» Fantasy » The Abyss, tesiris [romantic novels to read .TXT] 📗

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he flew down to the ground and there he got the egg out of Virva, but it was no longer an egg, it was a baby-sized Dragon, Tesiris used magic to feel its energy signals, after few moments he knew that the Dragon was now his Dragon, he also knew that it couldn’t fly, as soon as he knew this the Dragon-stick did what it was supposed 2 do and gave the Dragon its flying powers back, Tesiris then used alot of his Mage strength and healed the Dragon so that it would be normal again, not very weak and timid.
Tesiris made him and the Dragon a small home within the trees, Tesiris had used magic to make this home actually from the trees, so that even from a few steps away the house would look like trees, the house was small at first but over the first few days Tesiris made it larger and larger.
Tesiris and the Dragon became very good hunters by learning things from the way they both moved, the Dragon learnt to run on two legs instead of all fours, where-as Tesiris learnt to run on all fours, the Dragon gradually learnt itself how to fly, with Tesiris’ help.
Tesiris helped the Dragon learn how to fly by taking it so far above the ground and then dropping it, hoping its instincts would kick in, every time this attempt failed and the Dragon didn’t start to fly, Tesiris would grab it with magic and then try again, eventually the Dragon leant how to glide over small distances, then it learnt how to launch itself into the air, and then it learnt how to glide over quite long distances, after six weeks and alot of practice, the Dragon could fly.
Tesiris made a very large home for himself and the Dragon; it was made from the trees themselves and within the trees themselves, one day when Tesiris was sat on his own, because the Dragon had gone hunting on his own, he got out all of his weapons, Leto; the sword-hilt, Vahan; the buckler shield, Erda; the arm-crossbow, and Jabbar; the bow, he Jabbar into its quiver and slung it across his back, he put Erda on his right arm and hung the bolt pouch on his waist, he put Vahan near his left arm and its metal straps shot out and stuck it firmly in place, and lastly, he put Leto near his left hip and the sheath appeared, Tesiris put Leto into the sheath, he then sent a mental shout to the Dragon, telling it to come back, when the Dragon returned Tesiris had made two saddles for it, one that was very tough and stiff on the Dragon’s back, and another that wouldn’t be as stiff but was equally as tough, Tesiris put the latter saddle on the Dragon and then mounted it, the Dragon had grown a considerable amount since Tesiris helped learn it to fly, when they were extremely high above the ground Tesiris spoke to the Dragon in its mind “these past few weeks I have saw that you are not the terrible beast that most cultures and stories say you are, but you are actually just a passionate being, I am sorry for considering you as an ‘it’, what exactly are you?”
“I am a Dragon, a mighty female Dragon, and you are my Rider, for the past few weeks we have only been hatch-mates, for my egg was born at the same time as you was born, but since the moment you got atop my back you have been my Rider, now you have become my Rider we can speak to each other in our minds, and my magical essence will increase your magic and your physical strength tenfold, you will be alot stronger than normal humans and you will become more like an elf, I will take you back to part of the Great Library that has not been over-ridden by the Chaos and you can read a book that will explain everything to you” and the Dragon flew three hundred miles to the Great Library.
Chapter 9
The Great Library was hidden in many ways, parts of it were in the House of Dinduro, parts of it were hidden by what appeared to be a lake, and other parts were hidden by magic, Tesiris could now see all this and he was amazed, the size of the Great Library was even larger than Tesiris had thought when he was in the inside, it appeared to stop here and there, but if you looked a little further above it would carry on and on and on, Tesiris knew that the top of the Library would be too far up for the Dragon to fly, so he talked to it, they always spoke to each other in there minds, and told it to take him where it wanted to, so the Dragon flew straight at part of the wall of the Great Library, Tesiris was just about to stop them both with magic when the wall disappeared and they were back in the Library.
The Dragon took Tesiris straight to one of the floors of the Great Library that had fewer books in then some of the other floors, but these books were very large books, the Dragon took Tesiris to the largest book of them all and told him to read it, so Tesiris got off the Dragon and read the book.
The book explained how, millennia ago, there had been another land on the Earth’s surface, but it was an evil land and constantly attacked the rest of the world, all the good races combined there strength after thousands of years of rule by this land and over-threw them, and with there strength they sent the land into the Core of the Earth, but because of the evilness of this land they survived there, and they rose again, but a direct descendant of the people that had banished them the first time banished them again, this Warrior-Mage knew that the threat would return so he made a pact with every race of the world to make sure that the next time the Chaos returned and the Warrior-Mage was born again then he would stand a better chance against them, the races agreed to this and they all mixed there blood, making a new type of being, a Dinduro, this being was very powerful and it highly resembled a human, but they would be the only race that could control almost anything and they would be able to do almost anything, the next Warrior-Mage would have to be born of this race and he would also have many great assets to help him, the races decided that he would have great weapons to aid his Warrior abilities, great Spells to aid his Mage abilities, great armour to aid both and also a great Dragon to aid him, he would be able to unite the races under his banner and also scatter the Chaos, the Chaos lands name was The Abyss and the day it would truly rise from the Core would be the day that the Warrior-Mage turned the age of sixteen, the races then made it so that the Warrior-Mage and his Dragon would be hatch-mates and Rider and Dragon, increasing there bond, and that all of his weapons would be his and only his, when Tesiris had read the book he understood, he was the Warrior-Mage and he must fight the Chaos, he would have a few pieces of help but they would be very powerful pieces of help, he knew that the Dragon had a name and he asked her what it was, she said her name was ‘Chanda’ and that her name meant fierce and passionate, she also said that they must leave the Great Library soon and activate his magical defences so that the Chaos couldn’t gain full dominion over it or they would be able to control the whole world.
Tesiris and Chanda started walking, very quickly, towards a door at the far end of this floor of the Library, when they were attacked by beasts that were about double the size of Tesiris, they killed them quickly and efficiently, they then ran to the door, when they got to it, it magically made itself big enough so that Chanda could get through it, she was about three times bigger than Tesiris in height, and about three or for times bigger than him in width, so she was quite large for our standards but quite small in Dragon standards, when they were both on the other side the door vanished, there was a very large statue of a might Warrior with his back to them in this room, Tesiris looked very closely at the statue and noticed that it looked alot like him, he then realised that it was the last Warrior-Mage before him and he went up to the statue and kissed the base of it, he then went to a slight hand-shaped indentation he had noticed and put his hand into it, on the other side of the base Chanda put one of her claws into an indentation of a claw, she then put her tail-spike into a very large indentation and then the statue started walking, it walked straight into the wall and vanished, they could hear very loud bangs coming from the walls and they realised that the statue was part of the defences of the Great Library and that he had just activated the rest of the defences, Tesiris and Chanda vanished from the Library.
Chapter 10
They reappeared in England, Tesiris knew that he must find all of the Old Races and unite them once again, there were numerous Old Races, both small and large, but they were all strong, no matter how few of them there was, Tesiris decided he must go to the most loyal of the Old Races first, the Centaur, the Amorak and the Elf, he decided to go to the Centaur before the rest, so he gathered his power around him and Chanda and teleported them to, what once was, the most magical forest in England.
When Tesiris and Chanda reappeared they were in the deepest and darkest part of Sherwood Forest, once there Tesiris scanned the area with his mind and found small pockets of life that could have been the Elf’s, or large forest-dwelling animals, Tesiris then realised that he could take images from the forest if he just listened to its essence breathing, so Tesiris held his breath and let his mind fall free of his body, he instantly barricaded himself into his mind and body for he was instantly attacked by the Elf’s, both physically and mentally , because of there great numbers they subdued Tesiris extremely fast.
When Tesiris awoke he couldn’t feel his magic, he felt as if he was empty and as if his mind had completely gone, he waited for hours and eventually his mind started to feel full again, and his magic slowly returned, after a few more hours he had his powers completely back, when he reached to where his weapons should be two of them were gone, Leto and Jabbar, Vahan, Virva and Erda had not gone for, as long as they were on Tesiris’ body, they would change, Vahan split into several plank shaped fragments and then slid into the straps that kept it in place, Virva became extremely small and almost invisible and Erda became insubstantial and invisible, Tesiris made them come back into their places and he opened Virva to get some food, he took out all that he though he would be able to stomach and he cooked it slowly with magic so as not to alert the Elf’s by using to much magic at once, after he had ate he stood up and went up to the only exit of his
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