» Fantasy » In A Demon's Lifetime, Leydy Renteria [reading fiction txt] 📗

Book online «In A Demon's Lifetime, Leydy Renteria [reading fiction txt] 📗». Author Leydy Renteria

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still dark outside. Kia and Haydn were still asleep. I gently wiggled out of Haydn's embrace. I stood up. I was thirst. I was tempted to just drink from Haydn...but Haydn was like my brother. . .I couldn't do that to him . . .so I tiptoed out of the house and started walking to the village where we had gone yesterday. When I got there the sun hadn't come up yet. I went inside the nearest cottage because the thirst was driving me crazy. A man was sleeping there. I tiptoed up to him and leaned down. I poked to small holes in his throat with my retractable claws. The claw's injected a certain poison that numbed him. The poison didn't hurt him, it just helped him become unaware of what I was doing. I then leaned down towards where i had poked the holes. I put my lips to his throat and started sucking out some blood. It tasted like heaven to me. I had gone for a whole week without blood. I stopped suddenly because I didn't want to kill the guy. I ran the tip of my tail over the holes and they closed up. I quickly and quietly walked out. I walked to another cottage. There was a family inside. Jack pot I thought. I did my job and left. The sun was gonna come up any minute now. I started walking back towards the house. Hopefully Haydn hadn't woken up yet.

When I got to the house Haydn was at the door waiting. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he didn't look happy. "Where were you?" he asked. I shrugged and tried to walk past him. He grabbed my arm. "Where were you and what is this?" he asked holding up a blue vial. "Uh . . .girls stuff?" I volunteered. "Girl stuff that says sleeping potion on it?" he asked. He looked really pissed off. I sighed and said "Fine I admit it . . .I gave you the potion while you were still asleep. I had to because you're a light sleeper. Anyway I went to the village where we went yesterday. I went to drink some blood. Are you happy now?" He said "Yes, and why didn't you tell me you were a vampire?" "I'm not a vampire." I responded. "Demon's are the ones that drink blood. They made up the whole vampire thing to distract attention from themselves." He looked disgusted so I explained what I did to him. He didn't look as worried and disgusted. He suddenly looked worried. "You haven't bitten me, right?" he asked with concern. I smiled slyly and shrugged he panicked and started to call Kia over so that he could check hi throat so I said "I was kidding. I haven't bitten you." He looked relieved. Just then we both got telepathic messages from Kia. He was in trouble.

"What should we do?" I asked. "Go find her and help her of course." he replied. He then thought spoke with Kia. "He's being help captive by a gang of demons..." he told me. "I have her coordinates. " he said "How are we gonna get to her?' i asked. we usually flew on Kia. What were we gonna do without him? "We're gonna get some horses." he said. So we went to the nearest village and bought some horses. We rode for a long time and stopped when we got to a clearing in a forest. "We should rest up" he said "We're gonna need all our strengths to rescue Kia." I nodded and set out to collect some firewood. Haydn went in search of water. When I got back though, the horses were gone. I was worried. Just then a gang of demons jumped out of some bushes. I leaped around to face them. But what I saw was scarier then a mob of Daelynn clones. (Daelynn's my VERY annoying sister.) It was my friend. My friend that I had in hell....the one who promised to never let me down...I was gonna have to face my bestfriend...

Out of the blue a dragon pounced on 3 demons and killed them. "You get the girl, I'll get her lackies!" said a guy. He was taking out demons that were waiting in the bushes to ambush him.
"Blue crimson!" he shouted as he killed more demons. He swiped his dragon tail and tripped a demon which his dragon killed. "Well? Attack the demon in front of you!" he shouted at me. I saw he had the key blade of the dragon. "Huh? What u waiting for demon? Attack her, damnit! What? She your friend or somthin' ?" "Well if you wont then I will!" Then he tackled her. But was then blasted into the air by her. "Water showeeer!" it started to rain. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there. It was too much for me to handle. I ran and fled. But before I did I went to Haydn and Kia and untied them. As soon as I did I ran back to the house. I knew i was a coward but I didn't go against my friend was like going against part of myself...Kia suddenly appeared in front of me. He told me to go back into battle. I didn't say anything, just nodded. I climbed on him and headed back to the torture that awaited. BOOM! When I got there I saw my best friend dead. He was flying overhead. He lowered himself a bit and said "another demon? how could i have missed you?" he was forming something. " what? you a mute demon?" I said nothing and stepped forward. " Only a fool would challenge me when I'm charging a spell..." he said. "Do you know of demon honor?" I asked "I am no demon, why should I?" he said landing. I stepped forward again. " Hmm . . . well it seems to me that you are a demon. A demon for killing the one person that I cared about." he scoffed " And who was that?" "My friend. That demon laying there on the ground behind you." " if u want i can revive her." he said. I felt hopeful...then doubtful. He took my hand. "I need a living demon's aura . . . RREVIVE!" He revived my friend at the cost of almost all his energy. "b-by the way, names Haydrion." said Haydrion. I still didn't trust him that much. "Keh. She is alive. Ain't she?" he said indifferently. "I have saved her. Why not trust me?" Haydrion asked. What a stupid question. He then flew off in the direction of where Haydn and Kia were resting. I could vaguely hear what they were saying. Something about being a demon. ______said she was leaving. I nodded and approached quietly. I saw them preparing to battle. I climbed up a tree and settled down to watch the show. It ended very soon because Haydn was too weak to fight. Damn it! LOL. I saw Haydrion fly up onto a tree and look about him. I was in the branch above him so he did not see me. When he seemed convinced that everything was clear he settled down to rest. I settled down too but didn't go to sleep. Instead I kept watch over Haydn . . . at least until I went to sleep.
When I woke up it was to the sound of Haydrion waking up and desperately looking for Haydn. "Why do I hear the sound of humens mating? (damn this good hearing)" he said and then went off to the village and peered in a cottage. I saw that his face had the exspresion that said "wtf!?" So I peered too. what I saw was unpleasing. (I'm being nice when I put it like that.) Haydrion looked at me and asked "whats with u?" I merely shook my head and crept back into the welcoming shadows. I did not see him creeping behind me. i went up the tree and slept. I woke up to the scent of water. For a sleepy moment i wondered if it was raining. I love rain and had been wishing for it but i wasn't wet so that was clearly not possible. I Silently and stealthily got up. (Years of sneaking out of my prison paid off.) I looked around me and saw a strange shape but I was too sleepy and depressed to go and investigate. I laid back down and went to sleep. When I woke up I was morning. I stood up and forgot I was on a tree branch. I lost my balance and landed on something soft. Something soft that yelped in pain. Dang it! I probably fell on someone. Great. I quickly got up and helped the person up. I knelt to the ground to pick up the blade he had dropped. "I'm so sorry. I don't usually meet people like that... I was ju- oh its you." I said when I got back to my feet and saw who it was.
"Good morning to you too. . . oww, damn, when you fall on someone, you hit their most painful places . . . (my poor wings and tail . . .)" said Haydrion. I then remembered the classes I took where they told me all about the creatures that existed outside the gates of hell. In order for Haydrion to change back to his original form he'd have to get my blood. "You sure as hell have a nice wake up c-c-ca-ca-ca-call . . . " I saw him blush. "Any who, why are you still here? More importantly, why in the thousand hells are there BITE MARKS in my neck and your neck . . . and why are you not in the hells?" he asked getting up. "hey can i have my shadow death dragon blade?" he asked He then reached for the blade"!!!!!" He looked extremely uncomfortable. He put his hand on the rim of his right wing and blushed again. I gave him the blade. "I'm still here because I am, I don't know why there are bite marks on our necks, and I'm not in hell because I'm banished. That all?" I said answering all his questions. I sighed and looked at him. "I know that in order to turn back to your true form you need my blood . . . that's why I want to tell you that . . . you have my permission to kill me." I said. He looked genuinely surprised. Probably because not many demons have told him to kill them. I still looked perplexed when he sheathed his sword. He wasn't looking at me, though. I he was looking at something behind me. He lunged at whatever that thing was. I turned around and saw him knelt over the body of a demon.
"Well, there goes my brother." I said in a casual tone. He turned to look at me. I could sense he was going to apologize so I said "Don't worry about it . . . he wasn't that great of a brother anyway. Plus, you can use his blood instead of mine." He laughed a this, and started to DRINK my brother's blood. "Eck, I don't know how, but, that was very unpleasing to do, oh well, at least im ME again." I shook my head in disgust. "What?! You do that all the time so I don't know why you're disgusted." he said. He then looked around and sniffed the air, then got out his duel sameri swords." I'm going to KILL Haydn!" he shouted. I laughed and said "Why?" I was in a good mood for some reason.
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