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do. "Fine," I said. "I'll do it." Tobi nodded and then went inside. "Do we leave now?" I asked them. "Yes," Shelby answered. "Quickly, because we don't want your uncle and aunt to know. They might call the police or something and that would inconvenience us dramatically." I nodded and ran inside and went up to my room and gathered what little I had. I then went into the hall and knocked on the door of Tobi's room. He opened it and nodded like he already knew what I was going to say before I said it. We went down and avoided the adults quite easily and met the Demons outside in less than two minutes. "Ready?" Said Bastion. "Take our hands. We will both be going to the same place so you don't really need to hold both of our hands, that would actually probably just inconvenience us. Jayd take my hand, Tobi take Shelby's. On three." They must have counted in their heads, because I don't really remember them ever even saying "one". Next thing I knew we were flying through a weird kind of hole that there was no end to when suddenly there was nothing and then we were there. Actually we were in the room that I stayed in while we lived there. It was kind of weird being in there again. I had never really expected to see it again. I figured that the next time that I was inside of the palace I would be being towed into the dungeons again. "Okay, we will be right back," Shelby said cheerfully. "Don't do anything naughty you guys!" She said with a evil wink and smile. Than she was gone. Bastion rolled his eyes and then he, too, disappeared.
We waited in silence for about thirty minutes before I couldn't stand it anymore. "Tobi, I am going to miss you," I said, very matter of fact. He smiled back at me and signed: "Me too. But remember, Shelby said that sometimes if you went along with it, Fate would give you loop holes. Right now I am holding on to that." I slung my arm around his shoulder and for a split second it felt like it did almost a year ago. School had just finished and we were off to play some ingenious prank on someone or another. Two best friends doing whatever and anything. Unstoppable, we were. I stole a glance at him and caught him doing the same thing and we both burst out laughing. Funny how both our parents and us, when ever we are in a serious position, we will start laughing. There is not really any thing remotely humorous in my opinion in losing your best friend,but we laughed anyway. Kind of like a fare well. The last time we will laugh like this. At that moment both Bastion and Shelby appeared with Allen, Riah and Henry in tow. All of them stared at us (we were still laughing for no apparent reason) then Henry just had to ask what the joke was, and that only made us laugh harder. After about three minutes of intense laughter we finally stopped. Seeing the others still staring at us I blushed and cleared my throat. "Hey guys, long time no see," I was really just trying to make them stop staring at us but it did not seem to be working. "Any particular reason you two were laughing so hard?" Bastion asked us. Me and Tobi looked at each other and then shook our heads. All five of them raised their eyebrows. That was almost enough to set us over the edge again, but this time we managed to hold it in. "So, is it true? What Shelby said?" Riah wanted to know. Tobi nodded but I said: "Well what did she tell you?" Shelby sighed and said: "Yes it's true, I don't lie. This everyone knows!" "She said that it was actually us five," she gestured around, ignoring Shelby completely. "That are the ones in the prophecy. And that if we don't try something bad will happen." "Yep, all true," I told her. From the look on her face, something told me I had just confirmed her worst nightmare. "How do we know where to start?" Tobi signed. I asked Tobi's question and this time it was Bastion who answered. "No one ever knows where to start. In prophecies, Fate usually just drops the first clue in your lap and you have to figure it out from there." He shrugged, "Wish I could help more but except for getting you guys on the right path, we are not allowed to help you. Good-bye." And with that the two Demon Healers were gone. "That -no- This is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me." That was Allen. I kind of wondered what Bastion had told him and if had had an impact on that. "Can you not speak Tobi?" Henry asked. Tobi shook his head. "It sucks." He signed. "He says it sucks." I translated. Maybe I should teach these guys Sign Language so that I don't have to translate everything. Nah, they will probably pick some of it up, and teaching them would take to much time. The only reason me and Tobi were able to learn it so quickly was out of necessity, not to mention I had already learned some of it earlier in life. And although I didn't use it very often I could still remember it vaguely. For Tobi, it was something he had to learn. All of what he had to say had to be said with his hands. For them, they wouldn't learn very quickly. They didn't need to. "So..." Riah said awkwardly. No one was saying or doing anything. "Does everyone know everybody?" I asked, there was a possibility that Henry didn't remember Allen from when he dragged us into the dungeon. Henry looked at me with a "are you stupid? Of course I remember him" look. "Yes," he said out loud in a very dry voice. "Every one knows everybody." "I don't!" Riah pointed out. "Hi, my name is Cole, what's yours?" She held out her hand to Allen. "I met you once when you were trying to put Henry and Jayd into the cells but I never got your name." Tobi covered a smile as me and Henry slapped our hands to our foreheads. "Um... Allen." "Nice to meet you." She turned to henry, "Don't blame him for following orders. After all, he seems like a nice guy to me." I started thinking that Riah might need some pointers in acting like a boy. Boys don't usually say that someone is nice to their face. It may be a stereotype but most stereotypes have some truth to them. I decided to give her some. "Hey Cole, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure," she said walking over. We moved to the back of the room and she said, "Boys wouldn't usually say that people "seem nice" to their faces do they?" Well at least she caught it. "They might think that your gay anyway. But it might put a little doubt into their minds, especially if they are looking for you." I told her. "I try, but it just does not come easily," she said with a sigh. "In reality I am really girly. I like to giggle and stuff, this being a is really hard." I tried to suppress a smile but it slipped out any way. "I am sorry Riah," I said, truly apologetic. "I am so glad that I can be who I am and not have to hide." She nodded sorrowfully and we walked back to the group. Henry and Tobi looked at us, questions dangling from the tips of their tongues. Everyone just stood there. No one knew what to do until Henry said: "Let's go somewhere!" And because it seemed like the right thing to do, we did. At first no one knew where to go but Henry knew and so we just followed him. "I don't know exactly where we are going," he said as he lead us through the door and down the hall to the stairs. "But I am sure that we should go there." We followed him down corridors and through passages until we finally got to a door. Henry reached for the handle before Allen said to stop. "Why should I?" Henry asked. He was still mad at Allen for the dungeon incident. "Because that is the Beast stables." Allen answered calmly. "If you want to die, or be eaten alive, go ahead and open the door. But before you do you might want to let everyone else know so that they can get to a safer place." Tobi rounded on Allen and glared at him. Riah looked at Allen with utter astonishment and Henry stared at him in horror. I was the only one I guess who didn't know what he meant by Beasts. "Why do you have Beasts in the Palace?" Riah asked him, a cold glint entering her eyes. "Because... I really don't know." Allen said. I believed him but no one else did. Henry turned back to the door and opened it. I then found out what a Beast is. Tiny little things, they have sharp pointy teeth and claws. They have red eyes sometimes flecked with black and their fur is bright yellow to a mottled brown and gray. Some of them looked like demented calico cats. Their body shape resembles that of a cats in the most basic way. The thing that makes them most different would be the fact that they have three more tails and antlers. There were four Beasts in the room and when the door opened they all turned towards us with an evil hiss. I gulped and shrank behind Tobi instinctively. "Don't worry Jayd," Cole/Riah said comfortingly. "They only look fierce. They are actually really nice, but it's illegal to have them in captivity because when you do... they kill themselves." I looked at the remaining Beasts (because that is what they were) and then I looked around and saw bodies of dead ones laying every where. "How could people do this?" I whispered. I looked back at the others to glare accusingly at Allen and saw that both Henry and Tobi were holding one of the Beasts. Riah was bending down to pick one up. "Get that one Jayd," She said. "We are getting them out of here." "Hey! You can't do that!" Allen exclaimed. "And why not?" Henry said, he looked as though he was about to snap Allen's head off. "Because Beasts are not the only kind of beasts that we have in here," he said. His voice was lowering into a whisper
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