» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗». Author H. Chambers

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the wooden sword in his hand. Will had at first laughed at Glint’s pathetic attempts to wield a sword, but now he was beginning to get irritated.

'You can't keep closing your eyes every time I get near you,' complained Will.

'I'll never be any good at this, nor do I want to!' exclaimed Glint throwing the sword to the ground and storming off the training area. Will followed him over to the stone wall at the edge of the field. They sat in silence for a while watching the other boys training.

'Why don't you try archery?' asked Will.

'I'm not really cut out for fighting, you can see that,' said Glint, feeling like a coward.

Will wanted to hit Glint, he didn't like people who gave up before they had even tried nor did he like cowards. He left Glint sitting on the wall and went back to train.

Glint started walking with no particular direction in mind. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and everyone he came across appeared happy and full of purpose. There was always so much to be done, whether it was looking after the sheep, goats, cows, geese and chickens or growing wheat, turnips, leeks, peas, carrots, cabbages, beans, strawberries, grapes, apples, pears, herbs. There were bee keepers, tanners, soap and candle makers, some collected mushrooms, wild edible flowers, others caught pheasants, rabbits, hares, pigeons and deer. Some made clothes, some ale, mead and cider. There were cooks, two stone masons, woodworkers not to mention those that pursued more academic endeavours.

Glint had never developed a passion for anything, well apart from Ami. He had been taught the importance of taking pride in whatever he did, doing everything to the best of his ability. Learning how to kill people, however, was not something he felt comfortable with. He felt betrayed by Eldin, who had always told him that fighting was wrong. What was Eldin now doing? Planning attacks? Eldin wasn't the sort of person who would put a sword in his hand, but he might set his mind to creating a new and horrible weapon, especially if it made him look clever.

Glint didn't like thinking bad thoughts like this about Eldin, but what was he supposed to think? Was he thinking like this because he thought himself a coward? What if Kerdred did invade, would he really do nothing, let other people die while he ran away?

He stopped and looked around, so lost in his thoughts it took him a few seconds to realise where he was. The wooden building in front of him was new and the large door at the front was open. Inside he could see Felspar, his hands and arms bandaged and another was wrapped around his head. Who would be an alchemist? Thought Glint. Seeing Felspar struggling with a jar, Glint went in to help. Felspar was very likeable, although his eyes and mouth sloped downwards giving him a naturally sad looking face.

'Can I help? I don't seem to have anything useful to do for the rest of my life,' sighed Glint.

'That's very kind of you Glint, but as you can see, a lot of what I am experimenting with is quite dangerous; the rest of your life may not be that long if you help,' smiled Felspar.

'And those bandages on your hands are going to make it more dangerous for you,' replied Glint surprising himself at his total lack of concern at his own mortality. Maybe if he did blow himself up, it would save him having to worry about his future.

Felspar looked down at his hands, it was not only the bandages that made it harder, his hands had been burnt and were still sore. He looked at Glint.

'My last apprentice ended up being blinded in one eye,' said Felspar.

Glint just shrugged his shoulders.

'I now don't usually let anyone in here,' added Felspar sadly.

Glint shrugged his shoulders again.

'So what is it you’re doing that's so important you are willing to blow yourself up for?' asked Glint genuinely intrigued.

At that question Felspar smiled shyly and glanced over at the book lying open on the desk. It was old, Glint walked over to it and looked down at the pages. There was a picture on one side and what looked like instructions on the other. The picture resembled a castle turret with a stick poking out of the bottom and underneath was written 'Rocket Firework'.

image Chapter 7

Aberrling sat on the creaky old oak chair that Eldin had always complained about, but never changed. He had been secretly using Eldin's old room to formulate his devious plans. There was always problems when making any devious plans which involved other people, especially when those other people were making their own devious plans. So Aberrling not only had to make his own plans, but also contingency plans, back up plans, escape plans and if the worst came to the worst he had a small bottle of poison which he carried with him all the time. He hoped he would not have to use it on himself, but suffering a traitor’s execution was definitely not in any of his plans. There seemed to be so much for him to do, so much to organise, so much that could go wrong. He sat back on the chair and the chair seemed to sigh on his behalf. The next few days were crucial, he decided, while he had a couple of hours he would go back down to the dungeons again, he hoped his 'trancing' had worked on Brandon.

Princess Amicia stormed into Hylaws' chambers, she was at that age, a lot of storming and slamming doors. The new King sat relaxed with one leg over the arm of the chair and a wine goblet in his hand. He might be the new king to everyone else but to her, he was just her obstinate, pig-headed, annoying brother. Nathe as usual was also there, his face always reminded Ami of an eagle, with his slanting eyes and hooked nose. The rest of him was normal, for a soldier.

'How dare you!' screamed Ami.

Hylaw looked at his sister, he had known she wouldn't be happy, probably would never speak to him again. She was a pawn in a game he didn't like playing, but the kingdom was at stake. Tremlin's envoy was due to arrive later that day to discuss their betrothal.

'It is time you were married, you’re sixteen. Tremlin's family rule all of Thantos and Korin, he IS a suitable match,' said Hylaw.

'Never!' said Ami crossing her arms and glaring at Hylaw.

He put the wine goblet down and stood up. His brown eyes stared hard back at her.

'Ami you always knew your marriage would be arranged, so stop acting like some spoilt child. Go and change, I expect you not only to look like a princess this afternoon but also to act like one!' said Hylaw in a low threatening tone which Ami was not used to.

Ami stormed out of the room and slammed the door.

'That didn't seem to go down too badly,' said Nathe sarcastically. 'She'll make your life hell from now on,' he added.

'No she won't. After the marriage arrangements are agreed I want you to take her to Brinkton to visit uncle Darius, it will do her good to get away for a while,' said Hylaw.

'Is this one of Aberrling's suggestions?' asked Nathe.

'Yes and I think he's right, she needs distracting. Since father died and Eldin's apprentice left, she's been doing nothing but moping around the castle,' said Hylaw.

'Oh thank you, couldn't you think of anyone else to take her?' said Nathe.

'You know the situation, the next few weeks are going to be uncertain, if anything should go wrong, I want someone I can totally trust with her,' said Hylaw solemnly.

Later that afternoon Nathe knocked on the door outside Ami's chambers, one of her maids opened the door.

'Her highness is nearly ready,' said the maid flatly and shut the door.

Nathe waited impatiently, Hylaw wanted Ami sitting next to him when the envoy entered the room. Aberrling was already on his way to meet them at the gates.

Nathe knocked again. The same maid came to the door.

'The more you disturb us, the longer we are going to be!' said the maid trying to control her frustration.

Nathe waited.

Finally the two maids opened the doors and there stood Ami. On her auburn hair was an exquisite gold tiara, her dress a deep green with gold trimmings. Around her eyes and on her lips Ami wore make up, something Nathe had never seen on her until now.

'Your Highness,' he said bowing, overcome by the realisation that Ami was not just Hylaw's annoying little sister, but a beautiful woman who would one day become a queen.

Ami followed Nathe at a slow regal pace mainly because the bodice of the dress, being so tight, meant she could hardly breathe. When they did arrive at the throne room the envoy and his men were already there. Nathe told Ami to wait outside so he could announce her arrival and make an impressive entrance, rather than just rushing in late. Ami waited, she wanted to take a deep breath but had to settle for a few quick pants instead.

As she heard her name the great doors opened and holding her head high, she made her impressive entrance. Taking just a few steps into the room she paused, glanced around the room and gave a very slight bow of her head in acknowledgement to those present. Then she looked directly at her brother.

'I hope I have not kept you waiting Your Highness,' she said with a very gentle submissive smile. Hylaw, like Nathe, had never seen her quite like this before. He noted the effect she had on every man in the room, well every man except Aberrling who was also looking around at the reaction she had caused. Rising from the throne he walked over to her.

'Ah sister, as beautiful as ever, we were just discussing the sad loss of our father; a great man and a great king,' said Hylaw.

Murmurs of agreement filled the room.

'Come sit next to me,' said Hylaw escorting Ami to sit at his right.

The envoy to Tremlin turned out to be a very smooth, silver tongued man who Ami found rather ingratiating. Although as the proceedings went on she decided Aberrling and Hylaw were just as bad.

She sat there listening to her fate being tactfully haggled over. She felt like some prize horse and nearly lost her composure when she imagined them coming over just to check on her teeth. Ami said very little throughout the whole meeting, just giving the occasional smile, nod and the odd 'Thank you,' or 'Yes your highness,' but in her head she talked. If she was going to be traded, she would have to learn to become everything she hated. Manipulative, sly, cunning, devious. She saw it now as a game, a game powerful men played. When she had first walked into the room and saw the effect she had, she knew if she was to have any chance she would have to play to her greatest strength; which was man’s greatest weakness. By the time Ami had walked back to her room, she had convinced herself she was in fact a powerful princess who would one day become an equally powerful queen. Well her own brother had just sold her to the wolves, what was she meant to think?

The following day Ami wouldn't come out of her room. Anger had turned to despondency; she lay around, hardly touching the food that was left for her. Her maids tried to cheer her up, but eventually gave up and left her alone. It was the same the next day and the next.

When all the wedding agreements were completed Kerdred's envoy left. King Hylaw

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