» Fantasy » Fate's Path, Lost..Words..34 [find a book to read .TXT] 📗

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“Then what do you say I do? I have waited for this to happen since I saw her; I just can’t let it go like it’s nothing. She’s very special to me.” Sorrow said. “I understand, if you let romance cloud your heart and your feelings you won’t be good on the field of battle, or in training.” Elken explained. “Can I not fight and have romance? It can’t be like you say.” “I’ve been through what you’re feeling g, it only leads to pain. Now get some sleep, you start the basics of your training in the morning when she leaves.” Elken said. That night Sorrow was very restless, power surged through his body as shocks. It kept him up for most of the night.
When he woke up, he felt different, stronger; he walked down stairs seeing Elken sitting on the sofa drinking tea. “Where’s Faith?” he asked. “She left, I told her that we needed to catch up on lost times; don’t worry until we leave you can see her, that won’t be for at least a week; try not to get attached to her.” Elken said.
“Ok. People are looking for you now, you need to learn the basics; controlling your power, and using it as you will; but do not get power hungry that is the down fall to all with power, not just the blade or sickness. Now last night I bet you were feeling surges of power going through your veins that means your body is adjusted to your new power. Now let’s get started shall we?” Elken asked with a half smile. “I guess.” Sorrow said simply. “Let’s start with what you changed into. That dragon you changed into is known as True Power’s Form; normally Shape Shifters can’t handle the change into a dragon; they die. But you have True Power allowing you to change in the dragon. This form gives you an incredible amount of power and strength once you get a hold on the basics, and after you master your power trait; Master Sage has to teach you about that. Right now you’re only in the first stage of your power also known as first stage development, I’ve said that already. As you go through your training you get stronger going into different stages of power. Different level of techniques comes with you level of mastery. Let’s began.”
“To control or energy you have to focus on the power, or what you felt when your power unlocked, that is the key in combat. Lose your focus, lose your life.” Elken said; a green vortex summoned twisting around him in a tight circle; the color was green. “When you master they ways of your body and the ways of your energy you can discharge your power without thinking to hard about it. To do this, find your power and let it go by opening yourself to it, let it become a part of you like your very own beating heart.” Sorrow closed his eyes trying to feel the power; it was a couple very long minutes before he found it; the power felt unnatural like it shouldn’t be there. He wanted to open himself to the power but a part of him was scared, trembling inside from the touch. NO! I will let it become a part of myself. He thought. A red vortex discharged twisting wildly unlike Elken’s. “What did I tell you? The power you have is amazing for you age and level of training! Try to get it into a neat circle.” Elken said. Sorrow worked trying to get the twisting energy to neaten up, but he couldn’t. “Don’t give up, you can do it. Just focus hard enough and control will be In your very hands.” The twisting energy broke as Sorrow let a sigh go, it shattered like glass almost knocking Elken off his feet; Sorrow stood gasping for air to sooth his burning lungs. “I know it’s hard but you have to get it under control, If you were to lose control on the field of battle, someone could use your power to their advantage; now again.” The elf said. Sorrow discharged the vortex; it twisted closer to him this time. “The closer you can get it to your body, and the tighter you get it twist, the stronger the charge of energy will be.” Sorrow tried to keep it twisting but, it seemed the wild energy had a mind of its own; breaking when every time it was not willed.
An hour went by and he was no closer to getting his power under control. “Enough for now, a body can only take so much stress; this causes a lot of stress even more so when the energy breaks.” Elken said. “I guess Faith is going to come back?” he asked. “I don’t know. I bet she does.” Sorrow said winded. “Do you have any questions?” “Why me? There are so many more people in the world that have power and they have more talent in this then I do.” “Since the king rose and spread darkness and chaos around the five worlds pulling them into a power struggle, which they cannot break by themselves. You have been born into a rare blood line, and one with a lot of power. You hold True Power, this power lets you wield the blade of True Power; we’ll talk later on that. That blade is the only thing that can kill the king. The reason why it’s you is, when you were born into your father’s blood line, it was your fate to travel this path and end all the king has done.” Elken explained. “You knew my father?” “Yes. He was very proud and very strong; he stood a god in combat. Your mother was loving and she took care of him when he received a wound; they loved each other very much.” The elf explained. “Where did my race come from? And how are we so strong?” Sorrow asked. “Well I do not know the exact location is but, the shape Shifters came from a very different world, very attached to nature because they believed that’s where their power came from. Others think it’s a different source that gives the Shape Shifter’s their power; what makes them so strong is, they are the only race that can take the form of a beast of their choice but a dragon. Only one with your power could take the form of the dragon without dyeing.” Elken explained. “I thought all this was just a story told to little kids to get them to stop talking for a little while, all this is real; it can’t be.” “It is, and it has been for over a hundred years, no one can escape the layout of what fate has laid out for you; is it good or bad? No one will know till we cross over the line that your path travels.” “Can I have some history on all this?” Sorrow asked. “Well, before the king raised to power peace reigned for countless years, darkness was not present in the five worlds. Until one day. A boy entered training. His heart was full of darkness and hate; he disguised his hatred leading everybody to think he was one with rare talent.
“He let it be known that he was going to be king after he became a master; he gathered an army of people just like him and attacked the five worlds. The worlds fought back but they didn’t stand a chance. He declared himself king and the darkness we now know spread across the worlds. The Shape Shifters came a little bit after that, they saw what happened and they were enraged. They gathered their numbers and created True Power, this power is only to be passed down by blood and blood only; it cannot mutate to something different. The king was threatened by this newly created power, he sent his personal hunters to kill the one who had this power; but he failed in every attempt, for True Power could not be surpassed by anyone,”; a knock sounded on the door.
Sorrow opened the door and saw Faith; she was wearing a white dress. “Want to go out with me and some friends?” she asked. “I don’t know if it’s ok with Elken.” He said. “Go ask him then.” She said following Sorrow in the house. “Uncle, can I go out with Faith and some of her friends?” “I guess, don’t be too late, or do anything you’ll regret.” Elken said, his eyes said different. Sorrow changed into jeans, and a muscle shirt, but he kept his boots.
The car that Faith went to was silver Porsche, with three other girls in it. “Sorrow these are my friends, April, Rose, and my sister Nara.” She said, each of them wore a different color dress and they were beautiful. “Faith got herself a keeper this time, the other ones.” Nara said. “Yeah, he’s good looking.” Rose said getting closer to him. “Back off, he’s Faith’s.” Rose said. Nara put the car into drive, and drove away.
The city was lit up; buildings flashed different words advertising things. “I have never been in this part of the city, it’s so different.” Sorrow said looking at the different lights. “We come here a lot, where else is there for a girl to go when she wants to have fun?” Nara laughed. “I don’t know.” Nara pulled into a parking spot. “You guys aren’t old enough to go here.” Sorrow said. “Don’t worry, I know the guy who owns this place. He lets us in for free.” Rose said.
Music, dancing, and a lot of people filled the club. “See the poles? I used to do that in my bedroom for my boyfriend.” April said. “Ok, go have fun guys.” Sorrow followed Faith to the floor. “Do you know how to dance?” she asked. “No I don’t, I never saw the reason to learn.” He said. “Now you’re going to learn.” She said. Faith got real close and started to grind on him; What do I do here? He thought. She got low and came back up pressing her butt against him as she did.
After dancing she took him to the bar. “Two rounds please.” “Id.” The bar tender said. A man came up to him and whispered something into his ear. “Two rounds coming up.” “Told you not to worry.” Faith laughed. He brought two margaritas and set them on the bar. “Drink up. She laughed as she took a drink. Sorrow took a drink and looked at it. “This doesn’t taste that bad.” He said after a couple drinks, his head buzzing. “How are you feeling?” Faith asked. “I don’t know really, I’m kind of dizzy.”
Faith went to April. “Hey sis, can I have the keys?” she asked. “Are you going to go all the way?” she asked handing Faith the keys; she blushed. “That’s a yes.” April laughed. “So.” She said smartly. “Come on Sorrow, I want to have some time alone with you.” Faith said grabbing Sorrow’s hand; she led him to the car. “Where are we going?” he asked. “To my house for the rest of the night.” The engine roared as Faith turned it on and drove away.
The windows were dark, not a single light was on. “Now, when we go in we cannot make a sound.” She said unlocking the door, she opened it slowly. The inside was very dark, but Sorrow could see just fine. “Grab my hand and follow me.” She whispered, Sorrow did as she asked. They went up some stairs and into a bed room; the walls were pink and her bed had stuffed unicorns on the pillows. Shelves were full of stuffed animals, anywhere from bears, cats, dog, to unicorns, and dragons. “Wow, I have
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