» Fantasy » Collision, Alyx D. Vacca [best pdf ebook reader for android txt] 📗

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a huge mistake when breaking into someone's house.
1. The person who's house they were entering without permission, was a police officer.
2. The police officer was having a bunch of people over after work at exactly the same time that they had decided to enter.
3. They did the worst mistake possible and led them straight to the hide-out.
The only reason you got left behind I think, is because the signal to leave was very quiet, and we were so new that I don't think that most of them even remembered that we were there. The only reason I did not get left behind is because I was awake at the time. When I realized that you were still there I headed back immediately. And the rest you know. Are you afraid of the dark?

"No," I answered his question. "Well, sort of. Yes. I am claustrophobic and afraid of the dark. My cousin was a really weird person. He wanted to travel but did not have enough money, so he closed himself up in a crate and had someone ship him to someone they knew in England. When they opened the crate they found that he had suffocated. Ever since I could never even go into my closet to get something out without a flashlight." He nodded and took his pad of paper back and scribbled something on to it and handed it back to me. "Is that why you freaked out when the power went out at school?" "Yes," I nodded. "That whole day was horrible. I was anticipating it all day. As soon as I saw the forecast I planned on bringing a flashlight or something to school so that I wouldn't be without a light. But I was late for the bus that day and in my hurry I left it on my bed." I sighed and shook my head at my foolishness. Tobi smiled at me and handed a wrapped box to me along with a piece of paper. The paper said, "Happy birthday Jayd. You forgot again didn't you?" Tobi was right, I had forgotten. "Thank you Tobi! It had completely slipped my mind. He gestured for me to open the gift. That in of it's self is a joke. For the past three years I have been telling people not to give me anything on any occasion. And yet they all seem to forget time and time again. Tobi silently laughed at me as I scowled at him. I had told him of my dislike of gifts. He was teasing me. Again. Seriously, why do I love this guy? He drives me insane! I tore the paper off of what ever was under it. It was one of those shirt boxes. That totally threw me. Tobi is not the kind of person to go and give someone an article of clothing for a present unless it's like a really cool hat (we have this thing about hats, we are completely nuts about them... I suppose if he gave me a hat I could forgive him). When I opened the box I found something completely different from what I had expected to find. This was the present. The notebook that I am writing in now. He passed me another note. "Our lives have been pretty interesting so far. It would be a shame if no-one wrote it down. Not to mention, you're a pretty damn good writer. Do what ever you want with it though, it's yours." Actually it was the best gift anyone had ever given me, and I told him so. As he laughed at me I tried to explain why it was, but he just kept shaking his head. Eventually I just gave up, he would see how great a present it was for an aspiring author. Tobi got onto his knees and kind of walked kind of crawled over to me and sat down pulling the book from my hands as he did. He then flipped it open to the first page. On it was a picture of right after the Collision. Everything in disrepair. The next page was the same, but on the third there was a picture of me. I was pulling stones and straw out of a pile next to a broken down cottage. The next page was the inside of the cottage with the picture of Tobi's dead father. That made me sad, I flipped through the rest and found that they all had pictures of all of what had happened. But somewhere mid-way through, the pictures stopped. Tobi passed me another piece of paper. I took it and read the words slowly. Some of it did not make that much since to me. "The book is spelled. Every thing that has happened to you since magic came into your life up until now is in, and part of, that book. As you live and you have had more experiences, more pictures will appear on the pages. You had better appreciate it, It took a lot of work." "Will it work even after they split the worlds? Magic will be gone from here if that happens. Will all of the pictures go away and will pictures never be added?" I wanted to know. But Tobi was already shaking his head and writing. "You should not have to worry about that. The spell makes it bound to you, so that after, if it comes to be, it would not leave you and go to Treah. The spell is bound to the book to it should never leave the book either." Bound, bound.... I had read something once in Moran's Tower that had to do with binding. You had to have a focus if you were binding something to a person. Something that had been with that person for a long time. "Tobi?" He looked up from the pictures with a "What" on his face. "What exactly did you use of mine for a focus?" Focuses were important, if someone with a control of magic that wished you ill got something of yours you were in trouble. He grinned sheepishly, as if asking forgiveness. He reached into a bag that was laying next to him and pulled out a plastic zip-lock bag that held what looked like a lot of my hair. I reached up to my head and checked to make sure that I was not bald. He laughed a little as I relaxed somewhat when I found all of my hair still there. He scribbled something and gave it to me. "I started planning this last year, I told you this had taken a lot of work. The hair is from that onetime I was over and you mom trimmed your hair. It was perfect really, I had just started looking for a focus. Sorry I did not tell you." I sighed and shook my head at him. "You are crazy, putting that much work into a present. Now your making me feel guilty about how little I did with yours." Earlier that year I had given him a book that we had to read in English/Micora (Micora is what the Treahians call their English language. He had read the book before and had loved it so I gave it to him. His was so much better. Hugged him again. "Hey you two love birds! What's up?" Bastion asked rather irritatingly, coming up from a tunnel to our right. We both jumped at his voice and flushed at his choice of words. "We are not love birds," I told him with a killers glare. Tobi poked me and gave me a questioning look when I turned to him. "Well we're not, we are humans." I answered. He smiled at that and suddenly looked much more relaxed. He nodded, satisfied with my answer. Bastion laughed at us and said, "Look, you two humans. You know the situation around here right now?" We both nodded. "Well it will probably be like that for a few days until our scouts find a new spot for us. Until then, we are cutting back on light so as to save torches. I over heard what you said, Jayd, earlier about your phobia, but I can't really do anything about that. You can leave if you have to. But if you do just be careful and tell no one about us or this place, got it?" We nodded and he moved onto the next group of people to tell them the news." Tobi turned to me with a concerned look on his face. "Where else would we go?" I said quietly, my eyes avoiding his. He took my hand and was sat and dozed like that through out the night.
When morning came, I did not know it. I woke up to the pitch black. I almost screamed before I remembered where I was. I felt around for Tobi, needing some reassurance that I was not going to suffocate and die. When I found him he was sound asleep. I could not wake him up. So I tried not to, but in the end I couldn't stand waiting for the lights by my self. "Tobi!" I whispered quietly into his ear. He lifted a hand and put it against my face and wiped away my tears of fright with a soothing hand. I whimpered and pressed my head into the crook between his neck and shoulder.

Part Two
The Separation

Chapter Twelve

Yes, home. There was never and has never been a better sounding word. In the end, once the torches were lit I practically flew out of there. I told Tobi that if I had stayed in there one more day without lights I would go crazy and hurt either myself or someone near me and that I did not want any of those to happen. He agreed to go and we left almost immediately. I was kind of sad to leave Bastion. He was fun to talk to. Anyways, as we left the Tunnel of death and walked across the traffic way I heard a news broadcast coming from a big black Hum-V. Oddly enough, the big gas guzzler was listening to NPR National Public Radio. A world conscious station. On it I heard our names. "- Jaydria Caw and Tobias Aoudad. If any of you listeners see them please call-" and then we passed them and were on our way to the interstate. "Tobi, did you hear that?" He looked back at me and shook his head no. "Radio stations are putting people on the lookout for us. I heard it from that car back there." Tobi raised his eyebrows and sped up, I matched him in speed and we made it (completely out of breath) to the border of Virginia. "People who do cross-country runs for fun are irivocably crazy," I stated flatly as we stopped to catch our breath before looking for a place to stay the night. Tobi

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