» Fantasy » Broken, Ellie Anne [books to read to improve english .TXT] 📗

Book online «Broken, Ellie Anne [books to read to improve english .TXT] 📗». Author Ellie Anne

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he’s as nice as you say, sure why not. I’ve already let you in here.” I say with a sigh. This is going to be one weird night. The doorbell rings, I look at my watch. OH NO! I think. It’s 8:30, and my parents are at the door, home from the basketball meeting. They’re with my brother. Basketball is the one sport he can actually play without breaking anything.

“Who’s that?” Erin asks. Johns already in my room, and Erin is tense beside me.

“Relax Erin, it’s just my parents. And it’s my turn to be freaking out. Not yours.” I say, yet another sigh escapes my lips

“Stay here.” I command. “I’ll get rid of them. You two, just hide. Anywhere.” I say the last bit with reluctance. I have secrets too. Like my many song journal and guitar no one knows about

Then there’s a muffled “Ouch.” probably from Erin, he is the one in my closet, where my guitar and music is. Erin comes out holding a guitar. Yup, it was his “ouch” alright. I spin on my heel and bound out, nearly desperate to get to my parents.

Chapter Two
The Escape

“Hi sweetie. How are you?” my mom asks in the same cheery, I’m-the-best-mom voice of hers.

“I’m great. But, some kids were throwing rocks in the woods, yah; the family room doesn’t look so pleasant anymore.” I say, explaining the doors before they see them. My brother just mouths “wow”, holding out the “o”. Yup, that’s him, my annoying, sarcastic brother… but I have to love him, after all, we are family.

“My goodness!” exclaims my father. Well, so much for trying to get away lightly.

“That must’ve been some rock. Well, at least you’re okay. But,” there’s the “but” I was expecting. “We know it wasn’t your fault but you were the only one here. Where’s your cash?” my mother says, seeming slightly depressed. My brother is just silently gliding towards the office. The sneaky jerk, probably deleting an email about his report card.

“I don’t have enough, but I will in about two months.” I say, silently sighing in my head. There goes getting another guitar.

“Well okay then, that’s settled. Your father and I will be in our room if you need anything.” my mother says drifting towards my dad. Probably discussing my “bad behavior”. Psh, whatever, I’ll just take it anyway. I head towards my room, thinking about the questions Erin and John will have. Great, now I have even more explaining to do, just peachy.

“Why do you have a guitar?” Erin asks me. The truth is, I kind of don’t want to tell him. Its always been my little secret. But who’s he going to tell? “I bought it last year, taught myself to play, and, well, played while I was home alone. In fact, right before you busted in, I was going to play a little. No one knows about it so, please, just put it back where-“John cuts me of. “Hey what’s this?” he holds up my latest song book.

“You always were/were there for me.” he sings. Okay, I admit it, I don’t like john. He just sang part of a private song out loud. Uh-uh, you just don’t do that. Not to me anyway.

“Please, just put it back. No one knows about this stuff and I’d like to keep it that way.” I plead impatiently. I am officially loosing it. I’m crazy, off my rocker, nuts, whatever you call it, I’m that.

“Why do you want to keep it a secret? Your family should know your interests, shouldn’t they?” Erin asks. Man, this guy just won’t stop caring and looking out for random people, will he? I kind of like it. It’s nice to know a person who actually spent time to get to know, even just a little piece, of me, I like it. It’s a good feeling.

“I keep it a secret because… my family isn’t ever here, my parents are always out pampering my brother and leaving me to take care of the house. They’re always out doing something they feel is more important than their son’s twin. I’m raising myself!” Okay, I may have raised my voice a little but I’m in my room, on the first floor, my parents are on the second and I can hear Trevor, my brother, blasting music, no one’s going to hear me, let alone pay attention to me.

“At least your family didn’t kick you out because of what you are.” Erin mumbles. He doesn’t know I heard it but, I heard it. And I feel terrible. John’s just staring at us, not even knowing he’s making me feel worse. I go over and actually hug Erin.

“Sorry. I’m so sorry. Guess there’s always people worse off than me.” I tell him, trying to make him feel better. It does and he returns the hug.

“Now that your parents and brother are here, I don’t suppose we’ll be able to leave.” Erin says.

“I can. The pack doesn’t hate me, just you. I’m out. See you later Erin.” John says as he opens my window and crawls out. Great, what am I supposed to do now?

“Well, guess I’m stuck here until morning.” Erin sighs. A thought hits me.

“Actually you could go wolf and run your butt off.” I tell him. The next thing I know, Erin is in my bathroom closing the door. Dang, that went well, better than I expected at least.

I hear whimpers at the bathroom door. I go over and open it. Sure enough, an Erin-hair colored wolf is just sitting there, looking at me. Well, I guess I could’ve expected this.

“You do know I was just kidding, right?” I look at him, sigh and help him through the window and he’s gone, running his furry hide off, just like I said.

I go down stairs and find my mom looking at the remains of the glass door to our backyard of forest and a little meadow-like patch of grass that would be our lawn. I can only imagine what she’s going to say to me now. I’m guessing something like “goodness Onika” or “Why did you let this happen” what she does say surprises me.

“It’s a Friday. You’re going to tape up a piece of plastic over that gaping hole, and sleep out here to make sure no one decides to break in. Plus it will be extra cold tonight so that helps your punishment as well.” she says, no emotion on her face or in her words.

“What!?” is all I can say. This totally shocks me. It wasn’t even my fault. It’s not like I can see the future.

“Does dad know?” I say just as emotionless as she was.

“He wanted you to sleep out here till Sunday night.” she turns and leaves me with a roll of duct tape, a plastic sheet the size of our door, and a few blankets. I just stand there, stunned, scared, and a little hurt. But, dutifully, and number than a dead person, I tape up the plastic, make a bed of the chaise, turn out the light and lay there thinking. How could my parents think this would help. What was wrong with them. Or was it me?

Around 11:00 pm, I pad to my room, grab my guitar, journal, and pencil, go back, and write the music flowing through my head. A tap on the plastic makes me freeze but it’s just Erin. I wonder what he’s doing back and why isn’t he already far away? I think.

“Erin? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on your way to Canada by now?” I question.

“They caught me and I ran back here. You’re really good at the guitar, you know that?” he tells me.

“Well, apparently you’re a fast runner too.”

“Hey, don’t be hating on the werewolf.” he smiles and I suppress a laugh.

“Sh. Keep your voice down, I’m on punishment right now, my family sees you here and I’ll be sleeping outside for a month.” I warn. It’s true too. If this is just for not preventing “kids” from breaking the window, having a guy in the house will be ten times worse.

“This is your punishment? Sleeping in the family room and having to put plastic over the door?” he asks, showing his curious but caring side.

“Yah. My parents said that if I broke the window I should keep watch and make sure no one tries to break in. I really honestly don’t think anyone noticed our back door isn’t solid anymore.” I say, explaining the oddity of my punishment.

“You gotta keep watch and you’re gonna freeze.”

“I figured. Oh well, irrational parents are just that way. Too odd to decipher.”

“I know, trust me, I know.”

“Oh, yah, sorry.” I move over into a sitting position and gesture for him to sit. He’s helped me get a lot of my chest, maybe I can help him. He gives me a quizzical look.

“Hey, you helped my get a lot of my chest maybe I can help you.” I say, he just shrugs and sits down.

“Okay, what’s on your mind?” I ask him.

“That I’m a bad person for asking so much of a complete stranger and making them get in heaps of trouble for my stupid actions. Plus I just can’t believe I met someone who kind of understands me, not that I mind it, it’s just that I’ve never had a friend besides John. You did see him just ditch me right?” he lets out.

“Okay here’s what I think. One, you’re one of the nicest, most caring, kindest, understanding people I’ve met. Two, I really don’t care that I got in trouble. Three, I know, I feel the same way. And four, yes I did see him ditch you and I thought he was a jerk for leaving when the going gets tough.”

“Really? Wow, you are really good at this, did I mention that?” he answers

“Did I mention you compliment faster than the wind?”
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