» Fantasy » Collision, Alyx D. Vacca [best pdf ebook reader for android txt] 📗

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He held up a piece of paper that had her address on it, along with intersections along the way. That last did explain why occasionally we would leave the woods when we heard cars to see where we were. He had planned all of this out ahead of time, I realized. "Tobi, how long have you been planning this?" He signed "Later, I don't have any paper." I was silent through out the rest of the day, pissed that Tobi had planned on leaving without even including me into the stratigizing part of it. We don't even have decent food! But I guess Tobi probably didn't know when we were leaving either. He knew that the queens would try to take him back and had planned for it. He was a genius, so damn smart it was annoying.
Two days later we arrived at the deaf community where my aunt lived. "Help me find her house, I get lost easily in these kinds of places." What he meant by "these kinds of places" would be the suburbs. Everything looks so alike I bet the people who live here get lost! After about a hour we found her house and guess what! There was no car in her drive and no one answered the door. So we sat on her steps until she got home. Slowly my head fell on to Tobi's shoulder and he propped himself up with his forearms resting on his knees and we let our tired bodies sleep. We were woken up by a quick intake of breath. Or should I say Tobi was and him leaping to his feet and making me fall woke me up. Tobi did the polite thing and bowed while I yawned and said: "Yo Aunt. How's it going?" She stared at us for a moment. In this moment I am going to describe what my Aunt Beka looks like. She has long brown hair that she forever wears in a ponytail low on her head. Her clothing changes time lines every few weeks. Right now it seemed to be from the nineteen-thirties. But also note that no matter the time line she is always in the males clothing. She was wearing a long trench coat with one of those hats... I can't remember what they're called. Find a picture or watch a movie from the `30's and you would see that she fits right in! With the boys. "Jayd? Is that you? You look so different!" For some reason I've always liked the way deaf people talk, just something about their voices. "Yup, it's me Aunt." Just in case you are wondering why I am talking and Aunt Beka understands me she can read lips. So don't try to say anything about her from behind her back,`cuz she also has eyes in the back of her head. Speaking of which, her eyes, I have always considered to be the strangest part of her appearance. Red with slited pupils like a cat. I have always envied her eyes. "Can we stay here for a while? And could you teach us some Sign Language? Tobi is mute." She was already nodding. "Come in, please," she said leading us into her enormous house. She went into the kitchen and started making pasta. "Are you hungry?" We both nodded vigorously."Great." Just then Aden walked in and stopped when he saw us. "Well this is a surprise! Hello Jayd," he said giving me a hug. He held out his hand to Tobi, who took it. "And you must be Tobi right?" Tobi smiled. "It's nice to meet you." He looked between us and asked: "So why are you here now? You were not supposed to come until next week. Or did I miss something?" "So you knew they were coming?" Beka said, her hands following what she said. "I thought I told you, Beka?" She shook her head. "No? Oh... Well here they are!" "I can see that." She went back to her cooking. "So why are you here?" Uncle Aden said, not to be swayed from finding out. "Well... Tobi has to go back to the Capitol soon, so we though that-" Tobi was shaking his head and signed "Paper". "You want paper? Not very good at signing yet eh? Okay." He pulled open a few drawers before finding what he was looking for. He passed some paper and a pencil to Tobi and waited. Tobi had gotten very fast at writing recently so he did not have to wait very long. "You ran away from the two queens of Sra. From all the monarchs and presidents of the two worlds," he stated dully. "And you ran to here? Why here?" "Rebeka," Tobi signed. "Okay, let me get this straight. You ran here blindly trusting the fact that we would not turn you in or make you two go home, so that you could learn Sign Language from Beka." Tobi nodded. "What happens if they find you? What will you do then?" Now we all looked at Tobi. I wanted to know the answer to this as well. After all, I followed him here blindly, trusting that he knew where he was going for the first few days, and before that I just assumed that he knew what he was doing all together. Now how ever, I was not too sure. Tobi was taking a long time to write his answer so we all started to put the dinner on the table and get plates and forks. We sat down to eat and we were all about to start eating when Tobi fell over.
A few hours later Aden came out of his room and said that Tobi had been struck with a high fever. His temperature was at a hundred and three. "If we can't get it to go down soon we are going to have to take him to the hospital." "Is he conscious?" I wanted to know. "Not yet, don't go in there. We don't know if it's contagious or not." "If it's contagious then I have already been exposed," I said, and walked right past him and into the room. I was done with people trying to keep me away from Tobi for no good reason.
A few hours later I was still sitting next to Tobi as he lay in intense fever. Sweat running down his face as he started to cough. Phlegm coated the inside of his throat. "Here," Aunt Beka said handing me a laptop. "I know that your bored, no matter what your good intentions are. So take this. You can type with it, use the Internet, what ever." She rested her hand on my shoulder for a second, as if she could pore reassurance into me through that touch. And for a moment I did feel better. I put this book to the side and picked up the laptop and turned it on. I realized that I had my portable hard-drive in my pocket and put it in. I was a few months too late to finish it for NaNoWriMo but I figured that it didn't matter anymore. I opened Microsoft Word and took out the file titled NaNoWriMo---Knives. I reread it and then added more.
Once upon a time there was a girl named Jayd and she had to write a 50,000 word novel in one month! so all through the month of November she wrote and wrote until her fingers grew blisters and her bones started to crack whenever she sat down at her computer to type. Eventually her fingers turned blue and then black and then fell off. Her parents rushed her to the hospital and in to the emergency room where she was immediately fitted and equipped with metal fingers like those you would see on Sauron in the Lord of the Rings. Claw like fingers that have knives protruding from the tops. They moved like real fingers and were incredibly sharp.
Every once and a while I would cut myself on accident. My best friend was afraid of me now that I had monster hands. I could not type or write any more. I cursed the doctors who had done this to me. They had ruined my life I was going to end theirs. So began my long training as a master assassin. One day as I was walking when I heard a muffled scream and chanced upon an assassination of the mayor. The assassin dropped the dead man and ran at me. I side stepped him. He was obviously not expecting that and ran right past me. He quickly turned and I realized that although he did not expect it he was ready for it anyways. Soon he had me in a one armed headlock with a knife against my throat. "Say one word and I will cut your neck open and laugh as the blood runs." I did not doubt it but there was not much more to live for any ways. Every one that I loved had abandoned me in fear of what my hands might do, even accidentally. "I do not care. Kill me." He was so startled that his knife slipped and opened a shallow cut right above my Adams Apple. "Teach me," I said. The assassin stared at me through his mask. "First you want me to kill you than you said that you want me to teach you. Make up your mind." I decided that I liked this man. He seemed to be one of those people who could take things in stride, no matter that he was an assassin. Because of this I told him, "The reason I could not decide at first, is because I want to die, but I want to take a few others lives first." He continued to stare at me before grabbing my arm and towing me to the window. He was going to toss me out. Or so I thought. "Go," he said. "We can have this discussion later when we are not in the middle of a crime scene." It made since, so I crawled out and onto a part of the roof that protruded just out from under the floor of the Mayors office and climbed out. The assassin followed quickly and motioned for me to follow. I had no idea where we were going but I did know that once we got there he would most likely kill me. But I still didn't care. You could probably call me suicidal by this point, except that I wont kill myself. That does not however exclude me from putting myself in dangers path. As I followed him through alleys and over roofs. He stopped next to a old broken down house and motioned me through hands might do, even accidentally. "I do not care. Kill me." He was so startled that his knife slipped and opened a shallow cut right above my Adams Apple. "Teach me,"
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