» Fantasy » Collision, Alyx D. Vacca [best pdf ebook reader for android txt] 📗

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and cheesy and dumb all around but I did it anyways. I reached out and took hold of Tobi's wrist and pulled him towards me, he came easily enough, and kissed him full on the mouth. We had kissed before, but as you can probably guess, it was different now that he didn't have a tongue. Not bad, but different. Sadly our kissing was interrupted by sounds at the door. We broke away glanced at each other before the doctor entered and Tobi had to hide.

Three days later there was a knock on the door, Tobi ducked out of sight and I called, "Come in!" It was strange because usually the nurses and doctors just come in and out as they pleased. The door opened and both of my parents came in. "Mom, Dad!" I was so happy to see them. They ran over and hugged me. My dad told how they had gotten lost in the hospital and walked in on a couple in the middle of an argument and then hurriedly exiting knocked over their daughter who was on crutches because of a broken leg. My mom wanted to know everything that happened. "Later," I told her, because just then the doctor walked in. The next day they discharged me and all four of us left that pristinely clean hospital for our dirty and messy home.

Chapter Thirteen
Siege at the Tower

When we got to Raytown late that night my mom offered to drop Tobi off at the Tower but he said that there were to many stairs in the Tower and that he'd walk over there tomorrow when he was less tired. My parents agreed and called Moran to tell him that Tobi was back and would be home in the morning. Of course like any good father he wanted to talk to Tobi immediately (and since Tobi couldn't talk he talked enough for the both of them) so he did not get to sleep at a good time anyway. Late that night I got hungry, so I did what any teen in their own house would do in that situation. I wobbled down the stairs with my crutches and made myself some Eggo Waffles and drowned them in syrup. Looking out the window in the kitchen I notice bright lights coming from the school. I wondered if we were missing some school dance or something. I shrugged, not putting much though into it. Tobi walked into the kitchen, tousled hair and sleepy eyed and held up a piece of paper asking me what I was doing. "Eating. Are we missing something at the school or something?" I asked him, still looking out the window. He walked over to me and looked out the window then shrugged and went back to the couch he was sleeping on. I finished my waffles then put the dish in the sink, not bothering to wash it, and went back to my bed.
Morning came and me and Tobi still slept. My mother came and woke me up around eleven thirty. "Come down stairs," she said. Something in her voice told me something bad had happened or was happening as we spoke. I jumped out of bed and dragged my clothes on brushed my hair and grabbed this book on my way out and hobbled down the stairs as fast as I could and skidded to a stop trying not to fall as I lost my balance and waited just out side the living room until I calmed down my breathing and could walk into the room. The people in the room were all people I knew but some of them I did not expect to see there. There was six people in the room, Mom, Dad, Tobi, a Sending of Moran, and... queens Kate and Karim. I froze, completely shocked. "Wha-?" I asked. Everyone turned at my voice, Karim and Kate smiled. "We've been looking for you two for forever," Karim said. I turned wide eyed to Tobi and asked him,"Did you leave anything out when you explained it to me?" He shook his head, although he looked just as confused as I was. "When you two left the Capitol no one knew why. Allen and Porter ran after you to see why you, Tobi, were bloody and when you saw them, they said, you ran even faster," Kate said. "'Why did they run?" We wondered, so we looked into it and found out about a conspiracy and dealt with it," Karim said, picking up where Kate left off. "Now we would like to hear your story, but Tobi can't speak and he did not want to write it all down so I was wondering whether you would tell us?" She said, all in one breath. "Um... Okay," I said unsure of where to begin. I looked at Tobi for some help, he just shrugged. Thanks a ton Tobes. "Ah, let's see, um... Where should I start?" "How 'bout the beginning?" Kate suggested. "Ahem," I cleared my throat. "Yes, the beginning. Um..." And so I told them in such a rush that they kept stopping me and asking me to clarify stuff. They did that rather often. After about an hour I had finished and the had understood most of it. The whole while my parents and Moran and Tobi stared at me. My parents and Moran because of the story, and all of them because I always talk very articulately and take my time saying what ever I think. I was really nervous and let's just leave it at that. When I was finished Kate said: "Thanks Jayd. Hey Tobi, if there is anyway we can repay you just let us know, okay? Even if you warned us inadvertently, you still did and we want to thank you somehow." Tobi bowed and then made a face. Tore a page out of his notebook, wrote on it then folded it into an airplane and threw it at me. I caught it and read it. "I need to learn Sign Language. Do you know where I might find a teacher?" I looked up at him and frowned. "How'd you know I would be able to find you a teacher? I'm starting to think that you can read minds!" He raised his eyebrows and shook his head. I sighed (again) and turned to Mom. "What's Uncle Aden's phone number?" "You want your uncle's phone number?" She asked puzzled than smacked her hand to her forehead. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" She ran into the kitchen and started pulling stuff out of drawers. "Mom, calm down. It's not like the world is going to end if you don't find her number in fifteen seconds. Kate and Karim stopped watching my mom's frantic pulling apart of the kitchen and turned to my dad. "Who is Aden?" Karim asked. My dad sighed (now I know who I get it from) and answered, " Eryn's s brother. He is married to a deaf woman, Rebeka's her name. She should be able to teach Tobi easily. Now I feel stupid, I should have thought of her." He turned to me. "Why don't you teach Tobi what you know Jayd? You know some." I nodded. "Well, if anything, call us!" Karim said heading to the door. "We have to go and get the real Moran out of his tower." "Yes, thank you," Moran said bowing. Tobi looked confused and I was as well so I asked for us both, "What? Why would you need to do that?" "Because I am under siege," Moran explained calmly. Some air-heads from the Comity of Wizardry have decided that I am getting to big for my britches for a small country Wizard since Tobi was Chosen." At that Tobi's eyes got big. "Now, now Tobi, every thing is under control! Once the queens get there and tell everyone to get lost all will be well!" Tobi shook his head at his crazy father and went back to whatever he'd been writing. After the queens took their leave and Moran had dissipated his Sending, Mom left to work and Dad went up stairs to edit some articles for the Sunday paper. I had breakfast again and wrote some in this book. Tobi seeing me do this shook his head and returned once again to his writing. What was he writing? He'd been writing for a long time now and had used about five pages. A speech? Or maybe a novel? I tried to read over his shoulder but he shifted and blocked my view. "Tobi, what are you writing?" I asked him in a wheedling tone. He shook his head to say "Nothing." I frowned and tried to see past him but he turned his head and kissed me quickly and gave me a grin then turned back to his work. Startled, I pulled back and sat down and contemplated trying again for either end result, both sounded good to me. Five hours later I asked Tobi if we were going to go to school that day. He shrugged and shook his head. "How 'bout I teach you some Sign Language?" I said. I was tired of writing for now. Still he shook his head, he flipped to a new page and wrote "Later" and continued ignoring me and writing. Well, he could do what ever he wanted to do. I was bored so I was going out. I walked out the door than decided that that was to normal these days so I went back inside and to the window. I opened the storm and screen and of course that other window that I cant remember what it's called and stuck my crutches out the window. I then put my broken leg out the window, since it was the least flexible and put all my weight on my hands and pulled my other leg through and then dropped. I grabbed my crutches and used them to help me up. Tobi came to the window and looked at me with concern, whether it was for my sanity or physical well being I still to this day I do not know. Once on my feet I nodded importantly to Tobi and hobbled off down the street. I heard the windows being closed behind me and the door slamming shut and then Tobi was next to me walking along with me side by side as we've been doing for quiet some time now. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Ah what a wonderful day. We walked up to the drug store and got some soda and then talked a bit. I taught him a little Sign Language and then we headed for the school. Not to go to school mind, just to see how the whole siege thing was going and whether or not Moran was out of his Tower yet. On the way there I asked him, "Hey Tobi?" "Yes?" He signed. "What do you think happens next?"

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