» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

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to be my friend,' said Lowe.

Rather than finding the statement a bit weird Glint realised this was going to be true. When Lowe had taken his hand, he had felt something, nothing like the way he felt for Ami, more like he imagined he would have felt for a younger sister. He smiled down at her.

'I hope so,' he said sincerely.

Bella patted her hand on the ground, 'Come join us,' she said.

Glint looked across at his wagon, Eldin had his head stuck in the back of it, probably trying to find something he could read on the journey.

'Is it all right if I ask my master over?' asked Glint.

'Of course,' said Bella smiling as she glanced across at the rear half of Eldin that was visible sticking out of the wagon.

When Glint brought Eldin over they all sat together and shared a light meal of rye bread, cheese and some ham. Eldin did not say very much, just a polite 'thank you' and the odd 'how kind'. He felt a bit awkward, not his kind of people, nice people, just not his sort. Glint on the other hand was loving every minute, asking all sorts of questions. It turned out that they had been in the north of Korin, just as Kerdred and his brothers had launched a full scale invasion. They had fled south to Sirenia. They had stayed there until it became obvious Sirenia was going to fall. They sold one of the wagons, two horses, some of Bella's jewellery and managed to pay for passage across to Landra.

'But why Landra?' asked Glint. 'Why didn't you go south around the coast then across east?'

They all looked at Lowe, who lowered her eyes and shrugged. Glint realised he was not going to be told, yet.

Once they had arrived in Landra, they had been making a meagre living with street performing and Bella's fortune telling and dancing. Mankin had rarely gone into the town; only when they were desperately short of money did Mankin agree to join them on the streets. They always made more money when he was there, but just performing on the street made him more vulnerable. Because he was unable to talk people assumed he couldn’t understand what they said, that their children's taunts and laughing made him feel humiliated and degraded. Bella had gained a reputation for her fortune telling and had 'read' for many of the rich. She usually told them only what they wanted to hear, if she told some of them what she actually saw, she would probably never work again.

Eldin listened to all this, he was surprised by how interested he became in their stories. He watched Bella's body language, she was telling the truth. He didn't believe in fortune telling and now, because of Aberrling, he understood that although Bella appeared to be telling the truth, it was just 'her truth'. Bella believed she could 'see' people’s futures, which as Eldin knew was nonsense.

It was Mankin who fascinated Eldin the most. He had read a book on the evolution of man, the idea that humans were once Apes. He had read other books which totally denounced the idea. What did he think? Being an intelligent individual he decided that more research would be needed before a conclusive answer could be ascertained. Basically he hadn't a clue.

Rest time over they all packed up and carried on their journey. The first evening they arrived at an inn. Eldin left Glint to see to the horses, while he sorted out a room for them. The troupe just pulled their wagons across from the inn, they would be sleeping either in their wagons or under the stars, sleeping in a real bed was a luxury they could not afford.

The inn seemed popular and Eldin and Glint had to settle for a table outside, the evening was chilly but the food was hot and the ale not too watered down. Eldin and Glint heard Bella coming towards them before they saw her, with Breaker close behind. Bella was dressed in dancing clothes; Eldin nearly choked on his rabbit pie. She wore her long black hair down, a short top which showed off ample cleavage above and a perfectly flat stomach below. The skirt was more like a thick belt with lengths of very fine flowing red and pink material attached. On her wrists and ankles were cuffs with small bells. There were sparkly beads on her top and belt, the effect was dazzling. Bella smiled and winked as she passed them. Glint turned bright red. Bella must be in her thirties, maybe even old enough to be his mother, much too old for him to be having the sort of feeling that had just come over him. Eldin managed to swallow his bit of rabbit pie with a gulp and watched her as she entered the inn.

A few moments later Bella returned being followed out by what Glint reckoned was everyone from inside. Forming a semi-circle so that those sitting at outside tables could see, the crowd waited. Bella began to dance. Her arms stretched above her head, finger cymbals began to create a beat. Her hips began to make circular, rolling movements. Her arms began to snake down and out to her sides, the audience was mesmerised. Her hips began seemingly to vibrate, causing all the little bells to dance along with her. Still shaking her hips, she moved around the men. Her dancing became more frenzied, moving back to the centre, soon all her body was alive and no one could take their eyes off her. Eldin, who had always thought himself immune to the wiles of women, was entranced.

All too soon for the men, Bella slowed her movements and then raised her arms back above her head, stopping in the same pose she started. A hush descended on the crowd, then a great cheering, whistling and applause. In the circle appeared Snapper with the handle of a small tin in his mouth, going up to each of the men he sat raising his front paws and begged. Laughing, many of the men threw coins into the tin. Even Eldin went into his purse and drew out a small coin, when Snapper begged in front of him.

That night Glint could not stop thinking about Ami. Bella's dance had created such strong emotions in him and it made his heart ache at the thought of her. Eldin on the other hand could only think about Bella.

The next few days followed a similar pattern. Lowe occasionally sat next to Glint and Eldin on their wagon. Glint couldn't understand why he felt so at ease in her company. When Eldin was sitting next to them they kept any conversation light, but when they were away from everyone else, she told him strange stories.

As long as Lowe could remember she had 'seen' things other people couldn't. Sometimes wonderful, sometimes terrifying. When she had been old enough Bella had told her about the 'Mid World'. Filled with creatures from fairy tales, myths and legends, they occupied the same space as us, but we could not see them, nor them us. Well that wasn't strictly true, Lowe could see them, and other people in the past had claimed to have seen them. Some of the creatures in the Mid World such as fairies had, people claimed, helped them. As a general rule though, each was unaware of the other. Glint loved to listen to Lowe, he had read many tales in the past. He thought the whole idea of a Mid World mind bogglingly exciting.

Lowe could also see the future, well bits of it anyway. That didn't surprise Glint, with Bella being a fortune teller. Lowe however disagreed, Bella could only see bits of other peoples’ futures, people she did not know. Lowe only saw bits of her own future and those connected with it. When Glint asked her what she saw in the future for him. Lowe smiled and said, 'I already told you, you’re going to be my friend'. Glint told Lowe about his time in Landra and about Riftdale. She asked him lots of questions about the way the library looked and at one point she exclaimed, 'Oh, that's where I'm going'. When Glint asked her what she meant, she told him she had seen herself in a room with long tables with another room at the end filled with books. Lowe couldn't tell him anymore only that she had felt happy being there.

Each evening Glint realised that Ghale and Ebblin decided on who would perform their act, depending on the time they arrived and whether it was an inn or a village. The second night Ghale and Ebblin performed, mainly just juggling and knife throwing, with Breaker joining in at the end. The three of them were brilliant, Breaker was able to support the weight of both of them with the twins balancing very precariously on his shoulders. Glint noticed that Mankin kept well out of the way and was for the most part not seen by anyone on the first two evenings.

On the third night, however the inn they stayed at was very rowdy. Eldin and Glint thought it was better to have their meal sent to their room as it looked like there may be trouble later. Just as they were about to go into their room the whole place went quiet. Looking down from the landing they could see Breaker, followed by Ghale and Ebblin entering the inn.

At the far side a man as big as Breaker stood up. His short scraggy hair, unshaven face and a couple of noticeable scars made him look quite threatening.

'At last I see a man worthy to fight,' said the man.

'Why thank you kind sir,' said Ghale stepping forward and pretending to flex his muscles.

The man roared with laughter.

'Well met, and your name is?' said the man.

'Ghale sir, Ghale the mighty and this is my brother Ebblin the...'

'Ebblin the even mightier,' interrupted Ebblin picking up a spoon and bending it. 'And who do we have the honour of addressing, kind sir,' he asked.

'They call me Haystack,' said Haystack bowing and enjoying the banter. 'Who is your dark friend with you, does he have a tongue?'

Breaker stepped forward and Ghale introduced him.

'This my dear Haystack is Breaker, Breaker by name and Breaker by nature,' said Ghale.

Eldin watching from above could not believe what was happening, were they setting up a fight? As good humoured as it was, that seemed to be the only outcome.

'But he is not a Breaker of men,' Ghale continued, 'were you to fight him you would easily win; there would be no competition. However were you both to compete in a show of strength, my man would easily win; again there would be no competition. So let us just sit quietly and enjoy a drink,' concluded Ghale.

Very clever, thought Eldin. If Haystack now tried to fight Breaker he would lose face, if he simply sat down and carried on drinking, it would be assumed he thought Breaker was indeed the stronger man. Haystack realised this too and rather than being upset, he laughed and slapped the back of one of his companions causing him to spill a fair portion of his ale.

'And what tests of strength do you have lined up, should I accept this challenge?' said Haystack smiling.

Ghale smiled back, 'Outside we have a few bits and pieces you might like to look at'.

The atmosphere in the inn lifted. Despite his appearance Haystack just loved a challenge; because of his size this usually meant fighting. They all began to stream outside, there didn't appear to be anything different. When all those who wanted to watch were there ready and waiting, Ebblin whistled. From behind one of the wagons Mankin appeared with a heavy looking log across his shoulders, attached to each end hung leather straps that someone could sit in.

Mankin made Haystack and Breaker look slightly less

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