» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

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headed for his sister's room. He wanted to tell her what he really thought, that she would never have to marry Tremlin and that he and Aberrling had spies everywhere; but if he was wrong then Ami would marry Tremlin. He didn't want to give her false hope and he didn't want her to be afraid by knowing what that false hope would involve. He had to keep playing the arrogant, pig-headed, thoughtless brother and King.

'Open the door!' he shouted as he banged hard on the door.

The door slowly opened and Ami stood there, not the beautiful Princess she had been only a few days ago, but his little sister. Her hair was a mess, her eyes all puffy and red and her nightdress all crumpled. Hylaw wanted to give her a hug, instead he put his hands on his hips and glared at her.

'You will pull yourself together, get dressed and stop acting like some spoilt brat!' he said threateningly. 'And when you are ready you will come down to dinner, there is a lot that needs to be arranged,' he added.

Ami just stood there looking as if she was about to cry again.

'I have more important things to deal with than a cry baby sister who will not accept her duty,' said Hylaw turning and walking away.

Ami slammed the door.

When Ami came down to dinner she wore a plain grey dress, no make-up and had her hair tied back. All through the meal she just picked at her food and never spoke a word.

King Hylaw lent closer to her and whispered in her ear, 'The wedding is planned for the autumn, but if you are going to act like this until then, I will have it brought forward'.

Ami looked at her brother, she did not understand. They had always got on so well when they were children. Since becoming king he had changed so much. It wasn't as if he was having to marry someone he hadn't even met. Or was he? She had never thought about him possibly having to marry one of Kerdred's sisters. You never really heard about them. Women didn't have any value in Thantos, but if her brother married one and then they had a son? Even if that happened he would still be better off than her, she went back to sulking.

After dinner Hylaw led Ami into one of his private rooms. Nathe, Caleb, Aharen and Tanyon were waiting. Ami was determined not to smile at them, but it was hard. Caleb and Tanyon were both about twenty. Caleb had all the women chasing after him. He had long wavy black hair, dark brown eyes a strong jaw covered in stubble and a toned muscular body. Tanyon on the other hand was blond, looked much younger than Caleb and was shy among women. His forehead overshadowed his eyes, which disappeared when he smiled. They both had always had time for her and had patiently taught her to use a sword. She really liked them, it was not their fault her brother was such an ogre. She returned their smiles. Aharen was the oldest, probably in his early thirties, and the toughest. He was stocky, muscular and hairy. He loved fighting, food, ale and women in that order. Nathe, well Nathe was Nathe, along with Aberrling he was always hanging around her brother.

She took a seat at the table, opposite Hylaw, the rest stood in various places around the room. It was obvious to Ami they already knew what her brother was going to say.

'As I said during dinner, you will be married to Tremlin in the autumn. However I cannot have you here taking a tantrum every time things don't go your way.' Hylaw paused.

He was insulting her in front of his men. The humiliation was unbearable. Was he trying to coax her into storming out of the room, proving how right he was? She just sat and looked back at him, seething. If she was going to be married to Tremlin she would have to get used to being treated like this.

Satisfied she wasn't going to argue, Hylaw continued wondering how far he dare go.

'You will be going to stay with Lord Darius in Brinkton, let’s hope you can learn from him how to conduct yourself properly.'

Ami took this new insult the same as she did the last, the only difference being she now had a thread of hope. Lord Darius was her uncle and she loved him, having no children himself he had always indulged her. When she was there she would slowly start to talk about the marriage, how unhappy she was, how unhappy she would be. She would persuade Darius to talk some sense into her brother. For now she would shut up.

'Nathe, Aharen, Caleb and Tanyon will go with you,' said Hylaw.

Now that did surprise her. Realising Hylaw had no more to say she asked for permission to go and prepare. Leaving the room she felt a bit better, Darius would help her.

Once Ami had gone Nathe looked across at Hylaw. 'I know it's important she doesn't know what’s going on, but do you really have to make her hate you that much?'

image Chapter 8

A few miles outside Brinkton a tent was set up so Ami could change into something more suitable for a princess. Tanyon was sent ahead to announce Princess Amicia's imminent arrival and her entourage did their best to clean themselves up a bit. Everyone ready, they headed smartly down the hill and through the gates into Brinkton. They were met suitably by a line of soldiers who escorted them to the steps of Brinkton castle. Waiting at the top of the steps stood Ami's uncle, Lord Darius. It had been a few years since Ami had seen her uncle, she remembered him as a 'beautiful' man; a term she had been told was an unsuitable description to use for her uncle. But he had been and she could see, still was. There was something about the way he moved, elegant, almost flowing, his dark hair, large brown eyes and cheek bones that would look fabulous on any woman. He had been a lot younger than her father, but still must be easily in his mid-forties, though you would hardly guess.

Lord Darius extended his arm in a welcoming gesture revealing long slim fingers and perfectly manicured nails. Ami got down from her horse, picked up her skirt and in a very un-princess like way, ran up the steps straight into his arms. Lord Darius laughed and swung her round.

'Oh Ami, it's so good to see you again,' beamed Darius ignoring the strange looks he was getting from his men who were unused to anyone treating Darius with such familiarity.

'You’re still beautiful,' she whispered in his ear.

Darius moved back slightly from Ami and took hold of both her hands. Looking at her, he smiled, 'And so are you, my dear. But you must be tired after your long journey, I have everything arranged,' he said turning to an aide just behind him. 'Please take the Princess to her quarters.' He turned back to Ami and smiled, 'I will meet with you later; I wish to hear all the news from the capital'.

The quarters Ami was taken to were far more sumptuous than anything in Landra Castle. Majestic tapestries hung on the wall, the huge four poster bed was draped in fine cloth and the chairs were gold with red cushions. In an adjoining room an ornate bath waited for her with a roaring fire in the hearth. She had always been used to a fair amount of luxury, but her uncle's castle positively dripped in it. Her maids were equally impressed, even their rooms were well decorated.

A couple of hours later Ami felt well rested and after admiring herself in the mirror headed down to the great hall. On her way down she noticed Nathe leaving a side room further down the corridor, he looked sad and shook his head as he walked away. Stepping back into a small recess she watched as her uncle came out of the room, followed by a younger man who had his hand on her uncle’s shoulder, as if to comfort him. Darius stopped took a deep breath as if to compose himself and then continued down the corridor. Ami wondered what news Nathe could have given him that had caused her uncle to appear so upset. She decided not to say anything and waited until the corridor was empty, then headed for the great hall.

The great hall was buzzing with excitement. Ami took her seat next to her uncle, on his other side sat the young man who had comforted Darius as he had exited the room. The man looked down at the table, concern etched across his face. Darius patted his hand.

'Now, no long faces tonight, my niece is here to enjoy herself, not look at your miserable face.'

Darius laughed but Ami could see something had changed since this afternoon. She would have to find out what Nathe had told them, she was annoyed that whatever it was she had not been included.

'Ami this is Lewin, my dearest friend, Lewin this is her Royal Highness Princess Amicia,' Darius said introducing them.

'Please, as my uncle’s dearest friend call me Ami,' she replied in greeting.

'I am greatly honoured Ami, I am sorry for my long face, Darius is right let us enjoy this very special evening he has prepared for you,' said Lewin.

And special it was, the food was not just food, it was art. Arriving on big platters there was whole suckling pigs, pheasants, partridges, geese, pies, sweet jellies, sweet breads, fruit soaked in an array of delicious sauces and all presented in a way Ami had never seen before. Everything was delicious.

Darius turned to her, 'Well what do you think?' he enquired.

'I'm thinking, when I do marry I will ask for your cooks as a wedding present,' said Ami.

Glancing across the room she could see Nathe and the others obviously enjoying the food as well, she would however have to have a word with Aharen about his table manners.

When the meal was finished and more wine and ale brought to the tables Darius called for the evening entertainment to begin. The first act was a bard, singing extremely risky songs about various people in the hall, including herself and her four guards. Aharen and his love of food, Caleb and his love of women, Tanyon and his love of animals, Nathe and his love of King Hylaw, and Princess Amicia and her love of herself. She should have been offended but it seemed the bard, by offending everyone, managed to offend no one. People were roaring with laughter as the bard continued to pick people out for his songs. One man stood up and shouted, 'What about me?' to which the bard stopped and turned to the man, 'Sir I am probably the greatest bard that has ever lived, but even I was unable to find anything interesting to say about you'. The man in question was the Court Jester. Just when you thought there was no one left for the bard to pick on, he turned to her uncle.

‘Now my Lord I turn to you

And what could a humble Bard say

Your wisdom, your kindness

Your fellow feeling

Your Highness

Your servant I'll always be.’

The Bard bowed low and there were shouts and banging on the tables in appreciation. Ami thought the bard had been right not to say anything against her uncle and hadn't really minded what had been

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