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Book online «Collision, Alyx D. Vacca [best pdf ebook reader for android txt] 📗». Author Alyx D. Vacca

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"What?" "You are still one of the Chosen right? Are the queens going to take you back with them?" He thought about it for a moment than shrugged, but his face was worried. "Why do you think the real reason is? That they want to separate the worlds that is." He took out his paper and wrote, "I take it you don't believe the whole Dragon and pollution thing then?" "Of course not! People of the Government always lie. It's a well known fact." "Mine don't." "Maybe, maybe not. All rulers lie sometimes though. It keeps people from panicking or doing something drastic. If what you say is true and they don't lie, then they were most likely pressured into it by the others, like threatening a cold war or something." Tobi shrugged but looked uncomfortable in the thought that someone from so far a way from him could have that much of a impact on his life. "When is your aunt coming?" He wrote to change the subject. "In about three days I think," I answered. "We are all going to learn. If we did not, who would you talk to? Not to mention you need people to practice with as well." He smiled at that. When we got to the Tower it was obvious that the queens had not succeeded because they were still here and yelling at people. Or at least Kate was while Karim told Kate a few things to add to her speech that no-one was listening to. Apparently Karim was to well brought up to shout as we were told later. "Karim?" I asked as we ran up to them. Their body guards moved to block us. Their swords and guns raised. We stopped dead. "No! No, let them through," Karim assured them. "They are friends of ours." They parted and let us through after checking us throughly for weapons. "What are you still doing here? I thought that all would be over quickly?" Karim cleared her throat anxiously and said, "Well, we thought it would be done with quickly too. But these Wizards are a law unto them selves. They seem to think that they don't belong to Sra and can do anything they want to. UGH! It's so annoying!" "You are too used to everything going the way you want it Kari," Kate rasped. "I need some water, any of you guys have some?" We all shook our heads. "Jonah, go and get Kate some water will you? She can hardly speak!" She turned to Kate and gave her a hug. "Thanks for trying Dear." Kate pulled away from her in mock surprise. "For trying eh? I haven't finished yet!" She grimaced. "Damn my throat hurts. So when did the kids get here?" "I am not a kid! I will be a legal adult in a year!" "Yes you will," she agreed. "In a year. Until then you are a kid. Sorry but it's true." I scowled at her. "A few minutes ago." "What?" "A few minutes ago. You asked when we got here and the answer is a few minutes ago." "Oh. Next time be more clear or just answer the question instead of walking around it." I scowled even more at that. Then shook my head and smiled. A good tip in life, learn to laugh at your self when you do something ridiculous. Your life will be much more fun and enjoyable and people will like you more. Tobi wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to Kate. "How's your father? He is fine, we'll get him out of there by night hopefully. But if not I am sure that we will tomorrow!" At Tobi's wide eyed expression she quickly amended herself , "But that wont happen. Don't worry." At that moment the body guard Karim had sent to get water returned and handed over some water. "Thank you Jonah," Kate said gulping down the cups contents. "Ah, much better." She handed him back the empty cup and returned to her bellowing. And that woman can bellow! I am surprised that they did not all stop immediately after hearing her voice. "So why are they attacking him again?" I wondered. "Well... Recently we, me and Kate that is, decided that Moran was a really great Wizard for all he can be a bit distracted at times." Tobi smiled at that and nodded vigorously. "So we invited him to join the Queens' Wizards, but some of the Wizards, both in and out of the organization, disagreed with us. They said that there were better candidates for the post." "Jerks," I muttered. "They just don't want a rookie to get the spotlight." Kate smiled at me and said: "Well, maybe you should try talking to them. They don't seem to like listening to me." I nodded, and just for the hell of it I yelled in my best parade voice : "STOP YOU IDIOTS!" And, surprisingly they did. All spells mid-way through completion halted and all eyes turned to me. I paused for a second and looked at Kate. She gestured for me to continue. "You are all making absolute fools of your selves, do you realize that? What ever your cause is I doubt that attacking Moran's Tower is going to help it. In this kind of situation the best thing you could do would be to file a rational complaint and hope for the best. You can try that now, but because of this idiocy your chances of being listened to are a whole lot slimmer than they would have been. Now leave and do not ever attempt this kind of thing again!" There was a stillness in the air and then some muttering then slowly at first than it sped up and grew louder popping sounds came from all directions and Wizards disappeared. "Damn Jayd, how did you get them to listen to you? I've been yelling for ages and they ignored me no matter what I tried!" I shrugged self consciously. I had no idea what made them listen to me, but I sure do wish that it worked all the time. After all the Wizards had gone we walked to the Tower and Tobi knocked on place where the door would appear. And it did, so suddenly and it opened so quickly that on his third knock he met empty air and lost his balance and fell. Only to be caught up in a bear hug by Moran. "You are now free," Karim said. "And it's all thanks to Jayd." Moran turned to me and hugged me as well, lifting me up in the air. "And so it is!" He said, as he gently lowered me to the ground so that I wouldn't fall thanks to my broken leg. "You are amazing Jayd, simply amazing. So would you like to come in?" He asked us all. "That would be wonderful, do you by any chance have some chamomile tea? I hear that if you add honey it's good for your throat," Kate said massaging her own throat. Moran chuckled and led us inside. "Now Her Majesty wants tea... Any one else?" "Do you have any donuts?" I asked him, well aware that just yesterday he had celebrated his weekly Donut Day. "But of course," he said with a bow. "Tobi? You want donuts?" Tobi nodded and Moran turned to Karim. "And you fair lady?" "Hmm... I think I'll have some donuts, but could I have some tea too?" Moran bowed low and turned once more to Kate. "You sure you don't want donuts Lady? They are really good." Kate looked affronted. "I don't believe I said that I did not! Who wouldn't want donuts?" Moran clapped his hands together and turned to the kitchen and got busy warming the donuts and heating water for tea. I don't remember the rest of that day very much, but I do remember it being a good day until the very last.
Three days later we were visited once again by Kate and Karim. Somehow they had found out that we were having Moran and Tobi over for dinner and invited them selves as well. They said that they had things that they needed to discus with us all. Me and Tobi exchanged looks at that as the adults thanked them for "gracing our table with their presence" or something like that. Later on in the dinner my father brought up the reason for their visit, asking them why they had come, even though we are happy they did. "Well..." Said Kate, looking at Karim for support. "We came originally to Raytown to hear these two's story. But now we are leaving Raytown and as a Chosen, Tobi has to come with us." There was a brief silence interrupted by the screech of chair legs as Tobi stood up. He glared at the queens, shoved his pad of paper at them and left the house through the back door. I hurriedly got up and followed. Let the adults talk, but no matter how much they did, no one was taking Tobi where he did not want to go. "Tobi! Wait up!" Thanks to the Collision we have woods instead of a back yard now and Tobi was already pretty deep into them. Not having grown up in or around them and never needing to learn woodlore I would never go in there without Tobi, I would get lost for sure. Tobi stopped and waited for me to catch up and then continued determinedly in a certain direction. "Where are we going?" I asked him dodging a tree. "Aunt Rebeka's house," he signed. "Why?" "We need some place to stay right? And I still want to learn more Sign Language." He finger spelt most of that. Since I am still pretty slow at signing, it took me a little while to figure out what he had said. Now you can see who's been practicing and who has not. So, after a moments pause for me to understand what he'd said, I asked him: "Don't you think that going there would be a little obvious? I mean, we're hiding from the law, I think. Shouldn't we go somewhere more...hidden?" Tobi shook his head and signed: "I don't want to hide, if they come and find me I plan on kicking their asses across the country." I said nothing about this folly. If they found him all he could do was run and I would follow him. Life suddenly got complicated again. It's annoying. We walked for about three days until it occurred to me that Tobi had never been to my Aunt's house, so how could he be leading us in the right direction? "Tobi? How do you know where to go to get there? You don't even know the address."
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