» Fantasy » In A Demon's Lifetime, Leydy Renteria [reading fiction txt] 📗

Book online «In A Demon's Lifetime, Leydy Renteria [reading fiction txt] 📗». Author Leydy Renteria

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I then heard a loud crash and then i looked to see a tall kid, probably 18, with his 5 foot long sword drawn. he was wearing all black and had red eyes and white hair that went to his shoulders. "DAMN IT! look, Dero, I know its a habit of yours to Smash into castes with you being a dragon in your past life and all, BUT WOULD IT KILL YOU TO USE THE FUCKING DOOR!?!?!?" shouted Sorin. "Fuck off." said Dero in a dark sounding voice," I'm having a bad day, so if you value your life, you should leave me be . . . now where is my room gunna be?" "Oh, across from the new soul catcher, have the key so you dont bust the door." Sorin replied. Dero took it and then walked slowly to the room across from me. He peeked his head out and said hi to me. I looked warily back at him and said hi.
Dero didn't say much. I went to sleep and woke up at the same time as Dero. We both went to the kitchen to get breakfast. "Mia will give us missions. You'll probably be with the only other person that's my rank so we will probably get stuck together." he said. I nodded my understanding and continued eating. Once we were all done a girl of about 32 came to the table. "I'm Mia. As you probably already know I'm going to give you your missions." She gave all of us a pleasant smile. I sighed and waited for my assignment. "Diana, you're mission is to run a routine check up on the Steam engine of a reactor in base gamma. You will be accompanied by Dero." She announced. I sullenly got up and headed for the door.
When Dero and I finally got there he was acting weird. He kept fidgeting and looking over his shoulder. He then tackled me, making sure I was down for some reason. Just then a heartless soldier jumped over us. The creature hissed as more of them rose up from the darkness. "Crap, they beat us here . . . " Dero said glancing over at me. I cussed under my breath. He had knocked my breath out when he tackled me. "What are they?" I asked him. "Those," he replied "Are heartless." I looked at him quizzically. "Heartless?" "Yea," he responded getting up shakily."They steal people's hearts." "Ahhh" I said also getting up. " We have to tear them to shreds before they do that to you! They already stole mine twice." He said popping a cork off a flask that he revealed from his black, gray and white jacket he had on. He then chucked it at the the monsters before us and they shrieked as they melted away from the mix. I was happy for a while until I saw a dozen more appear from behind the bushes. "Damn." I muttered under my breath. I sheathed my sword. I turned to ask Dero if we were going to fight them but he had disappeared. "Dero?" I called out. Oh well. Never mind him. I got my sword ready and launched my self a group of heartless. I decapitated the whole lot of them in less than a minute. A new record. Dero suddenly appeared and tugged at my shirt collar. When I didn't follow him he dragged me into a portal. I reawoke to see I was on my bed . . . strange. I also sw that a short-ish cloaked person was standing in the door way. I sat up and said "Um . . . so . . . who are you?" He turned to look at me. "Zexion. A master at illusions. Dero told me to watch you until you re awoke. You could not handle the shadow portal's power." I could too!" I responded defensively. "Its just that . . . I . . . was sleepy . . . thats all . . ." He chuckled. "Right." He started to walk away. "Wait! Where's Dero?" I asked. " He is probably still here feeling stupid for dragging you in the portal with him. Keh. He seems to like you a bit." I snorted. "Yea right. Anyway, I want to see him." I shakily got up and took some tentative steps toward the door. Well I might feel like hell but at least I could walk. "Fine." said Zexion. I searched for Dero everywhere. He wasn't in the kitchen, living room, dining room, or any of the other rooms. I got lost once or twice while looking for him. I then finally gave up. I went outside and sat under a beautiful cherry blossom tree. I closed my eyes and was just about to take a nap when a branch fell on me. I looked up to see Dero on the tree. "Sorry" he called out. Well I guess I found him. He crawled down and looked ashamed. "Did . . . did you have a nice rest?" he asked softly. I nodded and gestured at the tree with my hand. "What were you doing up there?" I asked him. "I sleep up there . . . " he said with his head down. "Cool!" I said. I took his hand and pulled/dragged him into the house. "Come on, you have some explaining to do." "O-ok . . . " he stuttered. I sat him down at a tabla and sat across from him. "Ok then. Where are we and why?" I asked. "Well, we are at castle Dream. I am surprised they let me plant my tree out there..." he looked at me, then looked down at his shoes, "I feel stupid for saying that. We collect souls and I create monsters using them. The plan is that we will then take the seven kingdoms by force . . . " he then looked down and then looked at me in the eyes with concern. "Um . . . well I have no idea why you wanna take the seven kingdoms or what they even are but I'm with you one hundred percent." I said and gave him a reassuring smile. he smiled back, blushing, but then looked over his shoulder then asked if he could guard my house. (awkward) "And that would be nessesary because???" I asked him. " if they find out that I told you this they might kill you . . . if they did . . . " He sounded and looked concerned. "Well if they do then I could probably defend myse-" I cut myself off when i saw disappointed flash on his face. He quickly changed his facial expression back to how it was before, though. "I mean . . . sure! It'd make me feel much more safer with you around." He smiled "Um . . . ok." he said. I smiled back and got up. "So . . . what's for lunch?" I asked. "Um, the last time i cooked my "dish" tried to murder me." he said with a small smile. "'Well, I cant cook to save my life" I said. " hmmmmm if WE cant cook, I know some . . . thing that can." he said taking out a weird blue aura sphere out of his satchle he had. " I want to show you something" he said with a sigh. He then said that he was holding spirit aura. He made some weird hand gestures and said "Ziros. Frewor. Go." then a blue vortex appeared in front of him.A weird looking monster came out and absorbed the spirit. "This is cook." he said pointing to the monster while the vortex went away. I saw the monster. It was a human looking thing with 8 arms that had a cooking object in each. "He can cook like a world class cook and he is with me. I control him." Dero said. "What should I cook?" it asked in a bored sounding voice. "vell?"' it asked. Dero thought for a while. "Hmm . . . how about some Deku soup?" The creature nodded and emidiatly went to work. Dero and I both sat down at the table to wait for the food. "Dont you think it's cruel to abuse of the spirits like this? It's kind of as if they were your servants and it doesn't seem fair." Dero looked uncomfortable at my question. " I was almost RAISED in this castle, and Mia is almost like a mom to me. What do children do for their mothers? I do what she asks, and she asks me to do what I just did. I can give him a heart so I cant control him, if you wish . . ." he said in a tone of voice that almost did not sound like it was his own. I sighed and said "Fine, if you're gonna get all angry about it then whatever." He then gave me a look that was a mix of apologeticness, sadness and a bit of something else . . . I just couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. " Heart blessing . . . " he whispered with a tone of sorrow. then cooky then perked up and bowed to me "Hallo ma'am im cooky." he chirped. I had no idea what Dero had meant with 'Heart blessing' but I decided that finding out would have to wait. "Hi" I said to cooky. " i am a world class cook!," cooky said with a bit of pride in his tone, " i wish to cook, may i?" "Sure!" I said and chuckled when Cooky looked exited. After lunch, cooky said good bye and teleported away. in the night i heard . . . swords clashing? I looked out my window to see millions of different heartless . . . even a heartless dragon! "Where the hells did they get spirits and swords?!?!" Dero shouted. He was holding his own quite well, but was starting to get over-whelmed. I quickly sheathed my sword and got to work on the heartless. There were millions. (At least it seemed like millions.) "Sword storm!" Dero yelled as he danced around the heartless, then swords started to fall on the heartless. Dang he was good. I made a mental note to ask him to teach that to me. I kept slashing at the heartless but it seemed like every time I killed one there was always another to take his place. It was exasperating. 30 minuets later the heartless were retreating.Ii had to kill the dragon heartless. It kept spawning flame sports out of the ground. I then sliced its head clear off. I felt strange . . . my legs stopped working! I fell down and could not stand. Dero rushed over to me. "Are you ok?"" he asked in concern. I wanted to nod and say yes but it seemed as if I could not move. I felt searing heat all over me yet there was no fire. I closed my eyes from the pain. When I opened them I was no longer in control. I saw myself sanding up and but not lifting my head. Peering out from under my bangs of dark hair. But those eyes weren't mine. I knew they weren't because I couldn't control them. "Oh shi-" said Dero as he jumped back summoning his dark thunder scythe. He looked at me in surprise and fear. I tried to regain control again but I couldn't. I was powerless. "I am sorry, Diana." he closed his eyes, he looked like a kicked puppy. He then called out these three words "HELP ME DOOM!" just then I was hit . . . badly. I was out cold. When I reawoke
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