» Fantasy » The Abyss, tesiris [romantic novels to read .TXT] 📗

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thought he knew what they were stating he must do, he walked in a straight line in front of the door three times and then the door opened, Tesiris walked through the door and stopped as soon as he was on the other side, for before him was the biggest thing he had ever saw.
Tesiris looked at the Dragon and knew that this was the beast that had destroyed the civilisation that was above his head, Tesiris looked around and saw a book far above him that glowed with a strange light, Tesiris knew that if he made too much noise or moved too quick the Dragon would wake, so he moved excruciatingly slowly until he was near somewhere he could start to climb up, he used the sword-hilt and buckler-shield just as much as his own body, when he was close enough to the book that all he had to do was jump, he stopped and made his magic light disappear, he then used another Spell from ‘Basic of A Mage’ and lifted himself off the floor, he then walked forward in mid-air and then slowly lowered himself down, Tesiris walked towards the pedestal the book was on but was stopped by a strange force.
Tesiris turned away from the book and saw a door built into the side of the wall, he approached it and opened it, on the other side was another book, Tesiris read this book and then went back through the door to the first book, he approached this book again and when the strange force stopped him once more he made a loud popping sound, this sound was absorbed by the book and it stopped the strange force, Tesiris walked towards the book and started reading it, the book was called ‘The Dragon’ and it told of the great battle between the great civilisation and the Dragon, it ended with the Dragon being imprisoned deep down here and put into a strange sleep, Tesiris knew that he must kill the Dragon for the book clearly said that the Spell that kept the Dragon sleeping was losing its power and because of how complex the spell was it could not be replicated by a Mage with only Basic power, Tesiris decided to wake the Dragon.
The Dragon proved very difficult to wake, Tesiris tried everything he could think of, from shouting his loudest right in the Dragons ears to throwing large and heavy things, with magic, at its head, but none of it woke the Dragon, so Tesiris wandered the cave for many hours, Tesiris eventually noticed something very strange, when the Dragon exhaled its body lifted off the ground and revealed a trapdoor beneath it, Tesiris went to where he could be closest to the trapdoor and waited, he prepared a Spell so that when he went towards the trapdoor he could throw it at the trapdoor and it would open, when the Dragon exhaled Tesiris sprinted towards it and threw the spell, the trapdoor opened and the Dragon woke, Tesiris jumped through the trapdoor and very quickly hit the floor, he dodged out of the way of the trapdoor just as the Dragon breathed fire down it, Tesiris ran towards the only point of light in the darkness underneath the trapdoor, it turned out to be a door, Tesiris opened it and went through.
What was on the other side was a great hall, Tesiris gazed around him, the hall was filled with various items, from coins to crowns, swords to maces, daggers to bows, there were a few items around the room that had a golden light shining on them, they were a bow and a quiver filled with arrows, an arm-crossbow and a pouch-like object filled with crossbow bolts, and last but not least, a large stone.
Tesiris walked towards the arm-crossbow and fitted it onto his right arm, he then placed the pouch around his waist, he then went to the bow, he put the bow into the quiver, fully stringed and ready, and then put the quiver over his shoulders and onto his back, he put a bolt into the arm-crossbow and then got the bow out of the quiver, he grabbed an arrow and fitted it to the bow, he walked towards the stone and then picked it up, Tesiris felt various magical energies coming from it, the stone felt like a stone but was hollow, Tesiris then realized it was an egg.
Tesiris studied the egg very closely, the egg was extremely hard but it was hollow, it had thin white lines running all the way through it and it was a dark purple colour not the black colour that it had appeared from far away, Tesiris could feel magical energy within it but he knew that until he had more magical prowess he would not be able to feel its full extent, so he sat down on a pile of gold, got out ‘Basics of A Mage’ and trained himself in the Basics, within a few hours he had completely mastered the Basics of Spellcasting, he then got out the ‘Book of Spells’ and after, what seemed like a few hours but was actually a few days, Tesiris had mastered the arts of Magic that were showed in these two books.
Tesiris could now feel the full extent of the magical energy within the egg, by studying the egg Tesiris realised it was a Dragon’s egg, Tesiris then studied the spells guarding it and realised that it could only hatch when the right person had obtained it, Tesiris couldn’t see who the right person was.
Tesiris put the egg into his chest-bag and then went back to the door that lead into the darkness under the trapdoor, Tesiris saw the trapdoor all the way from the door, he slowly went towards it and he noticed that the trapdoor door was gone, the Dragon was now sleeping with its head right next to the hole, which it had made bigger, Tesiris knew he would have to use magic to get past the Dragon.
Tesiris studied the Dragon for many hours and noticed that it wasn’t actually asleep, it was pretending to be asleep so that it could catch Tesiris unawares, he prepared many Spells in his mind and then ran towards the trapdoor, he cast all the Spells he had prepared and he almost flew past the Dragon, with great speed, and the Dragon noticed, but not until a few moments after, because Tesiris had distorted light, Tesiris landed just next to the book pedestal that had held the book with the story of the Dragon in it, Tesiris picked up the book and decided to take it to the library, the Dragon finally reared up and tried attacking Tesiris, but Tesiris was ready for it and he jumped as the Dragons head smashed into the very spot he had been stood on, Tesiris saw his chance and threw himself back down, as he did so he drew the sword-hilt and made the blade come out of it, he then drove the sword straight into the Dragons head, with its dying breath the Dragon sent its true history into Tesiris’ mind, Tesiris then used magic and changed the book he had picked up a few moments before, it now said the true story of the Dragon and the Lost Civilization, Tesiris used another Spell and teleported back to the library, when Tesiris got back he felt very tired and hungry, he ate all he could and then went straight to sleep.
Chapter 7
Tesiris didn’t wake for many days, but when he did he knew new things that had been put into his head by the Dragon’s will, he knew the names of all his obtained items, the sword-hilt was called Leto, the buckler-shield was called Vahan, the chest-bag was called Virva, the crossbow was called Erda and the bow was called Jabbar, he also knew some things about each one (but they are explained in a much smaller book called Weapons of Great Power), Tesiris also knew that the library he was in was actually called the Great Library and it had stood for millions of years, long before mankind, but he did not know what had once been here before mankind, he decided that if he needed to know it then it would appear to him sooner or later, Tesiris then went to the highest point in the Great Library by a series of lifts and pulleys and he trained all of his magical and non-magical skills for many days in a room called ‘The Trainer’, when Tesiris left this room he had achieved many new heights of his power, he could now do many things that he once thought would have been impossible, Tesiris knew that if he had to fight something like a Dragon then he wouldn’t be afraid of fighting it, Tesiris then began a steady descent to the first floor of the Great Library, he knew that none of the other floors contained any books he could read, so he was going to stay on the first floor unless he needed to go to the other floors, Tesiris relaxed and had a very happy life, until he turned thirteen.
Chapter 8
Tesiris didn’t know it was his thirteenth birthday until a voice out of the shadows said “Tesiris Dinduro, on this day you have turned thirteen, the Chaos rises, the Abyss comes forth, and the legends will not be true, you will die”
“What are these legends you speak of, and I will not die just because you say I will, I am alot stronger than I look”
“You must know of the legends, you are Tesiris Dinduro and you are the Warrior-Mage the legends speak of, are you not Tesiris Dinduro?“
“Yes I am Tesiris Dinduro, what is it to you? And if you value your life, then reveal yourself”
“You are a pawn of Fate, and I don’t value my life so your threat is meaningless”
“Beasts that do not value there lives are very dangerous beasts indeed, I am not going to fight you, yet, but mark my words, one day, I will find out what you are and I will destroy you” and with that Tesiris vanished.
Tesiris had vanished to his childhood home, high in the Himalayan mountain ranges, his home spread over nearly a kilometre and it was filled with various things that could be used by anyone if they accidently fell into the house while they were hiking, Tesiris took lots of food from the house and put it into Virva, he then walked to a door that had always intrigued him as a child, he opened the door and walked through it, what he found on the other side was very erratic, Tesiris saw various rooms change before him, but one thing stayed the same in the room, a very long but thick stick with, what looked like a wing, on the end of it, on closer inspection it was actually two Dragon wings that were magically put onto the stick, Tesiris grabbed the stick and then left the room, he went to one of the exits onto the Himalayan mountains and used the sticks magic, he flew high above the ground and when he was about a mile above his home he cast a Spell that made his house melt back into the mountains.
Tesiris knew that the stick was called Haruto and that it gave the wielder the ability to fly, he also knew that if a Dragon was flightless than the Dragon-stick could give the Dragon the ability to fly by destroying the stick part of itself and giving its wings to that particular Dragon, Tesiris then remembered the egg he had found, what seemed like, all that time ago, he didn’t want to get the egg out in the clouds in case he dropped it, so
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