» Fantasy » Collision, Alyx D. Vacca [best pdf ebook reader for android txt] 📗

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as if not to disturb someone, or something. Henry stared at him a moment than grabbed the other Beast that I had not yet gotten around to picking up and shoved it into my arms and then bolted for the door. Every one followed him without hesitation. I remembered all to clearly the kinds of beast that we had encountered in the Tournament. But the door was blocked by a hundred little eyes that pierced the darkness. Eyes appeared everywhere, hungry eyes, blood shot and angry. I felt sick. Riah screamed. And that set off all the Beasts. They started to scream and thrash in our arms but we held on to them. "Follow me!" Allen cried and ran toward the eyes farthest from the door. There was no where else to go so we followed him and hoped for the best. Things flew and charged at us randomly, at one point Tobi was knocked to the floor and almost dragged to the dark side before Riah tripped over him and realized what was happening in the complete blackness. I, on the other hand, the farther we got into the "stable" the more dark it became, I was freaking out. I started screaming as what little light there was before disappeared entirely. "Jayd?" Henry and Allen said in unison. "What's wrong?" But I was beyond talking. It was all I could do not to sink to the floor and cry. I was shivering with nervous energy and my voice started to break when suddenly a bright light lit the room. A bright blue-ish light, and at it's middle stood Tobi. I stopped screaming as soon as the light came, but almost a thousand others started to ring. I could see what had been after us. Large centaurs and a few winged horses from Hell. There were so many that I could only see a few before the blue light wavered and died. Bringing darkness once again. This time I only had a few seconds of just standing there before I was scooped up and literally carried across the room and through a door into the bright after noon. Even in the light, it took me a while to stop shivering. I had my head buried in to the shirt of whomever was holding me. "Jayd? Are you okay?" The person holding me was Allen. I had so hoped that it was Tobi, this was beyond embarrassing. I pulled away and blinked at the light. I nodded, still shaking. For some reason I couldn't stop. Allen put me down and I stood there with everyone except Tobi staring at me. Tobi came over and slung an arm over my shoulder and gave me a one-armed hug. He was still holding his Beast. He looked over at Henry as if asking where too next and as if I hadn't just had a nervous breakdown. "Uh... This way," he said, getting the message and trying to pretend that nothing had happened as well. He turned and went to a door and pulled it open, revealing a long stair case with no walls. That didn't make any sense, there was a door and walls out here. Maybe it was a one way wall. So you can't see in but you can see out. But my theory was proved wrong almost immediately when a bird flew through the supposed "wall". I started to chuckle and Tobi grew pale. Allen looked at us in confusion and asked what the matter was. But Henry and Riah looked up at the staircase and then at Tobi and hide grins. "Come on Tobi," I said. "You'll be okay." I started up the stairs and looked back as Tobi grabbed my hand and almost pulled me down. He beckoned me back down. "What?" I said going back down. The others looked at us questioningly as they started up the stairs. "Go on," I urged them. As they continued up the steps I turned back to Tobi. "What is it? I asked him. "Well..." He signed hesitantly. "Could you help me with the stair somehow?" I raised one of my eyebrows with a question. "Well... You could...I don't know, you could let me hold onto the back of your shirt or something so that I can close my eyes and pretend that I am blind instead of mute." I laughed at that but agreed if it would help him. "Do you want me to tell you when to lift your foot up?" I asked him. He grinned but shook his head.
We made it up with out further incidents. "So, what was going on with you in the stables?" Allen demanded. "Allen! You don't need to know, leave her alone." Riah said, her brows furrowed in frustration. I looked away in shame. The fear had gripped me and put every one in danger. "I am afraid of the dark and I'm claustrophobic." I decided to just come out and tell them just in case my cowardice got us in to trouble again. There were a couple of "ohs" then Riah piped up. "I am absolutely terrified of dogs. I don't know why but every time I see one I have to get away." I smiled at her thankfully when Henry decided to follow her lead. "Every time I see a spider I kind of freeze. One of the reasons I never went on the Spiderkin hunts around where we used to live, Riah." We all looked at Allen expectantly. "What?" He asked defensively. "Just because you all confessed your fears doesn't mean that I have to tell you kids my phobias." "You are, what? Two years older than us? And if you have a crippling fear that might end up hurting us as a whole, you should tell us." I said. Will you look at that, I just made a speech. "Well, I have no such fears." He said obstinantly. "What ever." Riah said with a roll of her eyes. "Come on, lets go." She headed in to the only direction there was and didn't wait for any of us. Now you might be wondering what the path looked like. After all, the stairs were invisible until the door was opened. Are they in an transparent castle or something? You might be wondering that. I know I was. It was like a castle except that there were no walls and no one below seemed to notice you. There were no walls, only doors that seemed to lead off into empty space. I knew that if I tried to lean on one of the invisible walls I would fall through. I saw birds nests in every niche. Everyone was fascinated. Even Allen. It seems as though we had finally found a place in the Palace that he had never been to before. "This way," Henry said. Turning a corner suddenly a bag was thrown over his head and tightened. Three more men in black ninja costumes dropped from the invisible ceiling throwing black tightly woven bags over out heads. None of us even had time to scream before the sleeping potion that the bags had been soaked in took effect. We slumped to the ground with a simultaneous thump.
We woke up later in a crowded cell filled with people. People we knew. I saw some one that I hadn't seen for years and ran toward her. "Aloe!" I cried happily. "Jayd!" Aloe said, jumping up and giving me a hug. "What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here!" I stood back from her and almost screamed as I actually looked at her. There was no way that she could be alive. Not when half of her stomach looked as if some thing had decided to have a snack and she was it. Her once beautiful face was now a mask. A long ugly scar ran down one side of her face, making all the skin on that side of her face pulled taut, giving it a pinched look. "Aloe... What happened to you?" My voice was choked. "Get out of here Jayd. Get out of here now and don't talk to any one else except for those who you came with. And before you even do that make sure that they aren't like me." Then she turned away and ran. I backed away slowly and then turned and ran too. I started looking for them. Tobi, Riah, Henry and Allen. I had to find them and warn them. I found Allen first, he was talking to an old man. He still looked whole and alive. So I ran up to them, grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from the old man. "Hey! Jayd, let go of me!" I did, but only after I had put a good deal of distance between us and the man. "What did you do that for? I hadn't seen him in years!" I studied him as he ranted at me. Nope, nothing wrong with him. I quickly told him everything that Aloe had just told me. His eyes widened as he listened. "I thought he looked kind of different from when I last saw him. Dead, he looks dead." He shook his head as though he couldn't stand to believe it. "I am really sorry Allen," I said hurriedly. "Truly I am, but right now we need to find every one and get out of here!" He nodded and we started off looking. We found Henry next and then Riah, but we couldn't find Tobi anywhere. I started thinking that he was dead or worse when I turned and saw him talking to his father. No, not Moran, but the one I had helped find when the house collapsed during the Collision. He was dead, but Tobi was still talking to him? Tobi knew that he was dead? "Tobi!" I called before I could constrain my self. He turned and thats when his father attacked. He wrapped his arms around his neck and started squeezing so tightly that I was afraid that Tobi's head would pop off before he was choked to death. I ran towards them and was about to do what ever it took to get him to release his death grip on Tobi when Henry charged past me with a sword raised (don't ask where he got it, because I do not know) and brought it down with a sickening thump... With the broad side of the sword. The zombie fell to the ground and Tobi was free. He stared at us as he ran from his dead father's body. "What is going on Jayd?" He signed. It was hard to make out sense his hands were trembling so hard. But I stopped him so look him over first. For all I know, that could have been just a show to
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