» Fantasy » The Abyss, tesiris [romantic novels to read .TXT] 📗

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he then, having absorbed all the information from the book, went to a small alcove near the south end of the library and pushed in a little rock in the wall, a secret passage opened up from here and Tesiris walked through it, after about five minutes of walking Tesiris came to a bookcase in the wall, he found a particular book called ‘Message of The Wind’ and pushed it inwards, a small area around Tesiris rised above the floor and span around, Tesiris was now in his room.
He went straight to where he had hidden ‘And The Death of An Abyssal’, he then got many things from various places in his room, he put all these things into a backpack and then went back to the bookcase, he found ‘Message of The Wind’ once again but pulled it outwards this time, and what happened before happened again, Tesiris was back in the passage, he walked slower this time for he had a backpack on him so it took him ten minutes to get back to the library, when he had gone back through the other end he closed the passageway door and then went to a great table in the middle of the library that could be seen from any direction and put his backpack on this table, he then went to where ‘And The Death of An Abyssal’ fit into the bookshelf and put it there, all of a sudden a light bloomed in every aisle and the library was suddenly much bigger and much more spacious for Tesiris could see that it went on for many minutes up and down, he was awed by the sight of it and it reminded him of his Grandma, he went and sat down and cried and cried and cried, but when he stopped crying he knew that he would never cry like that for his Grandma again, he went back to his backpack and got out multiple items for reading over long periods of time, he started scanning the ‘Book of Contents’ once again and noticed that new books had appeared in it, this puzzled him greatly, he looked at the new books and found that when his eyes focused on the writing he could not discern there language, he found this very unsettling and looked for a book about languages, he found a book called ‘The Art of Languages’ and went and picked it up, he sat down on another small reading table and read the book, he went to where the book with the strange language should be and couldn’t find it, he then realised that he now knew how to read that particular language, he knew what the book was called now, ‘The Man May Choose How He Walks Along His Path, But He Cannot Choose The Precise Path He Walks On’, Tesiris, somehow, knew that the book contained nothing on the inside and as he opened it he saw nothing, he put the book back and walked away.

Chapter 5
Tesiris started to feel tired so he went to the large table and sat down, he then noticed strange carvings around the edge of the table, as his eyes focused on them he noticed that they were of the same language as the book that contained nothing, he read the carvings and it told him where to find a bed, food and drink all within the library, he decided that, even though he was tired, he would go and find them now, so he went to the north end of the library and pulled a small candle away from the wall, a platform around him took him to the next level of the library and then shot through a wall, in this room he found quite a few levers and he pulled nine of them down, the last one he pushed upwards and another platform around him took him back onto the first level of the library, he went to the centre table and there was a bed and quite alot of food, Tesiris ate and drank ‘till he could eat and drink no more, and then he went and lied in bed, he fell asleep as soon as his head touched the warm, soft pillow.
Tesiris woke up just after dawn the next day, he had some breakfast from the vast array of food before him and then went to the ‘Book of Contents’, he found the book he was looking for, it was called ‘The Pathways of The Great Library’, he then went and collected it from its shelf and took it to the centre table, this book was extremely large and it took Tesiris nearly four hours to read it, when he had read it he put it back in its place and then went to another book called ‘The Book of Doorways’, Tesiris read this book in just under an hour and then went searching for a doorway described in the book as ‘The Bottomless Pit’.
Tesiris found the doorway and went through it, what was on the other side looked as if it was a pit with no bottom, but Tesiris knew that if he went really close to the edge he would see a great, winding staircase that led to the bottom, he went down these stairs and after a very long and tiresome walk he was at the bottom, the things he saw before him were unbelievable, a vast treasure room filled with the worlds greatest books, but Tesiris knew that this was an illusion, he went over to a giant book that would have taken centuries to read and opened the door concealed within the illusion, he entered the room beyond and saw what he needed to see, another treasure room, just not as big or fabulous as the illusion room.
This treasure room had very few things in it but they were amazing things, three books and two weapons, the books were called ‘Basics of A Mage’ which listed most of the basic spells that had been discovered before the beginning of the twenty-first century, the next book was called ‘The Book of Spells’ and it listed all the spells, apart from the basics, that had been discovered by the beginning of the twenty-first century, the last book was a very short book called ‘The Map’ that was the map of a region Tesiris did not know about, it was a map of The Abyss, the two weapons were; a very exotic and elongated sword hilt and a buckler shield that was just as exotic, he grabbed the sword hilt and the buckler shield, he put the shield near his left arm and strong metal straps flew out and wrapped around his arm, he then put the sword hilt near to his waist and a sheath appeared there, he put the hilt through it the way it should have been.
He then went towards the books, three beasts appeared out of nowhere and attacked Tesiris, at first he was shocked, but then his training from school kicked in and he started defending from them with his shield, which had now become bigger, but he couldn’t keep them at bay just using this and they started to push him back, he recalled some stories about some swords being magical and being hidden in their hilts, so he drew the hilt out of the sheath and all of a sudden, at his desire, the actual blade came out of the hilt, he then killed all three beasts in a matter of moments and went to the books, as he approached them he noticed a small bag just behind them.
He picked this up first and the put the bag where it belonged, halfway down his chest with straps wrapped around most of his body, he noticed that the actual bag was very small and this puzzled him, so he opened it, on the inside he could see that it was much larger than it appeared, he picked up each of the three books and dropped them into the bag, as they fell into it he saw that instead of falling to the bottom they were suspended in mid-air within the bag, he then closed the bag and went to a trapdoor near the back of the room, he opened the trapdoor and dropped through the hole, he reappeared a few steps away from the centre table back in the library.
Chapter 6
Tesiris went straight to sleep once again that night, the next morning when he woke up he decided he was going to go through another one of the doorways that would lead him to items he might need, he went to the only other doorway on the first level of the library, it was a little to the south of the centre table, he looked for a book called ‘Archery’ and pushed it into the back of the bookshelf, just after he did this part of the bookcase slid backwards and to the left, Tesiris saw a small ladder and started to climb down it, after a few moments the bookcase slid back into its original place and Tesiris was plunged into darkness.
He continued his descent for almost an hour, when he reached the bottom he waited, and waited, and waited, after many minutes a strange light came from deep within massive cave complex, Tesiris noticed that an entire civilisation could have lived here in the past, there were thousands of structures made from the very rock itself that could have been classed as homes and other such things, but Tesiris knew that nothing lived here now, for the chapter in ‘The Book of Doorways’ that told Tesiris about this place said that it was once home to a great civilisation that were very basic in their homes and other such things, but they were once the smartest civilisation in the world, but a great beast had destroyed almost all of them, the ones that remained helped build The Great Library, which was a place of myth and legend, Tesiris walked through the streets of this abandoned city until he found what he was looking for, a great church-like building, he entered it and walked to a door, he opened the door and went through to the other room, he was now in, what must have been, the tomb of a once very great king.
Tesiris went up to the tomb of the king and laid his hands on hand-size slots on the side of the tomb, he twisted his hands round ninety-degrees and the tomb slowly opened, Tesiris reached in and pushed a tiny button on the inside, the tomb then slowly moved away from where it was to reveal some very steep steps, there was a very faint light at the far end of the steps, Tesiris, before he went through the bookcase, had decided to bring some valuable things with him, he had the chest-bag he had obtained in the treasure room, he had put the sword-hilt and the shield into this bag, he took them both out and placed them where they should have been, the shield on his left arm and the sword-hilt on the left side of his waist, he then took out the ‘Basics of A Mage’ book and, after flipping through the book for a few moments, used a Spell that made a small light near his body, the light could float to different parts of his body by Tesiris wanting it to be in that specific spot, Tesiris then started the long descent to the bottom of the steps.
When Tesiris finally reached the bottom of the steps he saw that the light came from behind a great wooden door, he went up to the door and looked closely at it, after a few moments carvings appeared in the wood, Tesiris studied these for many minutes until he
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