» Fantasy » In A Demon's Lifetime, Leydy Renteria [reading fiction txt] 📗

Book online «In A Demon's Lifetime, Leydy Renteria [reading fiction txt] 📗». Author Leydy Renteria

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" How long of a list do ya want?" he responded, walking around in a circle with his wings spread out. "Meh, you don't have to tell me." I said "I'm leaving anyway." "To where? If it's out of this place, I'm coming too." he said. "Uh . . . I don't know . . . I think I should go alone . . ." I said uncertainly. "Well, you aint going alone, as long as I have life." he said laughing, and hovering in the air. Great. Just what I needed. An escort. "Fine . . ." I said. Suddenly I had an idea . . ." I just hope that you don't mind escorting me to hell . . . " He paused, then laughed, "Well, I dont mind. It'll be my 30th time going there but my 2nd going without really dying". Damn! I was seriously pissed off now. "Oh? Well . . . If you want I'll help make it your 3rd time going there by dying." I said. I knew I wasn't being very fair to him but I just wanted to be alone. To be alone and start a new life all over again. Haydrion called his dragon over, got on, and said " He's friendly" I got on and planned my escape.
We stopped when we reached a clearing that was smack in the middle of a forest. It was getting dark so we decided to camp out there and wait for morning. I, meanwhile had worked out a plan. I was going to sneak out while haydrion was sleeping. While we were eating I slipped a potion in his drink. Once everyone had gone to bed I checked to see if he was really asleep.He was. I slipped out into the forest and made my way to the gates of hell. I climbed up a tree, curled up, and went to sleep. It wasn't safe to venture into hell at night.
When I woke up it was to see a guy dressed in ragged cloth kicking at the dirt. He seemed frustrated. I jumped from the branch I had been on and said "Hi." He looked surprised to see me. "W-where did you come from?" He asked nervously. "Oh sorry about that. I was sleeping up on that tree and decided to drop by and say hello. Oh and by the way my name's Diana. What's yours?" I said. "I dont have time to chit chat with a pheasant." He said "I have to go down to hell and rescue the love of my life."Wow, such dedication." i said, mocking him. He knew that I was making fun of him. "Such dedication but so little action . . . why haven't you gone in?" I asked him. He glared at me and said "I was just about to . . . " I laughed and said opened the gate. I went in and said "aren't you coming?" He went in and glared at me again. "So . . . who's that love of your life that needs saving? And what's your name?" I asked " Jarithan" he said "And her name is Alezia and she's an angel." I laughed a bit and said "Do you mean 'angel' as in sweet or 'angel' as in an actual angel from heaven?" " Both" he said, not looking back. He sure did like her. "I've loved Alezia ever since I laid my eyes on her . . . but she doesn't love me back . . . I hope that once I rescue her she will fall in love with me." I held back the urge to tell him that what he hoped for would never happen. Angels were like that. The angel I rescued actually slapped me once I saved her. Suddenly I heard a noise. I sounded like a twig snapping. Weird. I turned around to se haydrion. "oh damn" he said. Great. i tried so hard to loose him and now THIS!? I was extremely pissed off. " What are you doing here?" I asked him coldly. "I'm not here for you, I'm here to slay the ruler of hell so I can be ruler" he said. "Well good luck with that." i said. "Oh and . . . once you die where should I send your remains?" "funny, but im immortal when im in hell, eh? who is this?" he said."Oh him? His name is-" I said but then got cut off by Jarithan. "Thank you Diana but I can introduce myself." he turned to look at Haydrion and said "I am Jarithan Reloth the 3rd. Prince of Gerfunda in the distant valleys. Who are you? If I may ask." "i am haydrion the last dragon lith, demi god of shadows and slayer of the god of war. id say nice to met you, but i aint in a good mood." he said. Well i wasn't in a good mood either but that didn't mean I wasn't polite. I was mad at Jarithan for being such a jerk and at Haydrion for interrupting my plan to steal the demon stone. It belonged to the king and if Haydrion succeeded in killing the king I'd have to steal it from him . .. "oh, and if any one is looking for something called the demon stone, im giving it away when i rule hell" he said. "also, im sorry for my rude behavior, but being in shadow lith form, i have the politeness a gnat." he said. "Do you by any chance have the ability to read minds?" I asked him." i learned it a month ago." he replied. Great. He can read minds. "Um excuse me but can we stop all this nonsense and get back to rescuing my beloved?" said Jarithan. "Your what? Are you talking about an angel perhaps? HA!Angels never return love of human!" he said, " I do not read minds with out permission, usually." he said turning to me. I sighed and said. "Ok people, here's what we're going to do. We will all go back to our respective missions, complete our mission, get the hell out of here, and move on with our lives. Everyone with me?" I said. I just wanted to get out of there. I hated it . . . especially since I had lived here as a prisoner for MANY years and was forced to turn from and angel to a demon." well, i agree, ill kill satan, set all the demon tat wee once angels free, kill all the evil demons and then give the D.S. to diana, give Jarithan his love, and then back for my phantom amulet" haydrion said. Great. He read my mind. I glared at him. "Ok peoples, lets go." I headed towards the kings chamber." finally, the throne room, i wonder who ill turn back from demon to angel? I have no clue. maybe my bro." he said quietly. When satan came into view he rushed towards him with his swords drawn. The odds were against paten but satan was VERY powerful. Anything could have happened. Haydrion killed satan. I approached the body. "Um haydrion . . . I dont think you were the one that killed satan . . . he was already dead when u stabbed him .. . " "damn"he said. I could tell that he had been poisoned. I sighed. Well looks like all of our troubles are over. I knew where the D.S. was. Satan always kept it around his neck. I went up to him but . . . THE STONE WASN'T THERE!!!! "Strange, i found half of the stone, but not the other half" said Haydrion. He gave me the half he had found. I was enraged. "Who could have done this!?" I said/yelled. I was seething. i paced around the throne room. "'I only know two people that could do so; my brother named Marith, who loves to piss me off, and some one that you might know, I do not read your mind to that extent, and I doubt Mr. Angel obsessed over there would know anyone." Haydrion said. I had to laugh at what he said about Jarithan. "Hmm...." I stopped pacing. I knew just what to do! I raced out of the room. Haydrion followed. I went to a cell that was located not far from the throne room. " ill open it!" he blasted the lock off. we found alia and she was in rags. Not the person I was looking for. I went to the next cell beside it. Haydrion blasted it open and I found my best friend. "so this is who you were looking for?" haydrion asked. "Yup" I said. In the cell where Alezia was I heard Jarithan recite who know what. I laughed in spite of myself. I knew that Alezia would never love him back. "Caycay, have you seen anything suspicious?" "caycay? i wonder why that name sounds familiar?" said haydrion. "well, while you 2 catch up, I'll go see Jayson or what ever his name is get crushed. It will be funny as a whyvern's mating call." haydrion said. "Wait for me!" i said grabbing Caycay's hand and pulling her with me as I followed haydrion. We walked in and saw Jarithan kneeled on the floor in front of Alezia. "Alezia you are the light that brightens my day, the-" he said. Alezia cut him off and said "Do not speak to me mortal, for you are not worthy of it." And with those loving words she stepped away from Jarithan, swept past us and made her way out the gate. "Um, you do know that the love of you life just left right?" I said to Jarithan. He looked like a statue with a devastated face. "Aren't you gonna chase her down or something ?" I asked. I could tell that Caycay and Haydrion were fighting back their laughter. I knelt down to be at eye level with Jarithan. "(man, that was funny as all the hells!)" whispered haydrion, " (that was almost as funny as when i blew up a undead with a fire burst from inside his lung!)" I turned to glare at Haydrion. "Jarithan you shouldn't be sad about what just happened. Angels are like that. They're vain, silly, little things. You should forget about her." I felt awkward so I got up and said "Ok people, our mission's over. Lets get the hell out of here." "Wait, we still haven't freed all the prisoners yet!" said Haydrion. I sighed and said. "Ok fine then." Haydrion started blasting all the locks. It turns out that there were a LOT of prisoners. I was inpatient to leave. I anxiously turned to look at the gate. How I longed to LEAVE! I turned and saw Haydrion carrying a mortal. She looked like some sort of princess. I hoped that this royal wouldn't be like Jarithan. "Who's the princess?" i asked Haydrion. "My name is Catherine Alera the 2nd, princess of Halenwall but you can call me Catherine." said Catherine. "I nodded and said to Haydrion, Caycay, and Jarithan "So . . . we done now? Is that all the prisoners? Because I gotta go and find the other half of the demon stone." Everyone nodded so I led the way out. When we reached the surface/outside I turned to Caycay and said "So . . . where do we go now?" she shrugged. I sighed in frustration. How was I ever going to get the demon stone?! I turned to ask Haydrion if he had any clue as to where I should start searching. He was busy talking to Catherine so i left him alone. Just then Jarithan
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