» Fantasy » In A Demon's Lifetime, Leydy Renteria [reading fiction txt] 📗

Book online «In A Demon's Lifetime, Leydy Renteria [reading fiction txt] 📗». Author Leydy Renteria

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asked Haydrion. I was feeling tired. I NEEDED that stone. "Jarithan, use mu whyvern's to take all the princess back to their homes, diana, your with me to find the stone, i know were it is." haydrion aid while a bunch of whyvern's came and wait for orders."Ok, could you um hurry up that romantic scene over there because I'm gonna die very soon if I dont get that stone so...yeah...dont want to pressure you two but.." "Hush." I stuck my tongue out at him when he turned towards Catherine. "Catherine, I'll see you later, that demon stone is needed." he then rushed off with his tail wrapped around my hand, he knew it was urgent to find the stone. Well not that urgent. Death didn't seem all that bad, but, I still had a lot more things I needed to do so I think death should wait. Now where could that demon stone be . . . "Found it!" Haydrion shouted in night fury form. He had left me to go and explore by himself. He came over to me with it in his mouth and waged his tail. Great now it had his slobber all over it. Oh well, it would have to do. I took it from his mouth and wiped it on my blouse. As I held it up to my eyes it glinted and flashed. I gasped in admiration. Suddenly I had a pain in my chest. Was I already too late?! I hoped not. I doubled over and and whimpered from the pain. It was so INTENSE. I looked up to see Haydn standing over me. He extended his hand. "Give me the stone Diana." he said menacingly. I straightened up and ignored the pain. "Why?" I asked in a steady voice. "Because that stone is mine. Now give it back." he responded. I shook my head "Lair." I replied. "It's not yours." 'Well it's not yours either." he snapped back at me. I held the stone even tighter. I didn't want to fight him. I didn't have the strength. Where was Haydrion when I needed him. "AAAAAAHHHH!!!!" I turned towards the sound . . . and saw Haydrion launching himself at Haydn. Haydn turned just in time to block Haydrion's sword with his. Haydrion was PISSED. "Dont EVER hurt her!" he shouted. Haydn looked a bit shocked by seeing him. "I killed you!!" Haydn exclaimed. "So you think! I came BACK . I am a phantom now ~ My reason here is to KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!" haydrion said slashing at Haydn in an intense battle. Meanwhile the pain had been getting stronger. With each breath I took I seemed to be loosing all my strength. I had to act now. Haydrion came over to me and took the stone, put it together and then put a green liquid on it. "Use it now" he said then rushed into battle. I held the stone and presses it to the place where the pain was coming from. the pain dissipated and the stone disappeared. I gasped in surprise. Haydrion came towards me with blood seeping of his chest and his head. he then collapsed. I turned to see what had happened. Haydn stood there, smiling, holding his blade up in the air. It was dripping with blood. I sheathed my sword and stepped towards him. Haydn slashed at me. I did the same, we were evenly matched, until, he turned into a corrupted angel!!!!!! "I'm gunna blow ya to bits!!!!!!" He formed a huge bomb and chucked it at me, but then Haydrion took the hit, and then called out for..... Jarithan?!?! Apparently Jarithan had arrived from delivering back the princesses just then. Jarithan rushed over to Haydrion. Meanwhile I kept trying to defeat Haydn. It wasn't gonna be easy now that he had become a corrupted angel. he kept using chaos blast and other chaos attacks. i thought i was dead, until Jarithan stabbed haydn in the back, stunning him, which lett haydrion get a good death claw fury storm in, witch he did, that returned haydn to normal. Damn. Why cant I ever win a battle by myself?
Haydn spoke a weird toungh. "oh, get up you big baby, i have been stabbed in my heart 500 times in the past hour, but am I laying down, NO!" haydrion said mumbling. Jarithan taped his shoulder, and haydrion backed off, then the floor i was on, and the one haydn was on, sunk into the ground so we could fight one on one. Great. My wish come true. "Okie dokie then. . . " I stepped forward but Haydn didn't. "Oh come on. Get up. I dont want to just stab you while you're lying there." He slowly got up. "Um haydrion . . . could you use some sort of healing spell on him?" Haydrion looked at me funny "I'm only asking because it wouldn't be fair for me to fight him while he's weak . . ." Haydrion sighed and healed him. He then rushed at me with his sword ... on the ground?/ he then took my weapons and chucked them away then took a fighting stance. he wanted to do a magic battle with hand to hand combat. He then punched me in the jaw, but i returned the punch with a kick to the crotch. He went down with a look of misery and then handed me a sword. I grabbed it and stepped towards him. I stabbed his heart and he fell. dead. then the floors rose back to regular height. "now what?" haydrion said, "now that he is dead, i can goo to heaven, or hell, but the after life is looking pretty sweet! ill be a dooms breseker in hell, and a heaven searcher if i go up..." "I dont know. I have nothing planned . . ." i said. What was I gonna do now that my mission was done? " know, maybe I'll go and try to bring back my love from the dead . . ." "hmmmmmm, where did he go? heaven or the hells?" "I'm not sure . . " I answered "I guess I'm gonna go and look for him in both places." "... i just found out, that im going to be reborn..... damn... as a kid the age of 12! ye demons the gods are mean... oh well... to bad all the memory ill have is my powers and my one weapon will me a dragon dagger!" said haydrion. I laughed. Life wont be too bad. I started to walk away. "Well good luck with your life as a kid. I gotta go and find myself some hundred year old guy. " "If i find him in my brief time in afterlife, I'll let him know you're looking for him."' he said dissipating, "seeya!". he was gone. Great. Now what do I do? i felt strange....i felt sort of tingly. I looked down at my hands....they were see through!!! Oh crap. 0.0I woke up to see . . . darkness. I couldn't even see my hands. If I even had hands. I played back all the recent events in my head. Hmm...what was I doing here? Where was here anyway? "Hello?" I called out tenativly. Well at least I knew I could still speak. "Hello." called a voice. What? Someone was here too? "Hi, um . . . what am I doing here?" I asked cautiously. I didn't know if whoever the voice belonged to was my captor or just another confused person. "You're here because I need you." Oh great. "And you need me because??" I asked the voice. "You are a soul catcher." he responded. "I'm a what???" I asked. The voice sighed and said "A soul catcher. that means that whenever someone around you dies you absorb their soul. You're basically like a bank. When you absorb a soul that soul grows. It becomes stronger. I need souls in order to live, but just talking the souls from regular people wont do. They're too weak. Your's, on the other hand, are strong and supple." I sighed. Why me? "Why cant you find some other person to be your portable bank?" I asked him. He replied in an irritated tone "Because those type of people are very rare." "Leave her alone" said another voice, this one sounded like Haydrion's voice. "Haydrion?" I asked hopefully. "Haydrion, Haydrion.... nope, that ain't me." he said. "You told me that it was ur past life's name once." the other voice said. "No, that was Sorin who told you that. I have to go, see ya later!" said the one voice. "See you later then, Zairo!" said the other voice. 'Zairo' then left. "Well, now back to you.... hmm, your hands are missing . . . Sorin!" "Fuck off! I'm busy!" 'Sorin' said. "Get your but out here!" Sorin came and looked me over. "A soul catcher? HE then gave visibility to my hands."There. Better, Diana?" he said, "I am Sorin and thats Kieto. He brought you here. You will be part of our "family" from now on until our leaders say so. I'm second in command, and for good reasons too." "Um, ok...." I said, warily "I'll be showing you the light now, that way you can see our little place that we reside in." he said with a greeting smile, then I could see the floor. I sighed. Ahhh! Why cant things ever go my way?! "So . . ." I said. "When will you guys let me go?" I asked. "Go?" the two looked at each other. "What? You guys cant expect me to stay here, do you? I have missions to complete. things to say, stuff to do. I cant be you're portable bank forever." I said incredulously. They looked at each other again. "Ok knock that off. Just tell me what's going on, ok?" I told them. "Well, thats up to mister "i must interrupt Sorin's experiments to show him another soul catcher" over there" said Sorin in a pissed off tone "i would love to set you free, but im only second in command, you'll have to wait for Kairos or Mia, our leaders, to decide.... no i must reside to my labritory.... oh, and dumb ass, if you see Lexa, tell her to move into my quarters." he then teleported to his 'lab'. "look, ever play KH?" Kieto asked. "Yea." "We are kinda like the organization 13, only we collect souls to summon creatures. Of course SORIN has to Fuck every thing up by allowing Lexa and her 2 friends to visit.... any who Sorin summons monsters that we control using souls, and you get souls when peps die around you.... are you getting the picture?" I nodded slowly. Great. I wasn't likening this much. "HIIIIIIII~" a girls voice sang, "Where are you Sorin~" Sorin tackle hugged her. "hi Lexa~ leader has told me u have to stay in my room." he sang. "yay!" she sang back. "hey, is it ok if Mea and Ian stay here for a while, they are orphans so . . . " She said. Sorin nodded. They then went in to his room with the girl's two friends. "So . . .what the hell am I supposed to do all day??" I asked Kieto. "Well, you have to pick out a place to stay. . . there are rooms over there, I have to try to find a Girl for Nero." he replied and then vanished before I could ask who Nero was and why he needed to pick a girl. I picked out a room and then made myself at home the best I could. I might be here for a while, that is until I find a way to escape.
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