then it would be easy, three against two.

Ami reached up with one hand and pulled the tie on her cloak allowing it to fall from her shoulders. She stepped forward and in one move knelt and swung the sword expertly in an arc which sliced the backs of the older man's legs. Realising what had just happened Aharen's attacker raised his arms, turned and ran. Caleb never gave his opponent a chance to flee. The older man lay on the ground with blood pouring from the wounds in his thighs. Nathe took his sword and walked away from him. He would die, but for killing Tanyon, Nathe left him to die slowly.

There was no time to mourn over Tanyon, Nathe hurried them to the stable. Ami hastily put her cloak back on and followed behind. The horses that Caleb had saddled earlier were at the far end of the stable. Quickly mounting the horses they set off north. Hardly a couple of hundred yards from the stables, Aharen's opponent, who had fled, stepped out from behind a wall and sliced at Ami's horse. The horse reared up; Aharen grabbed hold of the Princess just in time, pulling her up onto his horse as he galloped further along the road. Once away from the danger, they slowed down and Aharen transferred Ami to the back of Caleb's horse as he was the lightest.

Garth cursed as he watched his reward money ride away. He made his way to a small coppice and plonked himself against a tree. He would not get involved in any of the fighting for the town. When it was over he would see Kerdred, he had information Kerdred would need; he could still make a profit out of this. Besides those Nefkins that came off the ships seemed to be killing anyone in their paths, friend or foe. He didn't fancy being anywhere near them, it didn't seem right using beasts like them. Despite Garth’s unsavoury past, to him there was still a sense of honour in meeting your enemy face to face. A good fight that’s what he liked, tactics, even underhandedness. But big apes that had no real skill, just brute force, no he would sit here and wait until it was over and then make his move.

Haystack looked around taking in the scene. Darius's soldiers were being beaten, he had lost sight of his own men and many parts of the town were now on fire or destroyed. The situation was hopeless. He could feel a sharp searing pain in his side from the sword wound and knew he was losing a lot of blood. His fight was over; injured Haystack staggered towards the stables. Inside he found a horse already saddled, mounting the horse he headed out of the stables and took the road heading west.

image Chapter 10

It was after midnight when Kerdred walked into the large hall. Dead bodies were still being cleared away. Down at the bottom of the hall were some prisoners all sitting with their heads bowed, mostly women and children; Ami's maids were amongst them. Kerdred was not interested in them yet, he called for Darius to be brought to him and took a seat at the head of a large table.

Darius's face bore the signs of a beating. Good, thought Kerdred, he had told his men not to kill him or the Princess as both would prove valuable if Hylaw tried to reclaim Brinkton.

'Where is the Princess?' asked Kerdred to the men at his side. A man at the far side of the room approached the table.

'If I may speak, my Lord?' asked Garth.

Kerdred nodded and then listened to Garth's tale of heroism against the princess's guards. He recounted his failed, but nevertheless courageous plan to take down her horse, trying of course not to kill her. He had, he felt done the best he could have given the circumstances. Plus by making one of their horses carry two riders, he hoped this would slow their progress until a party could be despatched to follow them.

When Garth had finished Kerdred looked

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