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where blue, and her hair was black. Her body was lean; and she had the hour glass figure. “Today, I went to see the king and his daughter. I hear she’s almost ready to be courted.” “Yes. Some will be of dark intent, while others will pursue love and all it has to give. Now Master Elken, can you stop hiding my apprentice?” Master Sage said tilting her head. “You see right through me.” Elken laughed. “This is Sorrow; now I’ll leave you two to it.” Elken walked away.
“Before we get started you need to understand one thing, until you graduate me training you’ll call me master. The reason that is done is because it shows respect to the one who is your mentor. Do you understand?” Master Sage asked. “Yes. Master.” Sorrow said. “Good. Now I am going to teach you how to control your energy, Master Elken should have taught you how to control it to a certain point. Discharge it.” Sorrow thought about the last time he did it. He closed his eyes feeling the pool of power and let it out. The red vortex discharged in a tight vortex; soon Sorrow’s breaths became shallow, and the vortex flickered as if it threatened to break. “If you do not learn focus during First Stage, your power will not progress crippling you in combat. Do not let that vortex break.” Master Sage said. Sorrow couldn’t hold the twisting energy any longer; it broke sending waves of energy through the air. “You hold True Power, your body it will pick it up if you listen to me, you have talent rushing through your very blood; now again.” “Now that’s more like it!” Master Sage said. Sorrow’s energy discharged twisting gaining power; the ground broke and the pieces started to float; the energy broke knocking Master Sage back a couple steps. “You’re mad, I can feel it. You can let the feeling give you power but head this. If you depend on hate, and rage it will consume you giving you to the darkness.” Sorrow discharged his energy again but it broke almost instantly. Master Sage discharged blue energy; it twisted with raw power, maybe stronger then Elken’s energy. “You keep losing focus, why?” “It’s hard.” He said masking the real reason. “Once you completely master your focus and your body, countless doors of techniques will open to you. Giving you unlimited power to tap into, like this.” Her energy flared speeding up, Sorrow’s and Master Sage’s hair started to float as the air filled with energy. “I am charging my power, the stringer the vortex, the stronger my power is.” Master Sage said. “I don’t think I can be that strong.” Sorrow breathed. “If you do what I tell you, and how I tell you. You can become stronger then Masker Elken within the year.” “You’re kidding?” Sorrow asked. “I don’t kid when it comes to these things.” She said. “Now again; if you train hard enough one day you’ll be at my level of power or even higher.”
The first couple of hours were spent on Sorrow learning how to control his energy, every time he got his energy to hold it would break. “At the rate you’re going, you’ll be a waste of my time.” Master Sage sighed. “I’m trying my best Master.” He said breathing hard. “I can feel the kind of power you can let go. When you discharged it the second time it was a lot stronger then what you have been getting it to. Tell me, what’s on your mind?” “Nothing.” “Don’t lie, I’ve been around for a long time, I know when something is bothering someone of your age; don’t forget that I was seventeen once.” Master Sage said. “Fine. I like someone, but she’s a mortal. Elken told me that I should court Princess Siècle; I don’t know what to do. To make matters worse she might be carrying my child.” Sorrow explained. ”Are you wanting to go back to her?” “Yes. I said in three months I’ll try to go back to her.” Sorrow said.”Here’s what you will do. In a month you’ll court Princess Siècle in a month. If you can get you get your energy control to a certain level that I like you can go to Faith in three months to find out if she’s carrying your child.” Master Sage said. “Why would you do this? I just met you.” “I know what you’re feeling, I’m not just your master, and I’m your friend. You have to work harder if you want to see Faith because the level you must reach; you must be strong enough to unlock your Power Trait in combat. ““Power Trait?” Sorrow asked. “I’ll tell you more about it after I see if you have reached that level. Now, you better start training.”
Sorrow started to advance quickly in martial arts, and controlling his energy. “Good, you’re starting to gain power; in two days I’ll show you how to court.” Master Sage said. Sorrow’s energy twisted exerting power. “I didn’t think I could give this much power.” “You can do a lot of things if you try and give the effort. You may be strong but you still need to train for further mastery. “All this power feels good, I don’t know what it is but it does.” “I think you’re ready to advance to the next level of control.” Master Sage said, Sorrow let his energy break. “What is it?” he asked. “You’re going to use your energy to change your body into that of a beast of the forest. After you get this mastered you might be able to reach your Power Trait.” She said. “Now can you tell me about this Power Trait?” he asked. “Your Power Trait is this.” Master Sage’s eyes turned red as her pupils became slim, a black tear drop formed in her eyes, one on each side. “What is that?” “This is known as the Dragon’s Eye, the strongest Power Trait that is known. What it does is this. The Dragon’s Eye enhances your physical attributes by tenfold, and it lets you see people in a different way. There is a bad thing to this Power Trait. When it is not fully mastered it enhances your rage making you more battle prone, which is never good.” Master Sage explained.
Birds sang as they too were courting for mating; trees stood very tall giving them a dark appearance. “Before you do this you must know. When you start the change you cannot stop it, it is painful. The bigger the beast, the more pain you’ll feel. Oh, one more thing, the more you focus on a beast the faster you will change. Sorrow and Master Sage sat in the soft grass waiting for a beast to come out. About an hour later a very dark tiger looking creature came out of the dense cluster of trees. “What is that?” Sorrow asked. “That is known as the Shift, because when threatened or while hunting it can look as if it moves through time, but that is only the speed it has.” Master Sage explained. The Shift looking very lean, it looked just like a tiger but it was a lot bigger and no stripes; it smelled the ground looking for little animals like mice. “Now focus on being the Shift and let go of your energy, it will infuse your body causing you to change.” Sorrow closed his eyes and let the energy infuse his body. Pain shot through his back as the muscles started to shift, suddenly a muscle tore causing him to scream and fall to his knees; his energy discharged around him scaring the Shift. His body forced him to all fours with screams of pain. Black fur replaced his skin, his face became the snout with two sharp teeth sticking out, ears laid flat against his head. ‘You’re almost done with the change!” Master Sage called. Sorrow’s screams of pain turned into roars of pain; a black tail grew as his hands and feet changed into the creature’s feet. Soon he was a beast of prey.
Sorrow’s fur was jet black; two sharp teeth stuck out from his upper jaw, his ears were laid against his head showing pain, and his tail swept the ground. “Now focus on being a human again and you’ll change back; no pain.” He thought about being human and changed back with a gasp; he stood hunched over gasping. “That was horrible; my first change wasn’t like that; why?” “True Power’s Form needs your body to be reborn so it is kind of easer on your body, but your body was in a shock like state.” Master Sage explained.
“Ok, courting. Normally you wouldn’t try to court at your age for one reason; you don’t know how to use your Power Trait yet.” “What does that have to do with it?” “When you would court you would use your Power Trait to demonstrate power, you’re at a disadvantage but I can help you. Normally you would learn this by yourself but since you can’t use your Power trait yet I’ll show how to court giving a head start.” Master Sage explained as they walked into the city. “You cannot do it in your mortal cloths; we’ll take care of your attire before then but not right now.”
Sorrow stepped in the sand at Master Sage’s house. “Ok, the first thing you’re going to do is walk up to the princess and ask for her hand, but you do not voice the question, you stop in front of her; do it as I say Sorrow.” Master Sage said beckoning him. “Walk up to me, good. Hold out your hand with your palm facing up and your fingers will be together and facing up slightly.” He did as he was told. “When you do that you will be bowing slightly with the hand you’re not using behind your back.” Learning how to court was time consuming, so many things that were wrong, and the things that were right were hard to remember.
The next couple days were spent training and learning how to court; soon he had the steps mastered as if he had courted before. “The celebration will unlock most of your power, and it will give you a better understanding of you being the next hero.” Master Sage said. “Me? The nest hero?” Sorrow asked shocked. “Yes. You, have been born into the blood of power; our blood line.” “Our blood line?” Sorrow asked. “Where do you think I got the Dragon’s Eye? I can’t be outside of the blood line; I’m your father’s sister.” Sorrow stepped back as if he was just hit. “You are?” “It makes since, does it not?” Master Sage asked. “It does; who else knows?” he asked. “Not very many people, but Master Elken is one of them. We grew up together so we know everything about each other.” “Sorrow! I hear that you are going to court my daughter in s couple days.” King Fellnore said greeting Sorrow. “Yes, I do plan on it; Elken talks highly of her. Being the next hero I guess I’m obligated to it.” Sorrow said with s fake smile. “Well then that puts me to somewhat ease; the reason why I saw that is because Siècle talks about you every day she’s hoping that she will see you on her birthday. Something very important happens on her birthday this very year.” The king said. “Master Sage told me, the celebration takes place.” “Right. I wanted to tell you that you have my blessing. When she hears about this, she’ll be very happy.”
Sorrow was very restless; he paced the forest floor. “Why did you choose me? Why of all people? I’m I not meant to be with the one I do care for?” he said looking up at the sky;
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